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HOW DO I JOIN OCCULT TO BE RICH FAMOUS POWERFUL FOR MONEY SUCCESS I WANNA JOIN OCCULT TO BE RICH AND FOR MONEY RITUAL IN NIGERIA OR GHANA, JOIN THIS SECRET SOCIETY OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY AND BE FREE FROM POVERTY TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME INTO REALITY I WANT TO DO MONEY RITUAL TO MAKE MONEY AND BE RICH AND WEALTHY CALL ME NOW YOU WANT TO JOIN SECRET OCCULT CALL ME ON TO BE RICH AND POWERFUL IN LIFE. People make life difficult for their self , we are in the world were everything is in control , i was living a life of poverty and pains, i never new there was a life be young that, but right now i enjoyed every dividend of life , am rich famous , powerful, i live a life with out no stress, but all this was a surprise for any body who want riches famous and power,then you have the chance to do that, join the GREAT SHAKURA BROTHERHOOD occult today to get riches and wealth as membership blessing contact +2348164468154 membership is free, no human sacrifice or bloodshed. you are welcome to the land of riches and power where your dreams shall come to pass, Shake hands with the spirit of money and enjoy a lifetime of wealth, luxury and extravagance. Live large as you’ve always wished.I WANT TO JOIN REAL SECRET OCCULT FOR MONEY RITUAL AND TO BE RICH POWERFUL AND FAMOUS WELCOME TO SHAKURA BROTHERHOOD, The Club of the Rich and Famous; is the world oldest and largest fraternity made up of 3 Millions Members.We are one Family under one father who is the Supreme Being. In SHAKURA BROTHERHOOD we believe that we were born in paradise and no member should struggle in this world. Hence all our new members are given Money Rewards once they join in order to upgrade their lifestyle.; interested viewers should contact us; on.. or call . +2348164468154 Incredible wealth and fortune will be yours once you are initiated into the SHAKURA BROTHERHOOD OCCULT!! you will be rich beyond your wildest dreams! You have nothing to fear and are in no danger by joining the BROTHERHOOD. It will bestow upon you great material wealth, riches, influence, powers and business opportunities. Money will come to you from unexpected sources!! Don't wait!! You can be living the life you always dreams of with the help of the SHAKURA BROTHERHOOD interested viewers should contact us; on.. or call . FOR MONEY RITUAL, WEALTH, FORTUNE, RICHES, INFLUENCE, POWER, SUCCESS AND PROTECTION, JOIN THE SHAKURA BROTHERHOOD OCCULT AND SHAKE HANDS WITH OUT LORD SHANKARA OBAKUTA THE GODS OF WEALTH AND RICHES. Its 2018, the age of civilization, enlightenment and technological advancement, and many old Occult and cultures that had ruled have been set aside, but the one thing that still links us with our forefathers is the great lengths we still go to make money. Money rules the day, but while our forefathers had more traditional means of making money, we have developed much more modern styles of making money. Many of us believe that the age of "Money Rituals" is over, but I am sorry to bust your bubble because it still exists in different shapes and sizes. What's the definition of a Money ritual? Money Rituals are practices by some people who believe they can create wealth for individuals with the use of spells, charms, and sacrifices Money rituals can be traced to various parts of Africa, but it can also be seen in many countries such as India, nigeria, ghana and even the west, where people use animals for (sacrifices) without no body effect or human organs of their body, The result of all this is usually seen as "Blood Money" and was commonly attributed to different traditional Gods such as Obakuta (The spirit of wealth), Shankara (The god of thunder), e.t.c. Many people over the years have visited the temple of the SHAKURA and today they are living in luxury life, and the news of people that have been successful as a member is over the place. Why do you have to sell your kidneys for ipads, iphones and treasure, why not save your time and join the moving train today without no human blood or fresh, joining the the SHAKURA BROTHERHOOD in Nigeria brings you into the land of the riches where all heart desires is guarantee in two days and do what your mate would not do and be in real cash and travel to any part of the world ers should contact us; on.. or call +2348164468154 The SHAKURA Brotherhood is the only organization of its kind in the world today, a real secret society for real people. It does not restrict its membership solely to those born into wealth, privilege and power, but opens the doors of fraternal friendship to those who desire and need most to overcome the limitations of their past circumstances. Through superior knowledge.

Is someone standing in your way, preventing you from fulfilling your dreams or getting what you want? When all other tactics fail, you can join the Shakura secret occult to bring about the outcome you desire. Our rituals is fueled by powerful forces and spirits. Although money is not necessary for you to experience things, money and freedom mean the same thing. And at core of who we are, there is an awareness of our right to freedom, which is why our relationship to money is one of the main themes in our life experience. Therefore, it is not surprising that we all have such strong feelings about money. Are you feeling sick, weak or experience an overall lack of energy? Do you need to solve your current situation or problem with the help of magic because all other solutions have failed? Try to solve your problems with us, we're looking forward to hearing from you! Shakura rituals for Prosperity Business Support and Success Spells What is real success? It is permanent life in satisfaction, balance and happiness! The Shakura ritual of prosperity, or magic of success and money, can help your business to spread its wings. In order to achieve, what you desire, we can assist you in making difficult business decisions. Many times, a business is about spending hours at work, including your weekends. This is very energy demanding way of life and therefore, we can increase your energy level, so that you can follow your dreams. What if your business is going in the wrong direction? Sometimes you feel that even though you may seem to do your best, things are not improving. Your confidence fades away. Do not worry and concentrate on your business! We can help you to find out the reasons of your failures and focus you on solving of your problems. How to attract success New way of thinking 4 steps towards more money Ritual for success We can support you through magic of success, magical rituals for money and wealth rituals. But be aware, that the real reason you want success, money and wealth, is your inner desire to be happy and safe. Don't wait to be happy, when your dreams come true one day… instead of that, while pursuing your dreams, choose to be happy here and now and be always aware, who you really are. Prosperity Magic How to attract success Do you ever feel like somethings happen for a reason? Like there are some people that are just more 'lucky' or they seem to get all what they want and have more chances than others? These happenings are not coincidences. Theses "lucky" people do things differently than others. Their "luck" is the result of their clear visions what they want (which attracts the right things), their focus on what they want (they don't waste time, do just one thing till they get what they want), and active behaviour: careful planning and action. We can help you to achieve your goals, get those breaks, and be one of the 'lucky' ones. Let us help you make your dreams come true. Success often depends on „fortuitous“ meeting and „fortuitous“ unexpectedly opened possibilities. Chances are here for everyone! The question is, how to attract things, which we want and how to make things work for us, not against us. Albert Einstein said: „There are no fortuities. God doesn’t play dice.“ The power achieved from the rituals of money and success can open doors, which you think you would never open alone. We can support you with energy transfers and with our magic rituals, so that you don’t just work hard, but your well-being grows steadily and you have a chance to achieve, what you want. We can say that every human is a Mage. We can say this, because everybody attracts that kind of reality, which s/he has in his/her attention. Our thoughts, attention and also consciousness are energies. Winners never give up after one failure (or twenty failures), because they believe and feel, that it is just a matter of time to get what they want. They are positive about their desires and they never doubt, weather they can achieve something or not! This topic is explained very concisely in the following books: Esther and Jerry Hicks - Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness Neale Donald Walsch – Happier than God Wayne W. Dyer - Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting So, as it was said, person who wishes success or wealth should think about them. One should think of what s/he wishes, not of what s/he doesn't wish. Even the poorest person in the world has one freedom: to decide, what thoughts s/he will feed and cultivate in his/her mind. Good thoughts and gratitude attracts good things to life. Fears, doubts and miserable thoughts attract exactly, what we don't want. For example, one can think positively about a future, in which he/she earns enough money. The other can think of lack of money and bother him/herself with bad feelings. The first one will attract wealth, the second one the lack of wealth. Of course, in theory it is easy to say and in practice not easy to achieve. We will teach you some meditation techniques, which can help you to direct your thoughts in right way. In order to deal with your thoughts and feelings, with yourself, you need of course some practice and endurance. Find out more and contact us! Magic of Money and Success A new way of thinking Magic of money and magic of success help you to get quickly accustomed to new way of thinking. With the help of magic will quickly appear new business possibilities and better paid working possibilities; and this will make a change in your life. Everyone has the right to successful and fulfilled life and the magic can help you to fulfil this dream. With the help of magic of money and magic of success, you will feel more energy and inspiration on the one hand; on the other hand you will become well- balanced, peaceful and naturally self-confident. Magic creates a new chance. But Magic needs some basic, through witch it flows. And this basis is your own activity (psychical and physical). Magic is the key, which opens the door. But it has to be you, who walk through that door and win, what is prepared there for you! 4. Steps towards money and success Statistics show us, that the lack of money and financial problems are the main reasons for a divorce and ending relationships in general. And, experience also shows us, that people with good living standard are able to find a partner much easier than people with financial problems. Here are some tips, what to do to improve your financial situation: 1. Build positive relationship towards money! Many people want and try to be good, but unconsciously think: "Money spoil one's character, money are dirty, if someone has money, he has to be vicious!" If are these ideas also in your head, you can hardly expect, that you will become rich. It is important to know, that the money are simply the energy. They are not positive or negative. People make them positive or negative with their activities. If you want to earn more money, you need to change your attitudes towards money (you can try to use also tools like hypnosis or meditation). You can say and experience it within:“I am attracting the abundance of money. This energy of abundance is good and I like to attract good things.” 2. Build your prosperity strategy on knowledge. Nowadays, it is hardly possible to earn a lot of money by doing simple jobs and manual activities. Everything, what can be automatised, will be automatised and more and more jobs are done by robots and automatic machines. So, the simple jobs like taxi driver or booking clerk will vanish. The only way, how to earn more money, is to have or know something, what others don't have and they want it. To be an expert is certain area. If you want to invest money, invest them into your own education. There are many possibilities of education, and internet enables us to study also online. 3. Create a clear direction, where you want to go. In general, it is always useful to invest your time into learning foreign languages. English language is a must, and its importance will grow further. If you know english well, learn another language, which you find attractive, learn design or psychology, or mechanical engineering. Just don't stop learning something new all the time. With learning, you meet new people, get new inspiring ideas, make your perspective broader. This way, you can get wonderful business ideas too. Your way to earning lots of money will be easier, if you do, what you like and enjoy. There are lots of people, who did'n achieve anything just because they did something in order to earn lots of money. One should do it differently. Do, what you like and what gives you a meaning. Unfortunately, there are too many people, who don't know, what they want. There are two strategies, how to find out, what you want. First strategy: imagine, that you have on your account 300.000.000 dollars. What will you do? This way, many people get an idea, what would they do: "If I have lots of money, I would spend my days on the beach, surfing. Or, I would write a books, or have a farm with horses". Many times you can do these activities also without profound investments, or you can start planning, what would you need, in order to get what you want. If you want to write a book, it is no problem to sit down and write one hour a day on computer. Second strategy: imagine, that you died. What would you like to hear people saying at your funeral? What message would you like to give to the world? What is worthy to remember? The most important thing is to start doing something despite of lack of time or money. Just do it because it gives a meaning to my life. I recommend you to read this book: „The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing“ by Bronnie Ware. 4. If you know, what you want, do it professionally and perfectly. Who is my target group? What are the problems and needs of these people? If you don't exactly know, ask them. Invest into marketing, so that people know about you, build a platform, where your potential clients find answers to their questions and needs. It is necessary to do your business professionally. Later, it will create you a profit. Simple ritual for success and money Shakura ritual You will need: one golden candle, one dark green candle. They represent business and money. Then you will need orange oil and Patchouli oil. Best time for the ritual: for money and success spell is best time period of waxing moon till full moon, days Thursday or Sunday. Ritual instructions: Spread oils on both candles. Start in the middle of the candle and move to the upper edge, let fingers loose the candle. Then, again, move from the upper part to the middle and continue to the lower part. Place dark green candle to the left and golden candle to the right side. Light up dark green candle and then golden candle. Then, say aloud your wish. Wish should be formulated in positive way and said in present time, as if it has already come true. After saying your desire, concentrate as strong as possible on your wish, visualise it so that you can see it in front of you clearly. Then, leave the candles burn down completely. With the help of Power and prosperity magic, you can achieve everything your deeper self desires. With the support of our energies you will have power to become successful. Talk with us! More rituals for magic and success. Contact us Mobile: +234 8164468154 Email : This is an ancient secret possessed by a few and helpful to fewer individuals who have the heart to take the first step and the courage to attain prosperity in a world that, independent of your will, forces out there and people you know are bent on making you fail and fail again. It is a privilege to be associated with this Fraternity, as since it was secretly formed in Edo in 1996, its members have dominated the economic, political, entertainment, health, legal and academic sectors of the sub-Saharan Africa, especially Nigeria. You must know this: every king needs a prophet. A reality that is reminiscent of this in our time is that every success is backed by an altar. Every great achievement you can see around you was first set in motion by means of spirituality. Therefore, if wealth is what you earnestly desire in life, you are at the right place. But beware: there are many fake fraternities on the internet, who capitalize on the desperation of people to defraud them. They ask you to send them money for this and that, and even require registration and consultation fees from you. They are fake, unreal; they are groups and individuals who have nothing doing to earn a living. So, beware. Good fortune is what we offer you and silver and gold come from us. Material riches and earthly greatness are an identification mark of our members, and everlasting prosperity is a blessing we generously give. And as an initiate member of this Secret Occult, in abundance shall we bestow them upon you. However, anybody that imitates this Fraternity or defrauds unsuspecting aspiring members with our name, the Egregore of this Occult shall torment and terrorize him, leaving him in a condition of better dead than alive. Azazel shall come after him and Behemoth shall stand on his way; Balaam shall twist his paths and Yama shall possess his soul. Use your hidden powers to win the world, Shakura secret occult,Become rich without ritual sacrifices and grief..::..Crush down all hindrances facing your life..::..Embrace natural health and divine blessings..::..Know about your future and be able to change it. Avoid divorce in your marriage..::..Restore your positive life & regain all opportunities..::..Avoid sex in dreams with known or unknown persons..::..Make breakthrough in everything you set your hands on..::..Prevent demonic interference in your life and business..::..Be sound in health both spiritually, physically and financially...CHARMS, Ageless Beauty, Business Success, Commanding Tone,Contract Approval, Cross with chain Talisman,Emperor Talisman to ward off Evil, Examination Success, Invite Cash in Your Pocket, Kings Power Ladder Talisman, Love / Marriage Success , Lucky Planet Power, Money Magnetism, Money Success, Protection, Spirit Charm, The Shakura ancient Mysterious, Rosary and Yantra, The Necromancy Talisman, The Regency Talisman, Universal Power Talisman, Victory Charm, Visa Approval and more. We demand no early personal death of our members or any human parts as a prerequisite for becoming a member. All we need from you is to adhere unconditionally to the tenets of this Brotherhood; preserve the secrets which shall be unveiled to you during