Leron Markeis Black’s Updates

Uppdate 2- Growth of technology in learning

Technology has contunied to grow and will keep gorwing each year. Each and evry year there is some type of update or growth in every peice of technology that we use. People have to adapt to the culture that they live in. People who live in America will have to adapt to the extensive about of use in technology. In America we use techology so much and learn how to use so many different types of technology it help grow our learning process. It teaches what pur learning process is. For some people they need you to physical walk them through steps and show them how to use technology for other people you can just explain it to them and they will have it down. I think this learning process can be used for finding out how children learn in school. If you were to implimant technology and the use of technology it could futher the study of how studnets learn. I talked about the amount of technology that is used in schools in my first update I talked about how it will contunie to grow and how many new ways technology is goign to be used. So of coarse the use of technology will grow in schools this means students learning process will be shown. 

Using our phones we get updates on apps etc. This has helped people to learn how to use technology and learned how technolgy grows and how you have to adapt to the technology that you are using. Me personally I hate when my phone updates but I have to adapt to the update if I want to contunie using my phone. I think technology will contunie to grow and people will keep adapting and learing. 
