Leron Markeis Black’s Updates

Update 1- Technology in Education


This is a video that I found online that refers to children in technology. This video gives a few areas where technology will cotunie to grow in the classroom. This video shows how far technology has grown and how much technology will contunie to grow. This video shows five different ways in which technology will change. Holograms, vitual reality, 3D printing, and Icloud. The program that I think will have the most affect right away is the Icloud. Studnets being able to use Icloud to save their books and pull their books up on laptops, iphones, and ipads will make school alot easier just beccause they will not ave to carry around those big heavy books. In college I have noticed this has already started and more students are trying to find their class books online so they dont have to carry books aound campus. In order for this change to happen in grade school, think schools will need to start allowing electronics used more. In my grade school years electronics were not allowd I dont know if this has changed yet but in order for studnets to be able to use icloud for books this rule will have to change. 

As far as the other topics of technology that will change I think they will be more effective when it comes to online classes. I'm not sure how many grade school have online classes but I know that these other topics will help advance online classes. Having holograms and 3D rpinters will make it easy for online teachers to have more affects on their classes. Getting all these update in schools will make it so that you really dont even need a class teacher in the classroom teaching because their will be holograms and 3D printers. These updates to the classroom I think will affet children in major ways. I think that students will loose their ability to work and talk to the real world. I think children still need to interact will people because thats soemthing I think our young children are already loosing their ability to live in the real world. 

  • Tiffany Davis