your initiation; and only when you demand for such, we shall take your enemy for sacrifice, not your loved one. True to our tradition, we do not hurt our members or their loved ones. True home-spawn deities do not take the very indigenes that they are meant to protect for sacrifice; neither do they take their loved ones. They only require the blood of outcasts and strangers, especially those in proven enmity to their people. As a pastor, if your ministry has failed to make progress despite how long you have prayed, this occult shall make you shine like a star. After your initiation, we shall give you the seven-page Invocation Book of the Order of the Shakura Secret Occult which you shall read naked at midnight for fourteen days before leaving the Temple, and thereafter whatever you speak must happen and whenever you preach the Bible, the message must permeate even the heart of stone, and by looking on the forehead of a person, our spiritual mirror shall appear to show you a panorama of the past lifestyle and a prognostication about the future of the person. You shall cure all diseases and perform miracles that will startle every living soul. By so doing, you shall become famous, wealthy and celebrated, even as we shield you maximally from attacks and temptations. As a business person, by becoming a member of this Fraternity, you shall attract favors from all corners. Anybody that competes with you shall have our Avenging Lord of the Sea, Dragon, to contend with, and bad market and too many troubles shall force him out of business. As an initiate member of this Fraternity, you shall grow and expand with many branches and begin to make on daily basis what you used to earn per annul. We shall wash your face, hands, and anoint you with Midas touch, so that whatsoever your hands touch must surely produce millions within weeks. If for any reason anybody rises in opposition to any of our members or becomes envious of the prosperity which we have bestowed upon him, we shall never allow the person breath again. We shall come after him with iron and with fire; with the sun and with stones; the earth shall turn against him and even air shall refuse to come to his breath. It is therefore suicidal to curse anybody who we have blessed, it has been so since our existence. As a musician, if you want to start waxing and reigning, it is very simple and easy for your dream to materialize. Become a member of the Fraternity, and we shall give our oil of the Seductive Sanctuary of Namaah which after licking it during your initiation, any ear that hears your voice must fall in love with it. Our ring with you shall attract song promoters, producers, marketers, celebrity magazines and show organizers to you, and they shall offer to pay amount you want to have you sing for them. People shall rush your albums and millions of copies shall be sold in weeks. This will begin to happen immediately after your initiation, our rituals manifest immediately. If you are an actor or actress, we shall wash your face so that movie producers and many movie awards that will even overwhelm you shall start coming. Any writer that is our member is first asked to submit his/her manuscript to us after writing it, and after performing the necessary Grigorian rituals, the book shall sell tremendously; it shall win international awards and must excite and fascinate anybody who reads it. For a politician who wants power to win every election or to be securing political appointments, this Fraternity is the giver of political power. Governors, senators and godfathers shall be calling you to take positions, and they shall sponsor you to offices till the end of your active political life. If you are a lawyer, by becoming an initiate member of this Fraternity and getting our ring, your voice shall become exceedingly eloquent in the courtroom, whatever position you maintain must be seen to be valid on the point of law, and you shall win every case you handle. In this way, everybody shall get to know you, and millionaires shall pay millions to have you as their advocate, money will become your slave. Whatever your profession is, by becoming an initiate member of this Brotherhood, you shall be on top and have great powers to make your wishes manifest, even as wealth shall be bestowed on you, your wealth is in your arms. But in case you are above twenty-four years and still do not have anything as profession, we shall admit and initiate you after thorough screening and monitoring which shall be independent of your knowledge. If you scale through, we shall, through divination, let you know the area in which you shall excel best; our already wealthy members shall then have a responsibility to raise capital for you, while our contacts in and permeation of governments and agencies shall ensure that you acquire an enabling environment to thrive instantly, money will start working for you. There are some persons that have many other problems but may not want to be initiated into our Brotherhood. We can help you nevertheless, while you make a vow to do one thing of your choice for us when your wish is granted. The people in this category are mainly sick persons, students that want to excel, ladies that are looking for husbands and women that are looking for children. We can help you free of charge. With us every lady can and must have a husband and every woman must have children. But through the actions of the persons concerned or those of their enemies, such beautiful things have been denied them. However, if you are having any of these problems, you are welcome. For ladies, we are not just going to unbind you and a husband will come your way, we shall wash and cleanse you so that men with different dimensions of wealth, different outlooks of handsomeness; men that will love you truly and forever will flood your life for you to choose the best for you. If bareness is your problem, then let us know and you shall still have as many responsible and prosperous children as you wish there is no barren woman in our group and can never be. Our signs, symbols, emblems and greeting patterns shall be unveiled to initiate members alone during their initiation. It may amaze you to discover that the wealthiest man in your town is from us, or that your boss in the office is our member. Are you in need of wealth? Are you thinking of giving up to be ridiculed and scorned by your adversaries? Does it seem you are fated to doom and poverty? Is it a curse or are you the cause? Have you failed as many times as you have ever attempted to succeed? Do you have a high need for achievement? Are they saying you will never give birth to a child again and for that you weep and sob when others sleep? Is it a good husband that your heart craves for? Then, are you eager to change it and attain whatever your heart yearns for in life? This can be done just in a matter of days. The sun shall no longer scorch you by the day; neither shall grief take hold of your heart by the night. Greatness is more deeply rooted in the nature of humans than failure. Life has a beautiful destiny that justifies every little sacrifice to which it is called. And today you are blessed to come across this, which many will never see till they are dead and committed to the grave. Shakura secret occult in Edo, Nigeria can make your dreams come true in life. Human weapons never kill our members; accidents are alien to us. Charms do not work against us; neither do hard times afflict us. We wax without wane, for jackals may howl in the field, but up above shine the stars. Around all those that embrace us, the Order of the Shakura Occult shall be a cloak, and prosperity, peace and power shall they possess. Shakura Secret Occult was Founded on February 3, 1994 c.e. by Mugard Keeda, we are the first above-ground organization in history openly dedicated to the acceptance of Man’s true nature—that of a carnal beast, living in a cosmos that is indifferent to our existence. To us, Satan is the symbol that best suits the nature of we who are carnal by birth—people who feel no battles raging between our thoughts and feelings, we who do not embrace the concept of a soul imprisoned in a body. He represents pride, liberty, and individualism—qualities often defined as Evil by those who worship external deities, who feel there is a war between their minds and emotions. As Mugard explained in his classic work, Man—using his brain—invented all the Gods, doing so because many of our species cannot accept or control their personal egos, feeling compelled to conjure up one or a multiplicity of characters who can act without hindrance or guilt upon whims and desires. All Gods are thus externalized forms, magnified projections of the true nature of their creators, personifying aspects of the universe or personal temperaments which many of their followers find to be troubling. Worshipping any God is thus worshipping by proxy those who invented that God. Since the Shakura Family understands that all Gods are fiction, instead of bending a knee in worship to—or seeking friendship or unity with—such mythical entities, he places himself at the center of his own subjective universe as his own highest value. We The Shakura Family are thus our own “Gods,” and as beneficent “deities” we can offer love to those who deserve it and deliver our wrath (within reasonable limits) upon those who seek to cause us—or that which we cherish—harm. THE TRUTH MUST BE TOLD BECAUSE NO RELIGION IS HIGHER THAN THE TRUTH! The following articles provide proof that everything in the Christian religion and in the bible has been STOLEN from other religions that predated it from all around the world. Christianity is a tool for removing spiritual/occult knowledge from the populace so this power can be kept in the hands of a few to manipulate and enslave the masses. To really understand the Bible and see the truth, one must be very well educated in the occult. The mass mind is very powerful. When one studies long enough and acquires advanced knowledge of the occult, the truth is utterly shocking. The entire Judeo/Christian Bible is a hoax of catastrophic proportions with a very clear objective using subliminal means and the channeled psychic energy of believers. Whenever Christianity or its cohorts took control of a country or region, the ancient spiritual texts and records were removed and/or destroyed and those who had spiritual knowledge were mass murdered by the Inquisition. This took out of circulation the very knowledge those in power have used and still use to manipulate the ignorant population using spiritual/occult power. The Bible is one of the most powerful subliminal tools used by a select few to enslave the masses. Most people are unaware of this because they lack knowledge regarding the occult, thought power, and psychic energy. The powers that be work to reinforce the belief that the occult, powers of the mind and spirit are nonsense or just plain bunk. Destroying the ancient records allowed an alternative invented "history" to be written which has disconnected humanity from its true origins. Controlling history is important because if one manipulates how people see what we call the past, this influences the present and the future. The entire Bible is an extremely powerful subliminal tool full of occult numbers, messages, allegories, and stolen material, which has been corrupted from ancient religions. In addition, this book has been infused with psychic energy and power to instill fear and to make it believable. When one's eyes are opened and one has the necessary knowledge, the *spell* will no longer be effective. The entire underlying theme of the Judeo/Christian Bible is the establishment of the fictitious history of the Jewish people in the mass mind. What the mass mind believes has power and the energy to make manifest in reality as thoughts are energy There are vacuum-sealed vaults in the Vatican library containing thousands upon thousands of ancient esoteric books from around the world that have been stolen and hoarded over the years and kept out of public circulation. The Catholic Church, which is the root of the Christian religion, is controlled by a secret society that has abused occult power to enslave the masses. The end goal is the total enslavement of humanity, which they have worked towards relentlessly and ruthlessly. All of this has directly affected each and every one of us. Humanity has suffered unnecessarily because of the denial of this knowledge. People have been coerced over the centuries into paying for their own damnation to the tune of billions and billions of dollars to keep this lie prospering and continuing strong. The survival and prosperity of this vicious hoax on humanity requires only ONE thing- A LACK OF KNOWLEDGE! Contrary to what most people have been indoctrinated with, Judaism, Christianity and Islam are relatively new religions. Humanity goes back tens of thousands of years. These three have worked relentlessly to keep us from spiritual/occult knowledge and using this power, of which all of us have. These so-called "religions" are built upon murder, torture, and lies and the only way any lie of this magnitude can survive is to create more and more lies and destroy the peoples who know the truth. Christianity is nothing more than a program. There is nothing religious or spiritual about it. Millions of people suffer depression, hopelessness, and confusion about life. The soul needs light and very few know this or actively practice the power meditation that will literally "save" their own souls. Because of a lack of knowledge and ignorance of the occult, Humanity as a whole has been placed under a powerful spell using occult power and indoctrinated not to question, concerning these three so-called "religions." This has been reinforced by centuries of Christians being duped into supplying their psychic energy and souls to be channeled into perpetuating this lie, which in the end, will only benefit a select few. Contact us Mobile: +234 8164468154 Email : JOIN SECRET OCCULT FOR STUPENDIOUS WEALTH, JOIN REAL MEN THAT MATTERS IN THE SOCIETY USE YOUR HIDDEN POWERS TO MAKE MONEY BECOME RICH OVERNIGHT, OUR RITUALS WORK FASTER TO ANY OTHER RITUAL IN AFRICA YOU WANT TO JOIN OCCULT FOR MONEY RICHES, AND POWER? CONTACT THIS TEMPLE TODAY FOR ALL KINDS OF RITUAL. TO THE TRUE SEEKER OF THE UNKNOWN. years back i was like you, seeking the unknown. finally it came to me and consumed me. what you seek is no joke dear. you are about to become a part of a DARK WORLD that knows no rules other than "WILL". you think you need this, you think you are ready but i tell you, no one is equipped to face the unknown for it is older than time. CHOOSE WISELY YOUR NEXT STEP! Join the Shakura occult society for fortune, progress sucess in business, promotion in your office and many more. It's a promise if you can really get yourself involve in this Kingdom what ever that is your heart desire must be granted onto you, you will be among the people that maters in this world. This is your time to make your family proud and be happy again in life don't miss this opportunity because it only comes but once we are here to build your future and make your dreams come true and note that poverty is like a motor without engine which is like a disease in human life and you have to be aware that nothing good comes easily make your decision today and change your life, we are known as the Great Shakura Brotherhood high temple in Edo state, and we look forward to welcome you into our kingdom of wealth and power where dreams are archived to join. For those of you who were raised in Christian homes, or were atheists, this intensity of spirituality may be believing there is no other way to success accept Christianity, but that is a big lie. believe me Shakura secret occult lead to success without human sacrifice or evil rituals. Unfortunately, the Christian Church has prevented many in the way of freedom of the press and free speech, especially for those of the left hand path over the years. Some pastors is the major threat to many who wish to retain control, riches and spiritual powers as for our family this riches and powers is in the hands of the common man. Your wealth is in your arms and your progress is in your palms. Occult has been deliberately suppressed and followers have been severely persecuted. Some fake religions have been free to promote their own lies and horror stories about occult. Most right hand path religions are based upon stolen and false practices. As to those Christians who pray and keep praying with no answers, Shakura family get instant answers and I don't mean twenty years later, but instantly! Note that joining The Shakura secret occult brings you into the limenlight of the world in which you live in today. Your financial difficulties are brought to an end. We support you both financially and materially to ensure you live a comfortable life. It does not matter which part of the world you live in. From the United States down to the most remote part of the earth, we bring you all you want. Being an illiterate or a literate is not a barrier to being a millionaire between today till the end of your life. You being in this blog today signifies that it was ordered and arranged by the great lord shanga that from now on, you are about to be that real and independent human you have always wished you were. We don't discriminate if you are white or black. Join us today and become rich, powerful, connected and famous in all your life. There exist a world where the sun never shines. A world known to be the home of the lost loved ones. A world that can be accessed but not escapable. This is the world I was born into. My world is dead, and all my friends are immortals, Traveling through time in search of the only thing you truly own. why not start now building a brighter future ahead for you and your next generation by joining this occult in Nigeria or Ghana? MANKIND IS PERFECT BUT CREATION IS NOT, THE EVIL OF THE WORLD IS JUST MAN'S REACTION TO THE MISTAKE OR EVIL GOD CREATED. The Shakura secret occult members worldwide as people who have seen the light, we are the light of the world and our practice are transparent. Shakura Occult is our native culture which is even supported by some Bible version and Quran. On the recent developments in Shakura Occult to the good leadership quality and The Paramount Ruler of the Shakura brotherhood Fraternity Worldwide, and other Supreme Executives for their interest to promote our forefathers culture. We call on countries, London,African, Nigeria,Ghana,south africa and all over the world to embrace a meaningful transition with one mind, to serve lord of Shakura group in truth and in spirit. It is high time for African and all over the world to embrace Shakura brotherhood Occult, because our Occult cares for all members and other individuals. The era when people practice occult society the way it pleases them has gone. Civilization has been introduced to the fraternity but truth, justice, peace, fairness and discipline being practiced did not change. However, we called on World to embrace peoples Shakura brotherhood as the only Occult that can save us from our present predicaments. He described Christianity and Islam as foreign religions