Qing He’s Updates

Update 2: New Sharing Technics - Seesaw

See saw is a student driven learning portfolio on mobile devices. It encourages students to independently document what they learned at school and share it with parents, classmates and teachers. Students can capture learning with photos and videos of their work, or by adding digital creations. This is a image of the app interface showing what students can do with this app.


This used the old pedagogical idea of taking notes for class content and put specific students on the spot to share their ideas. We had students to read their works to the whole class or post their drawings on the wall. However, this app allows all students to share their idea without being under spotlight and awkward. There are more freedom for their note taking. The video, image and other availibilities assist students to complement their thoughts regarding to the class content. The advantage of this app is that students have the control of what they need to capture and what they want to share. They can choose not to share if they are not satisfied with their works, therefore they could be more confident to themself because they gain positive comments from others.

Teachers can also receive and collect students' homeworks remotely. When students add to their Seesaw journal, content is uploaded, organized by student, and immediately accessible to teachers from any device. This is just the old pedagogical tech of handing homework to teachers. This can help teachers, students and parents to share works and see students' prograss over time. 


The essential idea is to build community that students can help each other to improve through sharing and comments. Differenciate from the old ways, the sharing and leaving comments won't take long time anymore, and the class time is not the only time students would like to talk about study anymore. The feeling of being in the community would encourage students to spend time on it at home. They will study harder in order to build a nice portfolio.