Leron Markeis Black’s Updates

Update 4

Teaching has many different styles and there are multiple ways of getting students to engage and focus on the topic that you are trying to teach. Growing up the best part of the day for my was recces. This is when I was able to enjoy myself and really be the kid that I wanted to be. Another place that I loved as a kid was going to computer class. Going to computer class was very exciting for me as a student because I thought seeing things on the computer was very interesting. I think outside class and virtual reality are two significant ways that teachers can start to get their students more involved. Being able to enjoy school and enjoy the way that you are being taught as a child can help your experience and make you actually want to learn Sitting at a desk all day can get boring and make a student unengaged just because they are bored.

One day I aspire to be a teacher and taking my students outside when there is nice weather is something I am going to try and do as much as possible. Granted taking students outside can be hard to keep them focus but I think if you give them the option to learn outside they will behave. Virtual reality is also a way of teaching that I would be interested on trying but for this to work schools will need to have the funding and the equipment to do this. I think both of these ways will be great for future and present teachers.