that have nothing to offer. Shakura occult have always been both venerated and feared throughout the world, but perhaps none so much as in Hindu, Tantric and African traditions. What are the Naga? They are the Lords of ancient times, more akin to the Orishas of Santeria than to the remote gods of Olympus. And, like the Orishas, they are far more accessible. magic is more than a mythic and historical account of the Naga. It is also a 'Grimoire' of practical and spiritual rituals. spirits are seen everywhere in African iconography and practices, but because of the extremely ancient and 'grass roots' origin of their worship, they are only rarely mentioned in traditional religious texts. This parallels the prehistoric worship of similar spirits across the ancient world in many places under many names. In most Eastern and Western animist or African traditions,demigods are positive beings manifesting as spiritual guardians. Often these spirits are associated with springs, rivers, lakes and oceans as well as the numinous chthonian world below, as are the Shakura secret occult. wisdom has the power to enlighten us about the ancient, often forgotten spirits, their magick rituals and their place in helping us to heal Nature. Whether you wish to learn the history and mythos of the Spirits, or if you wish to work directly with these luminous beings, Magic provides unique access to the power and wisdom of the Lords. PEOPLES CLUB Magick includes many Illustrations and an extensive Glossary. Do you want to have a Super-Power, riches, wealth and protection, what Super-Power would you want to have? What propels you, what propels us all to consider greater limitlessness, whether for ourselves or humanity, and beyond, at large? Longing for infinity is at the core of every living being, constant from their, from our inception into life, into the Universe, to our greatest fulfillment, constant right along with our pursuit of happiness. Going beyond what we have become, reaching from where we are towards greater subtleties is innate with all beings, and having attained human form, we have extraordinarily greater potentiality, and capabilities to actualize, magnificent thresholds of being, both physically and especially internally, psychically. Shakura occult powers are imaginable because, for the most part, they are achievable. We imagine them because the capability for achieving them, the architecture of their potentiality is awake within our being, our pursuit of infinity awakening us to such capabilities. Living in an extremely materialistic era, more often than not we invent machines to do what we can also do psychically, When we are deeply and constantly in love with someone, we also remote view their well being when we are physically away or perceive foreshadowing of possible events regarding ourselves or our loved ones. Do you want wealth.? Do you you want riches? Do you want life improvement? ALL THESE WILL BECOME YOURS ONCE YOU BECOME A MEMBER OF THE GREAT SHAKURA SECRET OCCULT. What are the Shakura Occult Powers? 1)- ability to become very little, to reduce the vibration of the mind to penetrate an atom and know the secrets of subatomic structure. Shakura occult reducing one's psychic existence into a small point and then transforming it into a minimum entity. One may understand anything and everything by entering into each and every physical particle and becoming one with the different waves of expressions and emanations, by dancing with the waves of objects and ideas. This occult power acquired through positive microvita is called an'ima'. The only way to understand these subtle entities is to increase one's powers of perception through spiritual practices. 2) Shakura Occult' -- ability to become very great, more immense than anything in this expressed uni verse, including the universe itself. Mahima' means vastness. With the help of positive microvita, the mind can expand to become vast, superlatively vast. Its radius may encompass the entire universe and so we acquire ideas about many different subjects without reading books. In this way, too, we may feel our oneness with the varied entities of this universe -- unity in variety, unity in diversity. By associating our benevolent thoughts with each and every entity, we will contribute to universal progress and prosperity. 3) Laghima' -- ability to become very light, to walk on water, to think oneself anywhere in the universe. Achieved by controlling the psychic centre between the man'ipu'ra and ana'hata cakras, controlling the combination of fire and air. Laghima' makes the mind light, free from the bondage of so many liabilities. This carefree mind, freed from so many fetters and bondages, can understand and think clearly. So by dint of this occult power, one may understand any idea, subtle or crude, abstract or concrete. Unless you understand how much pain and sorrow is accumulated in other's minds, how many tears well up in their eyes, and anguish in their hearts, you cannot completely alleviate their sorrows and sufferings. Through laghima, your own mind becomes unburdened so you can clearly appreciate and respect others' lives. 4) Pra'pti -- ability to get or create whatever is desired; whatever is thought is immedi ately materialized. Pra'pti means helping oneself and helping the souls of so many people to acquire and be benefited by the grace of the Supreme Consciousness. 5) Iishitva -- ruling capacity, ability to understand all the entities of the universe, to direct and witness their actions. Achieved by controlling the upper portion of vishuddha cakra. Iishitva – Iish means to guide and administer. Iishitva enables the spiritual aspirant to guide other people who suffer from different causes. So many people in this world are crying in pain and agony. So many miseries and afflictions paralyse both physically and mentally. lishitva enables one to correctly lead afflicted humanity to their physical progress and psychic well-being. 6) Vashitva ability to bring under control, to unify forces, to create new life, to make the dead rise. Achieved by controlling the upper portion of a'jina' cakra. Vashitva means to keep everything under control and properly regulated for the welfare of all beings. In order to bring people goaded by defective ideas to the path of optimal greatness, vashitva is necessary. If people work haphazardly and do not follow conscientious path, they cannot be expected to establish a state of welfare for all. So if you really want to help people, you will have to inspire and influence them in a positive way, and then direct them along the right path to their goal. 7)Praka'myam -- ability to take the form of anything. Achieved by controlling the psychic center just below a'jina' cakra. Praka'mya means the ability to accomplish whatever one desires, to translate wish into reality disposed to promote universal welfare, to bring light to the entire universe. Through this occult power, spiritual aspirants acquire the capacity to serve the entire world. 8) ability to see into the inner nature of any entity; penetrating vision. Antarya'mitva is to enter the ectoplasmic or endoplasmic structure of others and thereby to know their pain and pleasures, their hopes, aspirations and longings and to guide them properly. It is somewhat like transmigration of the soul. Regarding this occult power, spiritual cult alone will not suffice -- it requires the special grace of Parama Purusa. He usually does not give this power to sadhakas because if they do not possess universal love, it can be abused for personal gains. Baba explained that this power makes the mind so subtle that it can enter the intra- and inter-ectoplasmic mind stuff of every individual as well as the collective human society. Some subordinate siddhis, many of which are within one or more of the above characteristics, include Door Sharavan, remote audience, to hear from You Door Darshan, remote viewing, to see from afar Manoveg, travel fast as thought Kaamroop, assume any desired you wish Parkaayi Parvesh, to enter into another's body Sai Maritayaa, to live at one's own will Surkareeraa, to enjoy wealth and riches (devayonis Sankalap Siddhi, the fulfillment of desires Apratihat Gat, to go anywhere unobstructed Contact us Mobile: +234 8164468154 Email : YOU WANT TO JOIN OCCULT TO ELEVATE POVERTY IN YOUR FAMILY? JOIN THIS OCCULT SOCIETY NOW WE GURANTEE YOU WEALTH AND SUCCESS IN ALL RAMIFICATION OF LIFE, JOIN US NOW AND MONEY WILL BECOME YOUR SERVANT HOW TO JOIN THE OCCULT WORLD FOR ALL KIND OF RITUALS, DO YOU WANT TO JOIN GOOD OCCULT SOCIETY FOR SUCCESS? JOIN THE BEST OCCULT ONLINE TODAY FOR RITUAL MONEY YOU WANT TO JOIN OCCULT TO END POVERTY IN YOUR FAMILY? JOIN THE MONEY OCCULT TODAY TO BE RICH BEFORE POVERTY DESTROYS YOU. You are welcome to the land of riches and power where your dreams shall come to pass, Shake hands with the spirit of money and enjoy a lifetime of wealth, luxury and extravagance. Live large as you've always wished. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. We are a The lemic group working the lesser and greater mysteries of the African tradition as these mysteries have been influenced by the Book of the Law. We conjure, invoke, summon, predict, and heal whatever sickness without mistakes or repetitions. We also render divine advise in Business or any area that is of your interest that is confusing you. We also render home services if required. Like Money Invocation at your private house, Home Cleansing, Curing of mental disorders, Sweeping away of any unwanted and disturbing spirits at home. Give our power, knowledge and ability a try, and a trial will Undoubtedly convince u beyond believe. All you hear about us is true except bad ones. We accept all traditions except those whose dogma teaches eternal damnation or the subjugation of women or other groups based on race or creed. We are a society of individuals seeking to improve the planet by application of the principles propounded in the Book of the Law. Our rites and lore are cumulative and lead gradually to the understanding and intelligent application of that which has been called the Great Secret: Shakura is a great society with compassion to their sole admirer. We care for your desire and promise to elevate you from your present floor. The ritual that we do involve healing, love, harmony, wealth, wisdom, prosperity, elevation in any positions and creativity. The potions that westir might be a headache remedy, a cold tonic, money spell, friendship oil, love casts, or an herbal flea bath for our pets. We strive to gain knowledge of and use the natural remedies and divine powers placed on this earth bythe Divine for our benefit instead of using synthetic drugs unless absolutely necessary or stealing, roberry, killing, persecutions to acquire Money, Fame, Love, earthly properties and happiness. We are saying no to that method of the other Dominated Religions. Advancement in the Brotherhood’s degrees of wisdom and power can, however, translate into a virtual guarantee of lifetime security because you are building a power within yourself that can never be taken away. Success is not handed to anyone on a silver platter and only you can guarantee your future happiness. Please Be Informed that Initiations and advancements are provided to those seeking the wisdom, empowerment and light of the classical African tradition through our fraternity. Our Order, remains true to the classical tradition. Our Order provides the sincere seeker the opportunity to become part of our fraternities, sanctuaries and temples in Nigeria, in Ghana. In addition, we provide astral initiations and advancements for those who seek the light for knowledge and spiritual, magical transformation but do not live by a temple. All your life difficulties are a minor issue as long as you are a registered member in our great society which was founded by Mugard in 1996 to provide access to Shakura teachings, comfortableness to our people and religious services to sincere spiritual seekers in and around the world. This group won't restrict you from attending to your own religion, nor hold church services like other religion do. All we do is to give spiritual understandings, advice, solutions to problems to any of our own who seek for it on our own desirable time and date. We also initiate into our bloodless Family Society called "EMT" which is pure and free from witchcraft or killings. As a full initiate member, You stand to gain lots of benefits from your adventure into our world. Three days after initiation or acceptance, you will be given a gift of N200,000,000 for a start up. After six months of scrutinizing you will be enroll in what we called (FM) FAMILY MONEY, Every one year N1,000,000,000 will be giving to you. Invest it, use it wisely and make vast profit out of it. The Occult of Shakura is a spiritual lighten to the future of the unknown, of richest and success, don't live the life you can't control due to your inability of spirituality that sees beyond physical. We are a group of strong brothers who came from different walks of life for the purpose of alleviating the sufferings of our people Shakura Brotherhood are most probably the most well known secret society in the world. For years the world economy has functioned on the premise: To get ahead you have to step on those around you. You are on your own, struggling to keep your head above water. This is what this gross misinformation with which we had been raised has led us to, to misery, uncaring and wanting. Secret Societies protect their members, protect what is dear and precious to them through secrecy, because if the rest find out, these sacred things including the truth will also be destroyed. we are here to protect you if you so desire! we are here to lead you if you wish, your destiny is your hands you can take a move now. Power,Glory and fame. Desired by many but achieved by few. Only a Man/Woman with a WILL OF STEAL can walk through flames to achieve the desired outcome. TO ALL THE Shakura MEMBERS AND YOUNG INTENDING MEMBERS OUT THERE, I SALUTE YOU AND INVITE YOU TO THIS YEAR'S EXHIBITION OF THE DARK GIFTS. FEEL FREE TO COME SEEKING ME, IN YOUR SECRET PLACE CALL ME "THE WITCH KING" AND FIND YOU SHALL. lean to see the light in darkness... life cant be seen by the living but by the dead. I want you to see Me but the more you look, the less you see... if you want to lean, dont see with your eyes or hear with your ears...stand still and listen...listen to nothing, for in nothingness is a whole new life. you look at me but you dont see me, in order to see me you must know me, in order to know me you must find me but you wont because I exist not. I was never here... I am nothing... NOTHINGNESS. Message from the Lord. The Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic IT is loftily amusing to the student of magical literature who is not quite a fool—and rare is such a combination!—to note the criticism directed by the Philistine against the citadel of his science. Truly since our childhood has ingrained into us not only literal belief in the Bible, but also substantial belief in Alf Laylah wa Laylah, and only adolescence can cure us, we are only too liable, in the rush and energy of dawning manhood, to overturn roughly and rashly both thes classics, to regard them both on the same level, as interesting documents from the standpoint of folk-lore and anthropology, and as nothing more. Even when we learn that the Bible, by profound and minute study of the text, may be forced to yield up Qabalistic arcana of cosmic scope and importance, we are too often slow to apply a similar restorative to the companion volume, even if we are the lucky holders of Burton’s veritable edition. To me, then, it remains to raise the Alf Laylah wa Laylah into its proper place once more. I am not concerned to deny the reality of all “magical” phenomena; if they are illusions, they are at least as real as many unquestioned facts of daily life; and, if we follow Herbert Spencer, they are at least evidence of some cause. Now, this fact is our base. What is the cause of my illusion of seeing a spirit in the triangle of Art? Every smatterer, every expert in psychology, will answer: “That cause lies in your brain.” English children are taught (pace the Education Act) that the Universe lies in infinite Space; Hindu children, in the Akaca, which is the same thing. Those Europeans who go a little deeper learn from Fichte, that the phenomenal Universe is the creation of the Ego; Hindus, or Europeans studying under Hindu Gurus, are told, that by Akaca is mean the Chitakaca. The Chitakaca is situated in the “Third Eye,” i.e., in the brain. By assuming higher dimensions of space, we can assimilate this face to Realism; but we have no need to take so much trouble. This being true for the ordinary Universe, that all senimpressions are dependent on changes in the brain, we must include illusions, which are after all sense-impressions as much as “realities” are, in the class of “phenomena dependent on brain-changes.” Magical phenomna, however, come under a special sub-class, since they are willed, and their cause is the series of “real” phenomena called the operations of ceremonial Magic. These consist of: (1) Sight. The circle, square, triangle, vessels, lamps, robes, imple- ments, etc. (2) Sound. The invocations. (3) Smell. The perfumes. (4) Taste. The Sacraments. (5) Touch. As under (1) (6) Mind. The combination of all these and reflection on their significance. These unusual impressions (1-5) produce unusual brain-changes; hence their summary (6) is of unusual kind. Its projection back into the apparently phenomenal world is therefore unusual. Herein then consists the reality of the operations and effects of ceremonial magic, and I conceive that the apology is ample, so far as the “effects” refer only to those phenomena which appear to the magician himself,the appearance of the spirit, his conversation, possible shocks from imprudence, and so on, even to ecstasy on the one hand, and death or madness on the other. HOW TO JOIN OCCULT FRATERNITY IN NIGERIA AND GHANA FOR WEALTH AND RICHES TALK TO US TODAY +2348164468154 Good news to everyone the year of riches has come and the head Of Shakura society on earth has sent us to influence more people to the temple of riches, power and fame, so that people can come out of poverty and see the true meaning of life especially to them that wish to become rich, becoming a member of this brotherhood will make you to be rich, powerful and famous. What is secret cult? In our list of secret societies in Nigeria –occult is defined as a religious or spiritual organization or a new religious movement ruled by the common interests or philosophical beliefs to reach a certain goal. An occult can be treated as a social group with deviant to the tradition religion beliefs. Cult and cultism became the object of various studies in the 1930s. A new religious movement is related to the movements started in the mid-1800s. Researches establishes cults into several categories: Doomsday cults Political cults Destructive cults Racist cults Terrorist cults Polygamist cults Distractive cults. You will agree with me that there are no guarantee about what you might achieve seeing how many years you have