Leron Markeis Black’s Updates

Update 6- ways of learning

Teaching an Learning go hand in hand. As teachers we need to be able to know how certain students learn. We need to be able to figure out the best ways to teach our students the best way for them to learn and keep growing. When I was in school this was not always the situation. For some teachers they get completely stuck on their way of teaching an they do not want to change in order to accommodate certain students. We can not be this way as teachers because throughout this course we have learned about different types of learning theories. Every person is different and every student learns differently. These different theories are proof that students have different ways of learning. Some students are able to hear a teacher say certain things and automatically apply it but some students cant. I think we need to separate these students but while separating them we need to make sure that students know its not because somebody is smarter or think better than you they just have different way of learning. Sometimes I think students are separated and they think they are separated because they are not as smart as another student. So when separating students we need to ensure that they are not discouraged just because they are placed in a different class or a different section for learning. I was a student myself that was a visual learner so some things it took me longer to understand but I did not like the way that they separated us as students. Putting the what everybody would say the “smarter” students in one class or one section.