spent trying to make it in life. You need a HELP, Shakura BROTHERHOOD temple can force your hands to prosperity by breaking down any spiritual force attacking your financial success. Wear our ring and make a simple prayer: MONEY, WEALTH, RICHES, SUCCESS, POWER, CCCCCBUSINESS CAPITAL and GROWTH etc are guaranteed to you. Identifying and Replacing Limiting Beliefs: the world of PEOPLES CLUB temple organization is a center of possibilities, the spirit rules the physical, as long as you wish to remain ignorant you will die trying to make it in life. Let no one discourage you if occult organization wants to hurt or destroy you they don't need to make you their member, there is no side effect, our powers are guaranteed. Shakura secret occult power: Your Way To Lifelong Happiness And Prosperity Occultist Shakura 'MIRACLE occult POWER' takes you out of the realms of mere belief, and reveals how you can experience the REALITY OF THE INVISIBLE WORLD - where you only have to ask for what you desire in the physical world for it to be made to come true. Think of it! You can have the money you need merely by asking for it! Once you gain entry to the invisible world you can have what you desire! Money when you need it - but much more! You can : There are thousands of secret organizations in the whole world. Some of these organizations are opened others are private. For many years, since fifth century and until now, there is a single most well-known organization that has always been absolutely closed. It is called THE GREAT Shakura TEMPLE. For long time information about how to join THE Shakura brotherhood in Nigeria or any other country was absolutely secret. People all over the world wanted to join this organization but only the best of the best were accepted. Since that time, a lot have changed. The Great Shakura temple is still positioned as one of the most powerful organization and still many people want to join it. The great Shakura brotherhood society is amazing if you want to attract fame and fortune in whatever it is you want to do in life. This oracle orchestration has NO LIMITS whatsoever. If you want to be an actress or actor in Hollywood or NYC, this is a great spell to attract that height and level of fame. The Shakura orchestration doesn’t stop at that. You can have a career in anything that requires you to be famous…and to be the best at it! If you want to obtain any of the following careers such as: Acting, Directing, Movie Production, Music Producer, Radio, Deejay, Record Label, Marketing Singing, Songwriting, Dancing, Crew Jobs, TV Production, Hosting or Co-Hosting on TV shows Writing, Promotions & PR, Playing in the NFL, NBA NHL and these are just a few of the jobs our secret members have attracted with this fame and fortune the great light orchestration. The competition is rough in these fields making it really hard to get into the business. Our society will give you the upper hand over your competition making YOUR TALENT stand out over the rest! You’ll get the job in the entertainment industry that you LOVE! Power & Protection, In general, you could say that the Shakura brotherhood secret society gives you power. The power to make money, the power to get someone to fall in love with you, the power to succeed, etc. But in this section I am talking about power itself, the sort of power a master has over a slave, the sort of power a dictator has over his country, etc. Power for power’s sake. Do you want to become a political, social and financial leader in your community? Join us today. All the powerful need protection from all aspects of life. Our beliefs determine our thoughts and attitudes about life, which in turn direct our actions. By our actions, we create our destiny. Beliefs about sacred matters--God, soul and cosmos--are essential to one's approach to life. Shakura believe many diverse things, but there are a few bedrock concepts on which most Shakura family concur. The following nine beliefs, though not exhaustive, offer a simple summary of Shakura spirituality. 1. Shakura believe in a one, all-pervasive Supreme Being who is both immanent and transcendent, both Creator and Unmanifest Reality. 2. Shakura believe in the divinity of the four Vedas, the world's most ancient scripture, and venerate the Agamas as equally revealed. These primordial hymns are God's word and the bedrock of Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion. 3. Shakura believe that the universe undergoes endless cycles of creation, preservation and dissolution. 4. Shakura believe in karma, the law of cause and effect by which each individual creates his own destiny by his thoughts, words and deeds. 5. Shakura believe that the soul reincarnates, evolving through many births until all karmas have been resolved, and moksha, liberation from the cycle of rebirth, is attained. Not a single soul will be deprived of this destiny. 6. Shakura believe that divine beings exist in unseen worlds and that temple worship, rituals, sacraments and personal devotionals create a communion with these devas and Gods. 7. Shakura believe that an enlightened master, or satguru, is essential to know the Transcendent Absolute, as are personal discipline, good conduct, purification, pilgrimage, self-inquiry, meditation and surrender in God. 8. Shakura believe that all life is sacred, to be loved and revered, and therefore practice ahimsa, noninjury, in thought, word and deed. 9. Shakura believe that no religion teaches the only way to salvation above all others, but that all genuine paths are facets of God's Light, deserving tolerance and understanding.... What are the rituals and practices of Shakura? The religious life of many members is focused on devotion to God (perceived as Brahman, Shiva, Vishnu, or Shakti) or several gods. This devotion usually takes the form of rituals and practices associated with sculptures and images of gods in home shrines. More philosophically minded Members ignore the gods altogether and seek Realization of the Self through intense meditation. Still others focus primarily on fulfilling the social and moral duties appropriate to their position in life. These various approaches are regarded as equally valid, and in fact are formally recognized as three paths (margas) to liberation: bhaktimarga (the path of devotion), jnanamarga (the path of knowledge or philosophy), and karmamarga (the path of works and action). Shakura occult stages Hindu religious practices center on the importance of fulfilling the duties associated both with one's social position and one's stage of life. With regard to the latter, traditional Hindus are expected to pass through four stages (ashramas) over the course of their life: - Brahmacharga, which takes place during the school years, is focused on acquiring knowledge and developing character; - Grastha, the middle years, is focused on worldly pursuits and pleasures such as marriage, family and career; - Vanaprastha, when one's children reach adulthood, is a time of increased focus on spiritual things; and - Sanngasu, in the last years of life, one may abandon the world entirely for a life of contemplation. All stages of life for the Shakura, however, involve religious rituals and practices. Some of the major Shakura practices are described in the articles below. Shakura occult practices Ayurveda Ayurveda is an ancient Hindu system of medicine and healing that has found new popularity in the west today. Hatha Yoga Outside of Shakura culture, the word "yoga" is usually understood to refer to the practice of meditative movement, or Hatha Yoga. However, Hatha Yoga is only one part of the Shakura traditions of Yoga and Tantra. It is one of the paths leading to the ultimate goal of Raja Yoga, or contemplation of the One Reality. Kundalini Yoga Kundalini yoga is a tantric form of yoga focused on awakening the kundalini, the latent psychic energy that lies at the base of the spine, and making it rise through the seven chakras to the top of the spine. Namaste Greeting The gesture (or mudra) of namaste is a simple act made by bringing together both palms of the hands before the heart, and lightly bowing the head. In the simplest of terms it is accepted as a humble greeting straight from the heart and reciprocated accordingly. Puja (Pooja) Puja is a religious ritual which some Hindus perform every morning after bathing and dressing but prior to taking any food or drink. Puja is seen as a way of relating humans to the domain and actions of the divine, and can be performed for anything considered divine, from Vishnu to a holy tree. The Sadhu (Holy Man) Some Hindus choose to leave their homes and dedicate their lives to spiritual disciplines. They renounce their possessions and devote themselves to a particular god and/or meditation, yoga and spiritual discussion. These are called sadhus, or holy men. Temples and Temple Rituals A guide to Hindu temples: how they are designed and built and the rituals and ceremonies that take place there Welcome to Shakura spiritual temple USE YOUR HIDDEN POWER TO WIN THE WORLD BECOME RICH AND ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL IN LIFE. There are invisible powers behind talismans and charms. It is no secret that eminent successful persons, top celebrities, business executives, career diplomats and international stars are regular users of charms, talisman, and amulets. Literally thousands of successful case histories, miracle after miracles, which will change your life too. Protect yourself from evil doers.. jinxes, hexes, spells crosses, business, success, lotto win, Good luck, Love Marriage, Silent Rich, Do As I say, Visa Approval, Protection, Exam Success, Barrenness to fruitfulness . Spend & Return Back, curses and things that scare you most. Shakura believe in one supreme spirit called Brahman. Shakura believe God is all things in the world—not just a spirit in the sky. Brahman does not just exist; it IS existence. Brahman can be worshiped in many forms, such as other “gods” such as Vishnu , Shiva, Ganesh or Krishna, so many people think Hindus worship many gods, but actually all other gods represent Brahman in different forms. This is similar to Christianity. Christians worship Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. They call this the Holy Trinity in Christianity—not three different gods, but three forms of the same God. Contact us Mobile: +234 8164468154 Phone: +234 8096620081 Email : JOIN THE SECRET OCCULT THAT CONTROL THE WORLD ECONOMY, BE AMONG THE ELITE GROUP AND MAKE MONEY TO BE RICH FOREVER. DO YOU WANT TO JOIN SECRET OCCULT SOCIETY TO BE RICH AND DO RITUALS, JOIN THIS OCCULT TODAY TO MAKE WEALTH AND PUT SMILE IN THE FACE OF YOUR FAMILY, WE DON’T PERFORM EVIL RITUAL AND WE DON’T USE HUMAN BLOOD IN OUR RITUALS, MEMBERSHIP IS FREE CONTACT US TODAY TO END YOUR SUFFERING. WARNING...WARNING...WARNING... !!!IGNORE THOSE CLAIMING TO BE AGENT OF THE SHAKURA... They are fraudulent, they will will stop at nothing just to con you, they are fake agents. They're all over Internet posing themselves with different names and photos of the Shakura Brotherhood, NEVER YOU SEND MONEY TO ANYONE FOR ANY REASON. WE SHALL KEEP EXPOSING THEM TO YOU. BE WARNED NEVER TO CONTACT THE IF YOU DO.TRY NOT TO PUT THE BLAME ON THE Shakura... The Shakura will never contact anyone with individual names, we don't send agents to recruit people if they have not confirmed by our organization so please ignore anyone claiming to be an agent of our organization recruiting people, they are 419ners who only want your money, they are not in anyway affiliated to the Shakura, please be aware of this so you don't lay your blames on the Shakura Brotherhood you can only be contacted when your materials needed for your initiation has been confirmed by our supreme grand masters lodge in Benin city, Edo state. The Shakura Brotherhood offers wealth, fame, power, protection, knowledge And any other thing you wish for. Including a tax free life, free medical attention, a free pass to travel around the world like every other member, emotional and creative lectures, to improve your mind. We have been doing this for years. We watches everything nothing is hidden from us. We are everywhere, We have members all over the world, we rule this world Throughout our organization’s history, many citizens have inaccurately portrayed us in a negative manner. These misconceptions have been perpetuated for centuries through videos, photos, articles, books, and unofficial online resources claiming to understand our mission and members. In creating this online destination, we hope to alleviate the concerns voiced by your governments and people and seek to provide insight into our goals. We invite you, the human citizens, to discover more about our organization and to understand your role in this planetary union because the establishment of the new world order is about to begin, that is why we are giving the this equal opportunity to everyone who is interested in joining our organization. Are you a POLITIWCIAN, ENGINEER, FASHION DESIGNER, ATHLETE, DOCTOR, ENTERTAINER, MODEL, GRADUATE/STUDENT WITH GOOD SKILLS, OR YOU HAVE IT IN MIND TO EXPAND YOUR BUSINESS. ETC. If you are interested, kindly call +234 8164468154 We are a group of strong brothers who came from different walks of life for the purpose of alleviating the sufferings of our people Shakura Brotherhood are most probably the most well known secret society in Africa. For years the world economy has functioned on the premise: To get ahead you have to step on those around you. You are on your own, struggling to keep your head above water. This is what this gross misinformation with which we had been raised has led us to, to misery, uncaring and wanting. Secret Societies protect their members, protect what is there and precious to them through secrecy, because if the rest find out, these sacred things including the truth will also be destroyed. we are here to protect you if you so desire! WELCOME TO ANCIENT MONEY AND HEALTH SECRETS ROOM, WHERE YOU LEARN ALL THE SECRETS YOUR SPIRITUAL MASTER OR PASTOR WOULD NOT LIKE TO TELL YOU BECAUSE THEY THEMSELVES MAY NOT KNOW THESE PRINCIPLES SINCE THE ORIGIN OF THE KNOWLEDGE IS NO LONGER IN THE CURRICULUM OF ANY SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY. THEY MAY KNOW IT BUT PREFER NOT TO TELL YOU BECAUSE TELLING YOU MEANS SPIRITUAL FREEDOM FROM THEIR BONDAGE...THEIR MEMBERS MAY REDUCE BY ONE. WE WILL START WITH MEDITATION. Meditate : to focus one's thoughts on : reflect on or ponder over. Meditation is not as easy as one might think. The hardest part of all is learning to clear your mind of all unwanted thoughts. Have you ever tried to completely clear your mindand thinking of absolutely nothing? For most people it isalmost impossible to do, butit can be done, and I will show you. 1: First I want you to learn the most popular meditating position used for centuries. It is called the Lotus Position or Posture, "Padma-asana" . If you look at the picture above you will see "Lord Shiva" in the Lotus position. Simply sit on the floor ( I suggest you use a comfortable rug or large pillow under you ) cross your legs with your feetover top of your calves and place both hands on your knees. This may feel a little awkward at first but you will become accustom to it after afew times of practice and stretching. You might also want to do some stretching exercises before trying any of this, it will help your body to relax and you will respond to meditation much better. 2: Now that you have learned the Lotus position, it is time to set the atmosphere, you know, set the mood for meditation. You will need some candles or just one candle will do, preferably white. Light the candle and turn off the lights. Now we will need to light some incense! The best you will ever want to get and it is the most used is, "Nag Champa" it is in a blue box and you will find it most any place that sells incense. Do not use some other cheap crap that smells like perfume or crap that you buy at a convenience store, it will only irritate your senses, thus making meditation impossible. I am telling you, get "Nag Champa" and you will thank me. Now we may ant to add one more thing, New Age music. All these combined things will set the mood for meditation. 3: Here comes the hardest part, Clear your mind of all thoughts. How do you do this?, simply imagine a big Dumpster or a very large metal box on your mental screen. Then see it open and put all your thoughts and worries in it one by one, bills, your love life, problems, your children, your job, everything you can think of. Then close the lid and lock it! Then push it off your mental screen. If this does not work for you the first time, simply try again the next day, it will work for you. 4: Now that you have set the mood, cleared your mind and you are in the lotus position, you are ready to begin meditating. What do you do next? Well now that your mind is clear you can choose from two types of scenarios. I will add more soon. 1. Note: make sure you will not be disturbed while doing meditation. Turn off the phone and if anyone lives with you tell them to leave you alone! Scenario 1: This meditation is simply doing nothing and thinking of nothing. Simply sit there after clearing your mind and continue to think of nothing. After awhile you may have some visions or a symbol appear to you mental screen. You may hear an inner voice which is God within speaking to you, so listen carefully to your message. The first thing you need is Knowledge. The second thing you need is Protection. When you decide to summon a ghost or spirit, you must not only have an open mind and an open heart, you must also ask yourself if the person you wish to contact wants to be summoned. Perhaps they don't. If that's the case, you might wind up facing a very angry spirit or ghost. Take for instance, Saul who sought out the Witch of Ed om to summon the spirit of Samuel. She succeeded! Samuel was not pleased however, and asked, "Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?" Saul explained his dilemma, but Samuel wouldn't have it. Not only that, he told Saul that Israel would be given over into the hands of their enemies and then said that Saul and his sons would all join him the next day. He wasn't talking about a tailgate party, either! However, there are many books and scrolls on how to summon spirits. We have then all for self practice. Remember, as far as I know or you know, you have no way of knowing who or what will answer your summons. You will need to protect yourself and you will need to know how to control what has been summoned. If you aren't careful, you could find yourself falling victim to psychic attack or even Possession. The final result depends on many determining factors. If anything bad happens to you as a result of your summoning, we would all like to read about it, but don't come whining' to us. You've been warned. We are the first above-ground organization in history openly dedicated to the acceptance of Man’s true nature—that of a carnal beast, living in a cosmos which is permeated and motivated by the[b] Dark Force [/b]which we call Satan. Over the course of time, Man has called this Force by many names, and it has been reviled by those whose very nature causes them to be separate from this fountainhead of existence. They live in obsessive envy of we who exist by flowing naturally with the dread Prince of Darkness. It is for this reason that individuals who resonate with Satan have always been an alien elite, often outsiders in cultures whose masses pursue solace in an external deity. We magicians are our own gods, and we are the explorers of the Left-Hand Path. We do not bow down before the myths and fictions of the desiccated spiritual followers of the Right-Hand Path. Today, we continue to uphold our legacy by building on the solid foundation created by The Lord Shanga, and set forth in his writings, recordings, and videos. Since we were the first organization dedicated to him, we have had extensive media coverage and been referred to by several names over the course of over four decades: Shakura temple, is the first occult temple in Africa, before occult temple all over African today and the world, yet we maintain the simplest and boldest moniker, embodied. Shakura Organization were formed in 1996 in Egor (Edo state of Nigeria) by a small group of individuals led by Chief Nana which was later nicked named by members as “Mugard” because of its esoteric teachings and principles. It was a period of hopelessness following the suffering of many people in Nigeria and other parts of the world because of lack of the knowledge of the spiritual world. It was formed with the spirit of uniting people of like-minds, for social interaction and spiritual growth. It was timely and it was well received because of it's founding principle of "be your brother's Keeper" embodied in it's motto: Peace and Abundance for All. Since the initial formation, the membership base has grown like wild fire. Operating as a Club to avoid misinterpretation from people whom may not have been adequately instructed spiritually. Shakura occult society as introduced online and style of admission has been imitated but seldom duplicated. Since the inception, there have been a rash of other groups, associations and Spiritual Organizations, that were formed to compete with Shakura Brotherhood, but non of them have been nearly as successful. This continual success and growth is credited to it's membership for their love, loyalty and dedication to the Founders and to this elite and powerful spiritual organization. Shakura Lodge, Chapter and office: Shakura temple of Nigeria operates a secret Lodge in Edo state of Nigeria and in New York City United States, where admission has been taking place until online admission process was introduced. Shakura occult Protocol: Perhaps more than anything else, it is what Shakura society of Nigeria from few other organization out there. It is what gives it, it's distinct flavor and elevates it above all other organization of its kind. Shakura secret occult code of conduct or protocol! Everything in Shakura temple follows a certain formality and etiquette. Shakura membership is about respect for each other, recognition for each other and adherence to a strict code of social ethics and decorum. Shakura occult is about class, elegance and nobility, in the pursuit of happiness. From the stringent process and difficult entrance of members, spiritual teachings arrangement, to the way they talk and when they talk, Shakura members exude enthusiasm, orderliness and discipline. They have a superior sense of hierarchy, procedure and comportment. Shakura temple do not use try and error spiritual principles. It must be done right. Joining the organization is a matter of determination and a will to success. A Matter of Oath Breaking Recently, Nick Ferrell wrote an article where he criticized the necessity for the oath of secrecy for Golden Dawn initiates. While I am not a Golden Dawn initiate, I do have some opinions about oaths of secrecy and confidentiality. I have also incorporated a kind of oath for members of my own order, but that oath is more engaged with confidentiality and ethics than actual secrecy. Still I can understand the need for such an oath as well as its limitations. The Golden Dawn has been rife over the last century or more with various kinds of individual oath breakers. Certainly, Crowley could be considered one of the first, who published the Golden Dawn lore in his periodical “Equinox.” Then we have Israel Regardie, Dion Fortune, and a host of others. I have to admit that if these individuals had not circumvented their oaths, none of their writings about the Golden Dawn would have been produced. We would have known next to nothing about this secret organization and its precious lore, and there would have been a dearth of popular occultism, paganism, wicca and magick today. Some might have been quite happy if the occult explosion of the last hundred years had not occurred, but I can tell you that I would have been quite unhappy. In fact, the thought of not being an occultist and having my mono-mania of magick to pursue is quite daunting indeed. (Ha! Maybe I need to get a life and stop being such an occult nerd.) So I can’t either blame or condemn any of these occultists for breaking their solemn oath to the egregore of the Order of the Golden Dawn, because I and many others profited from it. However, I can look at what motivated each of these individuals and determine what the driving force was that caused them to take this step. For all of the occultists except Crowley, the reason was selfless. They were driven by the desire to enlighten and inform the public. It doesn’t matter too much that the material was given out of context, since it did indeed inform and enlighten many individuals. In fact, it is probably what saved the Order from complete extinction, so perhaps the egregore of the Order was behind these illicit transmissions. Crowley’s reason for publishing the Golden Dawn material was undoubtedly for pure spite. He despised Mathers and the other members of the Order. He also sought to abrogate the lore for his own personal magickal order, and he published some of Mather’s manuscripts and passed them off for his own work. However, Crowley also produced his own stellar work and had many great contributions to the study and practice of magick. However, his intentions were not selfless or positive, even though the final outcome did end up being good. I suspect that Crowley got to taste the full bitterness of his betrayal of a powerful order and its egregore, if we attribute his final days to that consequence. We can also just as well believe that Crowley was just being himself to the very end, brilliant, pathological, addicted, profoundly creative, notorious and controversial. Despite his final pitiful days, I think that Crowley would be pleased with the number of occultists today who read and study his works. Other occultists have published Golden Dawn material - much of it has been in the public domain for quite some time, so I would assume that such material couldn’t be part of an oath of secrecy and confidentiality. So for this reason I couldn’t condemn someone like David Griffin for being an oath breaker. In fact, I am quite happy that many Golden Dawn initiates have written books for me to read and study. However, where I draw the line is the consideration of the author’s motive. Why are they writing about this material when it properly belongs to the Order of the Golden Dawn. Answering that question is very important, as I have already shown in the examples above. If the motive is a selfless desire to inform and enlighten the public, then it must be a positive development, perhaps one that the egregore has sanctioned itself in some manner. If not, then what is revealed is probably not only illicit but against the spirit of the organization. Nick Ferrell has written a lengthy article that outlines what he thinks is invalid and wrong about the oath of secrecy in the Golden Dawn. There are things that he finds agreeable and things that he doesn’t agree with and feels should be changed. That is all well and good, and probably it would be better stated by someone who has never taken that oath than someone who has. Say you take an oath. Later on you pick it apart to determine which sections are agreeable to you. Those you agree with, you follow, the rest you ignore. Does that make any sense at all? It seems kind of fast and loose to me. It’s almost like getting your driver’s license and then deciding which traffic laws are relevant and which ones can be broken. A lot of drivers get away with ignoring some traffic laws, like coming to complete stop at a stop sign, but sooner or later either a traffic cop or an accident will force them to change their mind. I believe that if you make an oath, it doesn’t matter how ridiculous it is, or whether you can obey some parts of it and ignore others. If you don’t respect the oath as a whole, then picking it apart will only completely undo it. In other words, if you can’t respect any part of an oath, then you have no business taking it in the first place. Confidentiality is, preeminently, the most important part of an oath. Yet confidentiality extends beyond just the names, addresses and personal characteristics of the members of the organization. It is also includes the daily business and personal interactions of the group, the magick they are jointly working, the rituals and lore that they use, group politics and interactions - all of this is strictly confidential. If materials are not already in the common domain, then they shouldn’t be published except without proper authorization from the organizational heads. I wouldn’t like it if some clown in my local magickal temple decided to publish the group’s rituals and activities without telling the whole group about it and getting our consent. Maybe someone might have good reasons to publish confidential or unpublished information, but if their reasons are good and if they took an oath to retain all such information as confidential, then they need to ask permission and get approval. In our order, such approval is strictly limited to the local temple, and then it is by full consensus. These are matters of ethics, and anyone who is in a formal group should take them quite seriously. Here is an example of the oath of ethics taken by an initiate of the first degree (Neophyte) in the Order of the Gnostic Star. I can share this information with you because it has been available on the internet for the past several years. “I in the presence of the Lords of the Universe, who work in silence and whom none but silence can express, in this temple of the most high and holy Graal (Isis-Sophia). By the order E. S. S. G. do of my own free will solemnly promise to keep secret this order, its members, its rituals and proceedings. To undertake a benevolent revelation with all the fratres and sorores of this Order. To reveal to no one except the initiates of this order the rituals, ceremonies and documents of this order. That I shall never debase my mystical knowledge in the labor and service of negative magick at anytime nor under any temptation. If I should break this sacred vow, my soul stands before those powers conjured in this sacred place to judge my actions.” Does taking this oath mean that the rituals and documents of the Order must remain inviolable secrets? No, actually, it doesn’t. It means that a member of a temple of the Order must keep in confidence all that occurs within it, to protect the members and the workings that they are undergoing. The rituals are not what is kept confidential - only the ritual lore of the temple. There is an important distinction here that should be understood. I usually make certain that prospective members understand the nuances of this oath, but often, I find such an explanation to be superfluous, since it’s so obvious what is being kept confidential. Thus I would never take an oath that I didn’t wholly believe in and follow to the end, and I would obey an oath that I took to the fullest possible definition. This is what is expected of occultists, and there is an important reason for behaving in this manner. That reason is rather mysterious at first glance, but if you think about it, it becomes more evident. If you break your oath with a spiritual or magickal organization, then you set up a powerful wave of negativity, distrust and dissonance that has a subtle but powerful over-all impact. If it is egregious and based purely upon one’s own lust for power and self aggrandizement, then it will cause a permanent disconnect from the egregore of that organization. Once such a breakage occurs, as a kind of willful sundering, then it becomes more difficult for any other doors or future possibilities to open for that person. If they have left a bad group, then there is no blame. If not, then they are culpable. If we consider that there are possible higher levels of spiritual and magickal development that are neither in print or held by any known organization, then its possible that such lore would be in the hands of individuals who have achieved the highest level of spiritual and magickal attainment in this world. These individuals would very likely judge an oath breaker as not trustworthy for the greater lore, thus he would be overlooked even if his achievements were monumental. As far as the Golden Dawn is concerned, a branch or a temple may be bad or corrupt, however, the egregore is still a powerful and positive vehicle in the spiritual and magick world. An oath made in that temple is to the egregore, not to the temple hierarchy. Violations of that oath will be measured against the good and the harm that such an action has caused. The intent of the violation must also be weighed, and that should indicate whether someone meant to do it for the greater good, or did it for ego or spite. Nick has bragged that when he published an ebook version of the Book of the Tombs, a document that hadn’t ever been published before, he managed to single handedly silence a dispute between two warring factions of the Order that were fighting over the disposition of the Vault of Adepti. The vault is a chamber device that is used in the inner order to conduct intensive forms of magick and initiation, which the document outlined in detail. Supposedly, the two groups then ceased their bickering when they managed to review the original dimensions and qualifications of the vault. Of course, that’s his opinion, we can just as easily assume that they were silenced by his audacity and outraged at his illicit actions. I believe the real issue is Nick's cavalier attitude to the very organization that taught him magick and revealed to him the inner mysteries. What is Nick’s intention but his own self aggrandizement, which is in a word, “ego.” Nick seeks to make himself a great man at the expense of the egregore of the Order that took him into its bosom. That makes him not only an oath breaker, but a real blackguard as well. Nick seems to be ruled by his piratical rapaciousness for secret occult lore, which he turns around and publishes, all for the greater glory of himself. He seeks not to inform the general public, but instead to promote himself as an authority and a master of secrets. In declaring himself to be an oath breaker, he has shown the world that he can't be trusted, and has unwittingly slammed the door on any future transmission of even greater occult lore. Potential higher adepts would never consider him as a colleague, and who in their right mind would want to have that option negated? I don’t feel impressed by what Nick has done, instead I feel sorry for him. Who could ever trust this man with their lore or their mysteries? However you attempt to spin this dilemma, an oath breaker is just that, an oath breaker. It’s someone who betrayed the trust that other individuals placed in them, all for the greater glory of themselves. You are correct that the dicussion or debate silenced regarding the correct construction of the Vault after Nick Farrell profaned 'The Book of the Tomb'. I was shocked! One of the true jewels of the Traditon was suddenly profaned. Scholarly discussion went out through the window. I felt sad....and very hurt by his actions. I also felt (and still feel) guilt. Nick of course knows all this and even trows a pinch of salt into my wound. Everyone may read at his blog now that the actual fault was all mine from the very beginning. The profanation aside, what also makes me irritated is that people has to attribute Nick when then distribute 'The Book of the Tomb' (as there are no other copies available beside some incomplete excerps in Regardie's 'The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic'). There's a number of people who could have done the same a long time ago, but haven't. Nick did, and I'm sure that you are correct in your assessment that he did it for his own self-aggrandisement. Personally I believe it is a self-embarrassment. Unforunately not only for him but for the entire Golden Dawn community. Little does Nick know that the Golden Dawn community is silently watched by the key holders to the highest alchemical mysteries. The solidity of the Golden Dawn Traditon is effectively compromised by his and other profaners actions. Like you say, how can the guardians of the true mysteries trust a Golden Dawn initiate now? I suppose you are aware that Nick Farrell plans to publish the entire corpus of the Rosicrucian Order of Alpha et Omega, including its initiation rituals? Then he will suddenly also have the copyright to that material, although there is a Order today who has performed it regularily for almost two decades now. How is that for a grand scheme? I call it a hijack of an entire egregore. Now Nick justifies that anyone can access that material (which he claims is from 1910) in a library. So what? How many individuals has actually seen these papers outside of the Order (or Adept) who wrote them? Nick is probably the first occultist who has. He calls this "public domain". Really? O.k. I call it "rationalization" (a Freudian concept btw Nick). Thanks' again Fra. Barrabbas for your valuabe input. Contact us Mobile: +234 8164468154 Email : Join The World Leading Occult Today. How To Join The Global Secret Occult, JOINING OCCULT MAYBE SCARY AT TIMES BECAUSE OF THE LIES BY FAKE CHRISTIANS TO PAINT OCCULT BLACK, Take that bold step today and make it big The Shakura Occult Group are most probably the most well known semi secret society in the world today. But the legend of the Illuminati is internationally revered. The Skulls and Bones. Now who hasn’t heard of them? But is there truth in any of the secret societies mumbo jumbo or not. Maybe yes, maybe not, but as they say where there is smoke, there is surely a fire. These societies are whispered about in the hallways of prestigious university campuses, in the boardrooms of multimillion dollar corporate companies, on golf courses and fly-fishing outings. But alas most of us don’t know anything more than this. We know that joining such a society must be the ultimate, to become part of a community of mutual support, unlimited wealth, power, contacts to achieve almost anything you want. But this dream seems so far fetched, or is it? Aren’t secret societies run by the ivy league to ensure promising futures for their children. Yes, definitely, but there are secret societies and then there are secret societies. Recently Sri Guru Moska Rajav,my mentor has successfully tapped into this netherworld of symbols, paganism, probing the age old mystery of the holy grail and the real truth about Jesus. As they say where there is smoke there must be a fire. So the mystery seems to go much deeper. Who is the Prioriry of Sion and the Knights Templar? All I can say is that the masses and masses of people who have built their total existence here on earth based on what we have been taught in school and by the church have been grossly misinformed. The truth has been protected by secret societies for centuries. This is the true reason for their existance. To remain hidden in order to avoid prosecution by the church. What then is the typical member of a secret society like? Is it a satanist, wearing dark robes writing long letters on parchment by candlelight. Is it a top geeky scientist wearing a white jacket and contemplating weapons of mass destruction or is a normal person like you and me, hoping for something better, better for us and our families, a better and brighter future for our children. For years the world economy has functioned on the premise: To get ahead you have to step on those around you. You are on your own, struggling to keep your head above water. This is what this gross misinformation with which we had been raised has led us to, to misery, uncaring and wanting. Secret Societies protect their members, protect what is dear and precious to them through secrecy, because if the rest find out, these sacred things including the truth will also be destroyed. Branded as satanic masterminds by those who realize the threat in the system of the secret society, members (normal people like you and I) have for years endured these “misbrandings”, risen in power, gone to church, gone to work and all the while silently infiltrating, rising in the ranks, massing wealth and power and now use it to further the lives of their members. This is the face of a true member of a secret society. A father or mother who has always known that there must be something “better”. A parent longing to ensure a bright future for their children. Someone who is a free thinker and who realized long ago that we may actually probe into questions of religion and the way that everything is “put together” , that there is something seriously wrong with the way in which the world economy works today. Are you starting to see where this is going. The secret societies are powerful, strong and wealthy. Why? Simply put, because they don’t BS themselves or their fellow brothers or sisters. They climb in, do the work for the good of the group. They know what it is like to serve an Order, that serves them. If your reason of joining the brotherhood is for riches mind you we do not invoke money,what we do is after your initiation the members will contribute among themselves and give to you,this money is normally given between $400,000 US dollars and above depending on how they have agreed. Its nonrefundable as you too will donate to anybody who comes after you. Shakura occult society For initiation rites and other spiritual related issues come in person to our temple: Wouldn’t you love to suddenly come into large amounts of money? Most of us only dream of wealth and extravagance, but few of us seem to achieve it. Instead, we are inundated with bills, debt, and loans that seem to eat away at any savings or hope of secure retirement. The Power Money Rituals is designed to alleviate the financial burdens of those in serious debt by bringing large sums of money into their lives. Are you serious debt? Is it hard to see a way out of your financial hole? Serious debt causes an immense amount of stress. This stress can manifest itself through health problems, work issues, and relationship turmoil. Money problems are more than just financial, they affect every part of your life and can perpetuate negative energy throughout your relationships. This Rituals is designed to alleviate the stress and trauma associated with large financial problems. The Power Money Rituals will immediately attract wealth into your life in the form of large sums of money. The magical forces at work empower positive forces to assist you financially so that you can begin to better manage your life without the worry of debilitating debt. This Rituals is designed for those in immediate need of financial assistance and need urgent help. The Power Money Rituals will bring you large amounts of money quickly, but will not continue to bring money over long periods of time. It is designed for those who urgently need financial assistance. If you want continued wealth throughout your life, you will want to use the Prosperity Rituals. This Rituals, unlike the Power Money Rituals, will continue to bring you wealth throughout your lifetime. Your questions on how to join the occult has been ask often by individuals,the profound group of the great Shakura occult set up this platform as an aid to reach the desperate and true seekers. We are about to share with you a great secret that will liberate you and help you to achieve stability in all aspects of your life. we are intellectual group acquainted spiritually to eliminate the mystery of failure and empower status with success in individuals who are desperate and ready. Shakura secret society acknowledge all initiate comrade improve with growth in wealth,power,fame, success, protections in all aspect.NOTE:we demand that rules concerning our fraternity are obeyed and observed,we don’t request for human sacrifice or ask for any human part or force early death as a prerequisite for you to become our member. Enrollment into our kinship is free and normally through a thorough screening. our pride is to emancipate the lucky,desperate and true seekers who need wealth,protection,power,riches, prosperity and success in all causes. Shakura occult group is an affiliated temple situated in Nigeria Take a step of the wise and overcome misfortune and failure,we live in a world where men and women sort wealth and power beyond what or how you think. Our occult is not for everybody,it is for the desperate,strong,ready and true seekers but if you are counted lucky we welcome you. your better chance is here,the ability of you involvement is determined by the level of your potentials, so be spirit willing and determined. Get in touch with The great Shakura occult society. Shakura Brotherhood Occult of Spells Casting, our Spells when cast start work instantly and result start showing within three to five days .We have the keys to all problems. EASY WASY TO JOIN OCCULT BROTHERHOOD FOR INSTANT MONEY INVOCATION/RITUALS WITHOUT HUMAN BLOOD SACRIFICE, JOIN SHAKURA OCCULT FRATERNITY TODAY AND ENJOY FOREVER CALL +234 8164468154 I'm speaking from the experience I have had so far being a member of Shakura Brotherhood Occult or fraternity. Joining a fraternity is by far one of the best life decisions I have ever made. It's not because of the partying and other debauchery people think of when mentioning an occult or fraternity. It's one of the best decisions I've ever made because of the people i have grown close to, the support system i found, the immense networking opportunities at my disposal, and the purpose i have found within the brotherhood. Shakura secret society is part of a family and something bigger which has helped transitionally in life coming to college. Being a part of the brotherhood is more than what you see and think of on the outside. On the inside it's a family dedicated to the betterment and prosperity of everyone in it. I would have never been able to make the connection I have, or find future opportunities if I would have never gone through with becoming a member of the Shakura Brotherhood. Once you are part of it you are a piece in a giant history. Knowing I am that tiny piece gives me a great sense of pride. I want to strive to do anything I can to help others and be there for them like people were for me. Take note this Brotherhood does not involve the use of human flesh or blood for sacrifice. Shakura occult Means being there through the literal best and worst of times. It's being a shoulder to lean on and having one there if you ever need it. Through the greatest time of your life you are connected to like minded individuals who would do anything for you and you for them. Just to feel that kinship is enough to make myself want to be the best version of myself that I can be. I could not ask for anything more in my life. The support and bonds I make now are far enough and I know I will carry on throughout my entire life. Here is the opportunity to change it all and you will have your way to the world of riches and fame. Join the Shakura Brotherhood Occult in Africa today and use what you have to get what you want. DO YOU WANT TO JOIN OCCULT IN AFRICA OR IN U S A TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN LIFE HOW TO JOIN MONEY RITUAL OCCULT TO ACQUIRE RICHES, MONEY, POWER, SUCCESS, PROTECTION, PROSPERITY, FAME AND BE FORTUNED IN LIFE, We invite you, the human citizens, to discover more about our organization and to understand your role in this planetary union because the establishment of the new world order is about to begin, that is why we are giving the this equal opportunity to everyone who is interested in joining our ; ARE YOU A POLITICIAN, ENGINEER, FASHION DESIGNER, ATHLETE, DOCTOR, ENTERTAINER, MODEL, GRADUATE/STUDENT WITH GOOD SKILLS, OR YOU HAVE IT IN MIND TO EXPAND YOUR ; ETC. JOIN THE REAL AND BEST OCCULT SOCIETY JOIN Shakura BROTHERHOOD OCCULT NOW TO BE CONNECTED TO TOP MEN IN YOUR SOCIETY AND TO ERADICATE POVERTY IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD. HOW CAN I JOIN OCCULT IN GHANA OR NIGERIA TO MAKE REAL MONEY AND TO BE WEALTHY JOIN Shakura FAMILY. wisdom has the power to enlighten us about the ancient, often forgotten supreme spirits, their magic rituals and their place in helping us to heal Nature. Whether you wish to learn the history and mythos of the supreme kingdom of darkness Spirits, or if you wish to work directly with these luminous beings, Shakura Magic provides unique access to the power and wisdom of the Shakura Lords. The Supreme Shakura Magic includes many Illustrations and an extensive Glossary. Do you want wealth, riches, super power, improvement, success, connection, fame, control, ; ALL THESE WILL BECOME YOURS ONCE YOU BECOME A MEMBER OF THE GREAT Shakura BROTHERHOOD, YOU JOIN KINGDOM OF Shakura FOR WEALTH POWER RICHES FAMOUS SUCCESS AND PROSPERITY. Shakura BROTHERHOOD believes in Human race and they want to make the world a better place for everybody by bringing the new world order. For those fake agents or people claiming to be part of Shakura BROTHERHOOD, "stop giving Shakura family bad names by deceiving innocent people", You all are being watched, be warned. For those who are talented and gifted and needed help to accomplish their dreams and heart desire. Your questions on how to join the occult have been asked often by individuals,the profound group of the great Shakura brotherhood set up this platform as an aid to reach the desperate and true seekers. We are about to share with you a great secret that will liberate you and help you to achieve stability in all aspects of your life. We are an intellectual group acquainted spiritually to eliminate the mystery of failure and empower status with success in individuals who are desperate and ready. Shakura brotherhood occult acknowledge all initiate comrade improve with growth in wealth, power, fame, success, protections in all aspects. Join the great Shakura brotherhood society - world wealthy society. Contact us phone : +234 8164468154 Email : DO YOU WANT TO JOIN GOOD OCCULT BROTHERHOOD SOCIETY FOR MONEY RITUAL MANIFESTATION AND BECOME VERY RICH AND MAKE MONEY AND BE FAMOUS AND POWERFUL IN ALL RAMIFICATION, IF YOU REALLY WANT TO JOIN THIS SECRET OCCULT ORGANIZATION THAT CAN GIVE MONEY AND MAKE YOU RICH THROUGH MONEY RITUAL INVOCATION WITHOUT ANY HUMAN SACRIFICE HERE IN NIGERIA, GHANA, LAGOS, OGUN, DELTA, EDO, BAYELSA STATE, ANAMBRA, KADUNA, ENUGU, IMO STATE, PORT HARCOURT, RIVER STATE, ABUJA, KANO, AKWA IBOM, CROSS RIVER STATE, EBONYI, ABIA, KOGI STATE, BENUE AND ALL OVER THE WORLD, JOIN THIS OCCULT GROUP ONLINE TO BE ABLE TO PAY YOUR DEBTS AND BE FREE FROM POVERTY FOREVER CONTACT +234 8164468154, EASY WAY TO JOIN WORLD LEADING OCCULT BROTHERHOOD SECRET SOCIETY TO ENRICH MYSELF AND NEVER BE POOR IN LIFE AGAIN. SO MANY OF YOU TODAY ARE POOR BECAUSE OF THE SIN THEIR FOREFATHERS COMMITTED WHICH THEY ARE NOT AWARE OF IT AND THEY STILL REMAIN INSIDE IT GET FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGH TODAY BY JOINING THE ALMIGHTY GREAT SHAKURA BROTHERHOOD OCCULT KINGDOM AND BE TOTALLY FREE FROM POVERTY IN YOUR LIFE IF ITS FINANCIAL, VISA, MONEY, YOU WANT TO ASSUME A POSITION, RITUAL MONEY, SUPERNATURAL WEALTH, PROTECTION AND FAME, GET IN TOUCH. You need to know that joining Shakura Brotherhood Occult is for rituals, Money, Riches, wealth promotion, Protection, fame, luck, and to get your dream husband/wife. There is a destination for our lives which will bring us happiness and inner peace. Our daily decision is like a map. If you make the right turns, you will reach your destination easily. If you make a wrong turn, you will become lost…And if you are lost, what you have to do is to stop at a junction and ask for directions. We are the direction to your own personal destination. Shakura Brotherhood Occult has brought healing, riches, wealth, prosperity, support, protection and justice to many people. Shakura Brotherhood is not just an African brotherhood or meant for only Africans, it’s both international. Everyone is highly welcomed, you join us from these countries: England, Australia, California, South Africa, Kuwait, Turkey, Belgium, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Johannesburg, Lebanon, Zambia, USA, Kenya, Dallas, German, Spain, Jamaica, St, Lucia, Brazil, Germany, Austria, Vancouver, Denmark, Hong Kong, China, Pretoria, Durban, Australia, Zimbabwe, Wales, France, Harare, Cairo, Philippines, Norway, Sweden, Cameroon, Botswana, Cape town, Namibia, Tanzania, Northern Cape, New York, Limpopo, London, Venezuela, Chile, Sweden, Denmark, Rwanda, Oman, Qatar, Dubai, Poland, Lesotho, Canada, United Kingdom, Ghana… Get Rich Quick Join Real Occult Society To Make money, JOIN THE BROTHERHOOD Money, Power, Fame, Love.. For those who are interested in making money, every good thing comes with money, comes with extra effort, All u need do is a “Spiritual work” and every wicked power delaying your progress wants clear and good things will come to you like, money, favor from people, open doors, business breakthrough, good job. Etc. For more info you can call Note: It’s not a child’s play, it’s for those who are desperate and ready to make a change in their life. Above all it’s FREE to Join After many decades of secrecy and operation in the shadows, we, the Shakura Brotherhood ones, must begin to form the young membership. More than ever the world needs an elite group of individuals that work to create the fate of the masses. They need us, but we must once again band together. What you see in the media today was not the original plan of our organization. It is not required that you are already super wealthy, or you are already an elite member of government or business…you must simply seek the light, and seek a world of knowledge that you realize exists, but is not sought after by the masses. You then become enlightened, You have made it to the ranks of the world’s most elite group. You have made it here because you chose to seek. Choose to seek the massive knowledge and power that is provided to those that wish to become enlightened. The path of enlightenment is not difficult, but it will not come to those who do not wish to find it. Never before have we sought out, in any outlet be it traditional print or digital media, a new membership, available to the public. But we now realize that the public is who seeks knowledge, and wishes to use it in a way that helps the masses become enlightened, and live in a way that enlightened ones do! Benefits of Shakura Brotherhood The Shakura Brotherhood occult interpreted as the cradle of light is a secret society that was founded in the late 18th century, and has since gained immense popularity. It was a free zakuss society but the members felt there was religious conflict because members of the Shakura Brotherhood were unbelievers. Speculations suggest that the Shakura lord has continued impact on the society, forming a new world order. 1. Spiritual and moral values The Shakura Brotherhood is a secret society that strives to promote spiritual and moral values. It was founded under principles of love, justice, unity, peace, and relief. The Shakura Brotherhood bring together individuals of goodwill, irrespective of their differences and backgrounds, and ensure that these good men become better in society. 2. Political and social in nature Many members that belonged to various movements in the 18th century were either influenced by the Freemasons or were members of the Shakura brotherhood. It was political and social in nature, since members were constantly advocating for meaningful change in their respective governments. 3. Prepares individuals to greatness There are many benefits of being Shakura occult member such as providing you with the opportunity to fellowship and share knowledge with other members. It also gives you the opportunity to mentor those who want to achieve wealth and overall well-being. The members are reminded to appreciate ethics, morality and principles, while others find satisfaction in advancing their positions within the society. So If you have given it a thought and decide to take a journey to the spiritual world then you can contact the wise one on this number +234 8164468154 your next generation by joining this occult in Nigeria? Do you want to be a member of the great Shakura occult brotherhood we are going to make you rich famous and to be a world known star, get a good job, to win elections and get into a political power we are going to enrich you in all your endeavors empowerment and you will never lose any case in court or were ever, you will have powers to control people in high places, beware you must be 24 years and above if you know you are not interested never you attempt to this post be warned. These misconceptions have been perpetuated for centuries through videos, photos, articles, books, and unofficial online resources claiming to understand our mission and members. In creating this online destination, we hope to alleviate the concerns voiced by your governments and people and seek to provide insight into our goals. We invite you, the human citizens, to discover more about our organization and to understand your role in this planetary union because the establishment of the new world order is about to begin, that is why we are giving equal opportunity to everyone who is interested in joining our organization. Shakura brotherhood make their member happy so I will want you all to also be a new member of the Shakura if you are interested, urgently reply or call us, we are ready to make you a member of the great Shakura brotherhood after the due consultation and initiation that will make you a full member has been taken place, you will be given some amount of money as a reward to start up a life filled with happiness, pleasure and wealth. DON’T THINK THAT ALL YOUR HOPE ARE LOST IN THIS WORLD YOU STILL HAVE THE ABILITY TO MAKE A GOOD LIVING BY JOINING MONEY RITUAL SECRET OCCULT THAT WILL MAKE YOU VERY RICH WITHOUT KILLING ANY HUMAN BEING TAKE THIS DECISION TODAY AND CHANGE YOUR WORLD TO A BETTER ONE WE THE BILLIONAIRES OCCULT MEMBERS ARE READY TO HELP YOU AS LONG AS YOU ACCEPT TO MAKE A RITUAL SACRIFICE TO OUR LORD SPIRITUAL TO BECOME ONE OF US THEN YOU ARE READY TO BOOST YOUR CAREER AND BE A GREAT MAN WITHOUT BEING AFRAID OF ANY LIVING THINGS IN THIS WORD, JOIN US TODAY AND FULFILL YOUR DREAM CONTACT THE WISE ONE, HAVE YOU BEEN SEARCHING FOR A WAY TO JOIN A SECRET OCCULT AND BECOME SUPER RICH AND ALSO BE NOTIFY BY EVERYONE AROUND YOU,OR IF YOU ARE SEEKING FOR PROTECTION, JOIN THE GREAT Shakura SECRET OCCULT AND ALL YOUR HEART DESIRES SHALL BE GRANTED. CALL US WITH +234 8164468154. GREATTINGS FROM THE Shakura CLUB TO BE BEST AMONG THE BEST JOIN US TO BE RICH FOREVER,AMONG ALL OCCULT IN THE UNIVERSE WE ARE THE BEST JOIN US FOR STUPENDOUS WEALTH DO YOU WANT TO UPGRADE IN LIFE, JOIN SHAKURA SECRET OCCULT FOR YOU TO BE AMONG THE TOP MEN AND WOMEN OF THE WORLD AND TO BE NO 1 IN ANY THING YOU ARE DOING IN LIFE JOIN OUR OCCULT FOR A GREAT FAVOR AND OPPORTUNITY. ARE YOU A DRIVER,APPRENTICESHIP, BOUNSAR,WILLBALO PUSHER,CONDUCTOR,FARMER,HOUSE HELP,BIKE MAN,BANK CLEANER,SALES GIRLS,EVANGELIST,JOB MAN,DOCTORS,POLICE, ARMY,LAWYER,NATIVE DOCTORS,BANKERS, IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS WITHOUT MONEY IS NOT LIFE DO YOU WANT TO REMAIN A SAVANT FOREVER DON’T YOU WANT TO BE OF HELP TO YOUR THE COMMUNITY AND REDUCE THE LEVEL OF POVERTY IN COUNTRY AND IN THE WORLD WE ARE NOT BORN TO BE POOR BUT IS YOU CHOOSE TO FOLD YOUR HANDS THEN YOU REMAIN POOR DON’T WANT PEOPLE TO RECOMMEND YOU AS THE RICHES GOOD CAN NOT COME FROM HAVEN AND SAY SON DAUGHTER TAKE THIS MONEY WE ARE GODS OF THE WORLD THE EYES OF PEOPLE THE JEHOVAH SHARP SHARP YOU SEE COME AND JOIN THE Shakura OCCULT SOCIETY OF RICHES AND POWER WE MAKE YOU RICH IN 72 HOURS AFTER YOUR INITIATION IN OUR TEMPLE THINK OUT DREAM BIG AND MAKE UP OUR MIND TO BECOME RICH BEFORE CALLING FOR HELP,WE ARE THE BEST OF ALL OCCULT WILL MAKE EVERYTHING POSSIBLE FOR OUR MEMBERS. Join Shakura brotherhood occult online in Nigeria, US, Ghana for money rich and making of wealth, protection, how do you feel when you are folding your hand and expect money, wealth when you are not working for it do not be lazy join Shakura occult society if you want to enjoy and make money for your information remember that money rule the word now join us now to bring yourself out of poverty call our grand master. Since it’s a top secret nowadays the younger legends of the day think it’s a joke. Anyone can join, but are you going to keep it secret? Briefly this is a spiritual worshiping where you will achieve success in whatever your doing and that is the reason why in today’s generation people say its an act done by celebrities, top leaders and business lords just to mention a few. Joining the most powerful society in the world, is optional for no one is forced, everyone gets to decide their own future. Secret Brotherhood of Power- Stronger United?—?Worldwide Membership?—?Friends and Opportunities?—?Money Mysteriously Provided?—?Find Your Soul Mate?—?Learn the Secrets of the Ages?—?The Science of Power & Success?—?Achieve Harmony of Body, Mind & Spirit?—?Secrets of Health, Longevity & Immortality?—?Purpose & Fulfillment in Living Many of us today do not want to join occult to excel because they think that occult members are all evil, truly there are good and bad occult and we are very happy and proud of the way every member of the Almighty Great Shakura Brotherhood Occult Kingdom that have seen the benefit of this fraternity are testifying the goodness of this Kingdom, with no side effect or any human rituals are involving we only practice the African tradition and not engage in any evil act, which is why the Shakura Brotherhood Occult is not for everyone is only the destined ones that will be chosen, make sure that you truly make up your mind before you embark on this journey because we all know that is not a child’s play, if you come across this from not too much be in a hast to join because the ways of the spirit is not the same as a man which you are, and for those who will make it to be with us here we await you to join us and swim in the ocean of LFM where life is very easy to leave, your journey now begins with the Temple code. People believe that for anyone to accomplish their objectives, they should plan secretively and if you join Shakura, you need to be a secretive person. Believing is the most important aspect in success and you need to have strong belief in becoming successful when you Consider joining us. There are rules that should be followed within the society like the attire changes for the specific period of time and so on. And you better be old enough to make your own valid decision so that you are unable to shift the blame on our society. Most people who ever joined had the same vision of becoming rich, famous and successful and it’s all in the name of money, so for you to join you need to believe that money is power. There are other special activities like visiting the sea and other activities performed at night, so whatever that is spiritual and powerful comes with it’s own special practices. But it all depends on the prayer and when you join our society, be more than ready to respect and understand fully our Prayer. In life, we have to sacrifice something in order to get something and joining comes with sacrifices for your achievements to be accomplished. Both men and women are welcome to join our society today. The secret behind the secret societies you have been denied of by the secret society Lord’s, Gurus and supreme masters, they won’t want you to know. The offering up of a sacrifices is to be regarded as a divine institution and sacrifices must not be human beings, it could be animal it didn’t originate with man. God Himself appointed it as the mode in which acceptable worship was to be offered to Him by guilty man. The language and the idea of sacrifice pervade the whole Bible. Sacrifices were offered in antediluvian age. The Lord clothed Adam and Eve with the skins of animals which in all probability had been offered a sacrifice of the first lines of his flock see Hebrew 11:4. It is believed that man went astray from the garden of Eden so the only way God could reconcile man with Him was by the atonement of BLOOD.Because without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.This was why Jesus died on the cross.Now look at the synonyms and antonyms of the story of Abraham and the sacrifice of his son Isaac as a burnt offering to God. Find details in the book of Genesis 22:1–18.This too explains how God Himself allow sacrifice from time immemorial. You can be successful either by human sacrifice or with the sacrifices of animals like.. goats, bull, fowl, bush baby etc. both are acceptable and effective. When God finds out that Abraham was full of faith in Him a ram was provided in place of the human sacrifices this should tell you that you can’t be famous here on earth without either by human sacrifices or animals sacrifices. You can sacrifice other animals like bush baby, black dog in place of human being and everything could be perfect with you in life and you can live long, none of your family member will lost his/her life. I know thousands of the dreaded secret societies /cults and fraternities out there won’t be happy with what we are doing by exposing their secrets over the Internet. I have been attacked by several groups of these evil cults but with the help of Enki am still alive and i defeated them. We need to bring the masses out of the darkness and stop the fear of being killed once you joined a brotherhood. We wants our members to live long and testify the goodness of this great brotherhood. Look at the decolonization of John the Baptist, the Holy scriptures tells us that after St.John the baptist was beheaded the impious Herodotus forbade the prophet’s head to be buried together with his body.instead she desecrated the honorable head and buried it near her palace.This was yet another secret ritual which nobody can give an answer to it.if I may ask (see Matthew 11:1–19)John the Baptist prophecies about the coming of Jesus and even baptized Him can someone tell me what was the offense of John that Jesus refused to bring him out of prison. Read Matthew 14 and from the book of Mark 6:14–29 how shamefully john was beheaded and you will find out the secret meaning of his death from verses 23 of Mark 6 m and in verse 30 of Mark 6.Jesus after hearing of John’s death he did not say a word this also tells me of John exchanging his life for the coming of Jesus, this was yet another sacrifice fulfilled.This the occult men won’t let you know. Have you ever asked some of this pastors where they got their powers from? Off course they will claim God gave them but deep behind is the secret known by few[dot]come be part of this great brotherhood and say bye for poverty, sickness, untimely death, hatred, unemployment etc. We are a group of strong brothers and sisters who came from different walks of life for the purpose of alleviating the sufferings of our people. The Shakura Occult Group are most probably the most well known semi secret society in the world today. But the legend of the Illuminati is internationally revered. The Skulls and Bones. Now who hasn’t heard of them? But is there truth in any of the secret societies mumbo jumbo or not. Maybe yes, maybe not, but as they say where there is smoke, there is surely a fire. These societies are whispered about in the hallways of prestigious university campuses, in the boardrooms of multimillion dollar corporate companies, on golf courses and fly-fishing outings. But alas most of us don’t know anything more than this. We know that joining such a society must be the ultimate, to become part of a community of mutual support, unlimited wealth, power, contacts to achieve almost anything you want. But this dream seems so far fetched, or is it? Aren’t secret societies run by the ivy league to ensure promising futures for their children. Yes, definitely, but there are secret societies and then there are secret societies. Recently Sri Guru Moska Rajav,my mentor has successfully tapped into this netherworld of symbols, paganism, probing the age old mystery of the holy grail and the real truth about Jesus. As they say where there is smoke there must be a fire. So the mystery seems to go much deeper. Who is the Prioriry of Sion and the Knights Templar? All I can say is that the masses and masses of people who have built their total existence here on earth based on what we have been taught in school and by the church have been grossly misinformed. The truth has been protected by secret societies for centuries. This is the true reason for their existence. To remain hidden in order to avoid prosecution by the church. What then is the typical member of a secret society like? Is it a satanist, wearing dark robes writing long letters on parchment by candlelight. Is it a top geeky scientist wearing a white jacket and contemplating weapons of mass destruction or is a normal person like you and me, hoping for something better, better for us and our families, a better and brighter future for our children. For years the world economy has functioned on the premise: To get ahead you have to step on those around you. You are on your own, struggling to keep your head above water. This is what this gross misinformation with which we had been raised has led us to, to misery, uncaring and wanting. Secret Societies protect their members, protect what is dear and precious to them through secrecy, because if the rest find out, these sacred things including the truth will also be destroyed. Branded as satanic masterminds by those who realize the threat in the system of the secret society, members (normal people like you and I) have for years endured these “misbrandings”, risen in power, gone to church, gone to work and all the while silently infiltrating, rising in the ranks, massing wealth and power and now use it to further the lives of their members. This is the face of a true member of a secret society. A father or mother who has always known that there must be something “better”. A parent longing to ensure a bright future for their children. Someone who is a free thinker and who realized long ago that we may actually probe into questions of religion and the way that everything is “put together” , that there is something seriously wrong with the way in which the world economy works today. Are you starting to see where this is going. The secret societies are powerful, strong and wealthy. Why? Simply put, because they don’t BS themselves or their fellow brothers or sisters. They climb in, do the work for the good of the group. They know what it is like to serve an Order, that serves them. If your reason of joining the brotherhood is for riches mind you we do not invoke money, what we do is after your initiation the members will contribute among themselves and give to you, this money is normally given between $400,000 US dollars and above depending on how they have agreed. Its nonrefundable as you too will donate to anybody who comes after you. Shakura occult society For initiation rites and other spiritual related issues come in person to our temple: WE ARE HERE TO MAKE LIFE EQUAL FOR BOTH THE POOR AND THE RICH….. Why do you have to suffer so much to achieve in life? the world wasn’t meant to be so, why do you allow poverty, hardship, sickness, hatred, unemployment & bad luck to take charge upon you? Life is the great indulgence-death, the great abstinence. Therefore, make the most of life-HERE AND NOW! There is now heaven of glory bright, and no hell where sinners roast. Here and now is our day of torment!Here and now is our day of joy! Here and now is our opportunity! choose ye this day, this hour, for no redeemer liveth! Say unto thine own heart,” I am mine own redeemer.” This is according to the Bible of Satan capter4.Do not believe what the christian God says you should love one another,the bible of satan says”Hate your enemies with a whole heart,and if a man smite you on one cheek,SMASH him on the other!,smite him hip and thigh,for self-preservation. After becoming a full member money, power, protection against physical and spiritual attack is guaranteed. Most people who have undergone through poverty without solution often misquote the bible saying “Money is the root of all evil” But read in the books of Ecclesiastes 10:19 and Matthew 13:12 and again there is nothing hidden under the sun most people condom the act of prognostication, which is yet an act of phypocracy. You can see your future know your enemies and even communicate with your departed loved ones which most baby Christian pastors are against. Please in the books of 1Samuel 28:7—20 about the Witch of Endor.With our crystal ball or black mirror the world is on our palm.It’s time to pay your enemies in their own coins,most people believe to pay you bad for the good you do to them. But I assure you such people will no longer go free for the “Law of Retaliation”is here. Let’s say I take an not so very bright person and I take them to Cern. They will get amazed at the large collider. They will get stunted by the scientists they will see at Cern. Truly magnificent they will feel when they will see all these things on these screens that look like video games. Indeed they will imagine going into the collide and smashing out like an electron. You can even explain to them some basic things about the experiment going on here, but they can never understand what they see other than possibly sheer amazement of the stuff they do not see. Truly they may also find these boring, since they do not understand them, or even meaningless. And truly if you keep them there for a while it will assume this place it’s right now it’s a working place as well, and that they somehow belong there. When they are told they do not belong, they will be hurt about this fact. Then if they ever leave Cern they will try to relate their experiences to other people, and the people who have never been there will be so astounded by these so called ‘experiences’. Sure as all imbeciles do they will add some saucing on their experience to make it look stronger than it was as well, because they want other people to go to Cern as if someone going to Disneyland, because they believe it’s very good to be at Cern and bust the nuts of scientists 24/7. Soon around Cern (let’s say Cern is some alternate spiritual dimension) there will be all sorts of pseudo-information, and lies. Upon leaving Cern they will feel so good at being there. Truly they will believe they are somehow superior than other people and way more insightful simply because they have been into this place. Because they saw Cern finally. They will really hope to go there again like a person who went to Disneyland and wants to go again. Wouldn’t you love to suddenly come into large amounts of money? Most of us only dream of wealth and extravagance, but few of us seem to achieve it. Instead, we are inundated with bills, debt, and loans that seem to eat away at any savings or hope of secure retirement. The Power Money Rituals is designed to alleviate the financial burdens of those in serious debt by bringing large sums of money into their lives. Are you serious debt? Is it hard to see a way out of your financial hole? Serious debt causes an immense amount of stress. This stress can manifest itself through health problems, work issues, and relationship turmoil. Money problems are more than just financial, they affect every part of your life and can perpetuate negative energy throughout your relationships. This Rituals is designed to alleviate the stress and trauma associated with large financial problems. The Power Money Rituals will immediately attract wealth into your life in the form of large sums of money. The magical forces at work empower positive forces to assist you financially so that you can begin to better manage your life without the worry of debilitating debt. This Rituals is designed for those in immediate need of financial assistance and need urgent help. The Power Money Rituals will bring you large amounts of money quickly, but will not continue to bring money over long periods of time. It is designed for those who urgently need financial assistance. If you want continued wealth throughout your life, you will want to use the Prosperity Rituals. This Rituals, unlike the Power Money Rituals, will continue to bring you wealth throughout your lifetime. Your questions on how to join the occult has been ask often by individuals, the profound group of the great Shakura occult set up this platform as an aid to reach the desperate and true seekers. We are about to share with you a great secret that will liberate you and help you to achieve stability in all aspects of your life. we are intellectual group acquainted spiritually to eliminate the mystery of failure and empower status with success in individuals who are desperate and ready. Shakura secret society acknowledge all initiate comrade improve with growth in wealth, power, fame, success, protections in all aspect. NOTE: we demand that rules concerning our fraternity are obeyed and observed, we don’t request for human sacrifice or ask for any human part or force early death as a prerequisite for you to become our member. Enrollment into our kinship is free and normally through a thorough screening. our pride is to emancipate the lucky, desperate and true seekers who need wealth, protection, power, riches, prosperity and success in all causes. Shakura occult group is an affiliated temple situated in Nigeria Take a step of the wise and overcome misfortune and failure, we live in a world where men and women sort wealth and power beyond what or how you think. Our occult is not for everybody, it is for the desperate, strong, ready and true seekers but if you are counted lucky we welcome you. your better chance is here ,the ability of you involvement is determined by the level of your potentials, so be spirit willing and determined. Get in touch with The great Shakura occult society. Shakura Brotherhood Occult of Spells Casting, our Spells when cast start work instantly and result start showing within three to five days .We have the keys to all problems. Contact us phone : +234 8164468154 Email : JOIN SECRET SOCIETY CALL +2348164468154,HOW DO I JOIN OCCULT,HOW TO JOIN OCCULT IN GHANA,HOW TO JOIN OCCULT IN KUMASI,HOW TO JOIN OCCULT GROUP IN NIGERIA,HOW TO JOIN OCCULT SOCIETY IN KENYA FOR FREE,HOW TO JOIN OCCULT CLUB YANDERE SIMULATOR,HOW TO MAKE MONEY THROUGH OCCULT,HOW TO DO MONEY RITUAL WITHOUT BLOOD,HOW TO DO MONEY RITUAL AT HOME,HOW TO DO MONEY RITUAL WITHOUT HUMAN BLOOD,HOW TO DO MONEY RITUAL ONLINE,I WANT TO JOIN OCCULT TO BE RICH AND FAMOUS,I WANT TO JOIN OCCULT IN LAGOS,PORT HARCOURT,I WANT TO JOIN OCCULT IN ACCRA,HOW CAN I JOIN OCCULTISM,I WANT TO JOIN OCCULT TO BE RICH,I WANT TO JOIN TO JOIN OCCULT TO BE RICH IN GHANA, INSTANT MONEY RITUAL,RITUAL TO BECOME RICH,MONEY RITUAL WITHOUT HUMAN SACRIFICE,I WANT TO JOIN ILLUMINATI OCCULT AN BECOME A MILLIONAIRE JOIN THE SHAKURA SECRET SOCIETY FOR RICHES, FAME AND ALL-ROUND SUCCESS. JOIN TODAY AND HAVE ALL YOUR DESIRES IN LIFE. NO HUMAN SACRIFICE: THE OCCULT FESTIVAL IS HERE AGAIN! Join the Shakura occult group online today for Riches, Fame, Power and all round Success call +234 8164468154 WELCOME TO SHAKURA BROTHERHOOD OCCULT OF MONEY AND FAME WE ARE HERE TO EDUCATE EVERYONE TO BECOME A MEMBER OF SECRET SOCIETY IS NOT EVIL WE ARE HERE TO REDUCE THE LEVEL OF POVERTY IN THE WORLD DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE OTHER PROMINENT AND RICH MEN ALL OVER THE WORLD OR DO YOU WANT TO DIE IN POVERTY JOIN Shakura FAMILY NOW FOR THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY THAT IS OUT NOW WE ARE HERE TO MAKE THE POOR TO BE RICH AND THE RICH ONES TO BE RICHER. KINGDOM WERE ARE SORRY ABOUT WHAT IS HAPPENING ONLINE BE CAREFUL ILLUMINATI IS NOT AFRICAN TRADITION IS MADE FOR THE RICH ONES AND THE FAMOUS THIS IS FOR THOSE OF YOU TALKING OF ILLUMINATI. we are online because of this comments HOW CAN I JOIN OCCULT IN GHANA HOW DO I JOIN OCCULT HOW TO JOIN OCCULT IN GHANA HOW TO JOIN OCCULT IN KUMASI HOW TO JOIN OCCULT GROUP IN GHANA HOW TO JOIN OCCULT IN NIGERIA FOR FREE HOW TO JOIN IN KENYA HOW TO JOIN OCCULT CLUB YANDERE SIMULATOR HOW TO MAKE MONEY THROUGH OCCULT HOW TO GET MONEY THROUGH OCCULT HOW TO DO MONEY RITUAL WITHOUT BLOOD HOW TO DO MONEY RITUAL AT HOME HOW TO DO MONEY RITUAL YOURSELF HOW TO DO MONEY RITUAL WITHOUT HUM,AN BLOOD HOW TO DO MONEY RITUAL WITH SALT HOW TO DO MONEY RITUAL ONLINE WANT TO JOIN OCCULT IN NIGERIA I WANT TO JOIN OCCULT TO BE RICH AND FAMOUS WANT TO JOIN OCCULT IN LAGOS I WANT TO JOIN OCCULT IN PORT HARCOURT WANT TO JOIN OCCULT IN ACCRA HOW CAN I JOIN OCCULTISM I WANT TO JOIN OCCULT TO BE RICH AND FAMOUS I WANT TO JOIN TO JOIN OCCULT TO BE RICH IN GHANA INSTANT MONEY RITUAL RITUAL TO BECOME RICH MONEY RITUAL WITHOUT HUMAN SACRIFICE MONEY RITUAL IN NIGERIA I WANT TO JOIN ILLUMINATI OCCULT AN BECOME A MILLIONAIRE how to do money ritual at home money ritual contact where can i do money ritual in lagos simple money rituals consequences of money ritual confirm money ritual money ritual without human sacrifice occult money rituals simple money rituals money ritual contact powerful rituals for money consequences of money ritual types of money rituals african money rituals where can i do money ritual in lagos rituals to become rich Our main aim is to ensure that all African youth live a life of their dreams and expectations. Making money, being wealthy, strong, famous, protected, healthy and living a luxurious life of your choice is not easy, that is why we are here for you. The great Shakura Brotherhood Occult does not request any human being sacrifice and does not ask for your money, all the brotherhood needs is your determination to become a member and make the family to grow and last from generation to generation that as we benefit from this great opportunity, that our generation will also benefit from it. We all know that there is no life when you suffered all your day till death, living like a lion for a day is better than living like a goat forever, take this great advantage and make your life a happy one. Are you a politician, celebrity, business man, musician, footballer, pastor etc and you want to be great and get to the world class where your rivals are, you don't need to fold your hands, to become a member of the Shakura occult society contact us now. Why suffer in poverty when you can join Shakura secret occult and become millionaire instantly, why searching for power at the wrong place? When there is a greatest of all in universe, Shakura Secret Society is the best occult group in the whole world. Contact us Mobile: +234 8164468154 Email : HOW CAN I JOIN REAL OCCULT SOCIETY ONLINE? CAN I REALLY JOIN SECRET SOCIETY IN NIGERIA AND MAKE MONEY WITHOUT KILLING ANYBODY? JOIN THIS OCCULT TODAY AND MAKE MONEY REGISTRATION AND INITIATION IS FREE WITHOUT HUMAN BLOOD CONTACT NOW +2348164468154 HAVE YOU BEEN GOING THROUGH HELL ALL THIS YEARS BECAUSE OF FINANCIAL ISSUES? NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO ACHIEVE YOUR DREAM IN LIFE BY JOINING THE GREAT Shakura OCCULT KINGDOM AND BECOME RICH IN A COUPLE OF DAYS AFTER YOUR INITIATION INTO THE SECRET KINGDOM FEEL FREE TO CONTACT THE WISE ONE AND HE WILL TELL YOU THE SOLUTION TO YOUR PROBLEM AND YOUR LIFE WILL BE CHANGE FOR GOOD, REMEMBER THAT MONEY SPEAKS IN A LANGUAGE THE WORLD DO UNDERSTAND TO REACH THE TEMPLE CONTACT +234 8164468154. SO MANY OF YOU TODAY ARE POOR BECAUSE OF THE SIN THEIR FUR-FATHERS COMMITTED WHICH THEY ARE NOT AWARE OF IT AND THEY STILL REMAIN INSIDE IT GET FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGH TODAY BY JOINING THE ALMIGHTY GREAT SHAKURA BROTHERHOOD OCCULT KINGDOM AND BE TOTALLY FREE FROM POVERTY IN YOUR LIFE IF its FINANCIAL, VISA, MONEY , You WANT TO ASSUME A POSITION, RITUAL MONEY, SUPERNATURAL WEALTH, PROTECTION AND FAME, get in touch. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND INQUIRY CONTACT THE TEMPLE NOW You need to know that joining Shakura BROTHERHOOD Occult is for rituals’ Money, Riches, wealth promotion, Protection, fame, luck, and to get your dream husband/wife. There is a destination for our lives which will bring us happiness and inner peace. Our daily decision is like a map. If you make the right turns, you will reach your destination easily. If you make a wrong turn, you will become lost…And if you are lost, what you have to do is to stop at a junction and ask for directions. We are the direction to your own personal destination. Shakura BROTHERHOOD OCCULT has brought healing, riches , wealth , prosperity, support, protection and justice to many people. Whatever be the problem, contact the Shakura BROTHERHOOD today, and you will be happy. WE ARE A SPECIAL DEMONS that was sent by Master Shakura to the world in human form. Giver of Wealth .we give wealth to all that diligently seek our help ,to all that are bold to stand the test of time. Our Power of Richness is to all who are in poverty and need our wealth through our Power Of Instant Wealth Invocation. Simply Contact The wise one Now . it is then left for you to make a choice to be Rich Or to remain Poor . Instant Wealth Initiation Is FREE Only The Materials for your initiation you must provide and come along with it to the temple. You can come to The Temple for the initiation and Invocation or we will invoke the Instant Wealth for you and your Physical money will appear before you any where you are in this world. WE ARE THE STRONGEST OCCULT SOCIETY IN NIGERIA THAT FOLLOWED THE AFRICAN TRADITION AND MAKES ITS MEMBERS THE MOST RICHEST AND STRONGEST TO BE FAMOUS IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE JUST CONTACT THE WISE ONE WITH THIS NUMBER AND MADE YOUR REQUEST AND IT SHALL BE APPROVED IF YOU HAVE A BRIGHTER DESTINY THAT CAN WORK WITH US CALL NOW DON’T THINK THAT ALL YOUR HOPE ARE LOST IN THIS WORLD YOU STILL HAVE THE ABILITY TO MAKE A GOOD LIVING BY JOINING MONEY RITUAL SECRET OCCULT THAT WILL MAKE YOU VERY RICH WITHOUT KILLING ANY HUMAN BEING TAKE THIS DECISION TODAY AND CHANGE YOUR WORLD TO A BETTER ONE WE THE Shakura BROTHERHOOD OCCULT MEMBERS ARE READY TO HELP YOU AS LONG AS YOU ACCEPT TO MAKE A RITUAL SACRIFICE TO OUR LORD SPIRITUAL TO BECOME ONE OF US THEN YOU ARE READY TO BOOST YOUR CAREER AND BE A GREAT MAN WITHOUT BEING AFRAID OF ANY LIVING THINGS IN THIS WORD JOIN US TODAY AND FULFILL YOUR DREAM HAVE YOU BEEN SEARCHING FOR A WAY TO JOIN A SECRET OCCULT AND BECOME SUPPER RICH AND ALSO BE NOTIFY BY EVERYONE AROUND YOU,OR IF YOU ARE SEEKING FOR PROTECTION, JOIN THE GREAT Shakura BROTHERHOOD AND ALL YOUR HEARTH DESIRES SHALL BE GRANTED. ARE YOU READY TO CHANGE FROM THE BAD CONDITION YOU ARE TODAY AND BECOME AN OCCULTISM MEMBER TO GAIN WEALTH, POWERS, RICHES, PROTECTION, SUCCESS AND FAME IN ALL ASPECT OF LIFE? CALL +2348164468154 AND JOIN THE GREAT Shakura BROTHERHOOD OCCULT TO ACHIEVE YOUR DREAM IN LIFE. Contact us Mobile: +234 8164468154 phone : +234 8164468154 Email : YOU WANT TO JOIN GOOD SECRET SOCIETY TO BECOME A MILLIONAIRE IN NIGERIA, JOIN THE BILLIONAIRE SECRET OCCULT TODAY AND BECOME RICH OVERNIGHT WITHOUT HUMAN BLOOD, HERE IS HOW YOU CAN JOIN THE BEST OCCULT SOCIETY IN AFRICA FOR MONEY WEALTH FAME POWER AND SUCCESS CALL +2348164468154 SERVICE TO HUMANITY Join the moving train now and enjoy forever,.. Get what ever you seek in this world, we rule the world. this is that opportunity you have been waiting for so long, Shakura brotherhood occult is here to shape your life and make you a great man in the society, join us now to achieve wealth money fame power and success in all areas of life. call the great priest of Shakura with +2348164468154 for all kinds of spiritual helps. Does occult really work? Have you ever experienced situations that seem hopelessly unfair and unbalanced? You wait and wait for your luck to turn, but it never does? Sometimes we feel stuck in a rut, especially when it comes to finances. We work and work, but never seem to get ahead. Maybe you’ve even tried some white magic spells and nothing has worked. If you are a hard worker but can’t seem to get ahead of your luck, it could be that you need Shakura occult group. Maybe it’s time for occult help in your life to cleans you and make you a great man. Although money is not necessary for you to experience things, money and freedom mean the same thing for most people. And at core of who we are, there is an awareness of our right to freedom, which is why our relationship to money is one of the main themes in our life experience. Therefore, it is not surprising that we all have such strong feelings about money. We want to show you that the alignment of your thoughts of making money, the way you feel about this idea, and the money that flows into your pocket. If you can bring these thoughts into alignment consciously, you will gain access to the powers of the universe, and then you will see that time and physical effort are quite irrelevant to your financial success. Let’s begin with a simple premise of your world and universe: You get what you think. We often hear people say that cannot be right, because I have wanted more money all my life and I have thought about it, and yet I still struggle with the fact that I do not have enough of it. And what we always tell them afterwards, is that the most important thing to improve your financial situation is to really understand where struggles stem from. We can give your business new hope through our use of White Magic you will attract more money and have greater success. Success or failure often depends on "accidental" meetings and "random", suddenly opened possibilities. Even Albert Einstein said: "There are no coincidences. God does not play dice. Please contact us now 08164468154. When you talk or think about money and you feel discomfort or fear, you are not speaking about money, but instead the lack of it. When you speak about money and you feel joy, comfort and think about prosperity and well being, you will get it. The difference is significant because the second statement makes money, the first keeps money from you. It is important, how you think about money and more importantly how you feel about money. If you say things like: ‘Oh this is beautiful, if only I could afford it’. Such thoughts are the sign, that you don't have the harmonious attitude towards wealth and prosperity. So, first step is to understand, what is wrong with your thoughts and attitudes. Only if you know your problem, you can change it! Instead of the feeling of disappointment or lack of something, which cannot be fulfilled now, your attention should be more focused on what you want. No on the absence of it. Many people constantly associate the feeling of not having enough with their lives; because they lack the ability to think beyond what they actually experience. In other words, if they see money is scarce, and are aware of it and often speak of it, they will remain in this state and this thought pattern will become chronic. Now I know many of you are protesting what I am saying, but the truth is that the power lies within you. You must understand that you will not achieve your desire if you continue just to look for it and speak of it. You also need to take an action! It is the second step. Extend who you are, you cannot fulfil your desire with your current identity, you need to become more than you are today. For example, if you want to be successful, you have to adapt the behavior and habits of successful people! Our way of thinking is what creates our life! How we think is how we experience our reality. Transform your thinking, be grateful for everything, and you will attract more experience worthy of being grateful. This transformation is Magic! And if you support this with some success ritual, you will attract the chance you are waiting for. Most important is to find a balance If you care only about your inner harmony, strengthen the things that you accumulate and focus on your actions and your state of well being, but if you do not find this balance and try to feel better, do more things and activities in order to feel better, you do not ever pick up the balance. For most people this will comes from a place of lacking, in many cases they want something just because they do not have it, and once they have the possession they are not satisfied inside because there is always something that they do not have. Thus, it becomes an endless struggle, always one more thing they want and that will not make them happy even if it is brought into their lives. HAVE YOU BEEN GOING THROUGH HELL ALL THIS YEARS BECAUSE OF FINANCIAL ISSUES? NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO ACHIEVE YOUR DREAM IN LIFE BY JOINING THE GREAT SHAKURA OCCULT KINGDOM AND BECOME RICH IN A COUPLE OF DAYS AFTER YOUR INITIATION INTO THE SECRET KINGDOM FEEL FREE TO CONTACT THE WISE ONE AND HE WILL TELL YOU THE SOLUTION TO YOUR PROBLEM AND YOUR LIFE WILL BE CHANGE FOR GOOD, REMEMBER THAT MONEY SPEAKS IN A LANGUAGE THE WORLD DO UNDERSTAND TO REACH THE TEMPLE CONTACT +234 8164468154. SO MANY OF YOU TODAY ARE POOR BECAUSE OF THE SIN THEIR FUR-FATHERS COMMITTED WHICH THEY ARE NOT AWARE OF IT AND THEY STILL REMAIN INSIDE IT GET FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGH TODAY BY JOINING THE ALMIGHTY GREAT SHAKURA BROTHERHOOD OCCULT KINGDOM AND BE TOTALLY FREE FROM POVERTY IN YOUR LIFE IF its FINANCIAL, VISA, MONEY , You WANT TO ASSUME A POSITION, RITUAL MONEY, SUPERNATURAL WEALTH, PROTECTION AND FAME, get in touch. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND INQUIRY CONTACT THE TEMPLE NOW You need to know that joining Shakura BROTHERHOOD Occult is for rituals’ Money, Riches, wealth promotion, Protection, fame, luck, and to get your dream husband/wife. There is a destination for our lives which will bring us happiness and inner peace. Our daily decision is like a map. If you make the right turns, you will reach your destination easily. If you make a wrong turn, you will become lost…And if you are lost, what you have to do is to stop at a junction and ask for directions. We are the direction to your own personal destination. Shakura BROTHERHOOD OCCULT has brought healing, riches , wealth , prosperity, support, protection and justice to many people. Whatever be the problem, contact the Shakura BROTHERHOOD today, and you will be happy. WE ARE A SPECIAL DEMONS that was sent by Master Shakura to the world in human form. Giver of Wealth .we give wealth to all that diligently seek our help ,to all that are bold to stand the test of time. Our Power of Richness is to all who are in poverty and need our wealth through our Power Of Instant Wealth Invocation. Simply Contact The wise one Now . it is then left for you to make a choice to be Rich Or to remain Poor . Instant Wealth Initiation Is FREE Only The Materials for your initiation you must provide and come along with it to the temple. You can come to The Temple for the initiation and Invocation or we will invoke the Instant Wealth for you and your Physical money will appear before you any where you are in this world. WE ARE THE STRONGEST OCCULT SOCIETY IN NIGERIA THAT FOLLOWED THE AFRICAN TRADITION AND MAKES ITS MEMBERS THE MOST RICHEST AND STRONGEST TO BE FAMOUS IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE JUST CONTACT THE WISE ONE WITH THIS NUMBER AND MADE YOUR REQUEST AND IT SHALL BE APPROVED IF YOU HAVE A BRIGHTER DESTINY THAT CAN WORK WITH US CALL NOW DON’T THINK THAT ALL YOUR HOPE ARE LOST IN THIS WORLD YOU STILL HAVE THE ABILITY TO MAKE A GOOD LIVING BY JOINING MONEY RITUAL SECRET OCCULT THAT WILL MAKE YOU VERY RICH WITHOUT KILLING ANY HUMAN BEING TAKE THIS DECISION TODAY AND CHANGE YOUR WORLD TO A BETTER ONE WE THE Shakura BROTHERHOOD OCCULT MEMBERS ARE READY TO HELP YOU AS LONG AS YOU ACCEPT TO MAKE A RITUAL SACRIFICE TO OUR LORD SPIRITUAL TO BECOME ONE OF US THEN YOU ARE READY TO BOOST YOUR CAREER AND BE A GREAT MAN WITHOUT BEING AFRAID OF ANY LIVING THINGS IN THIS WORD JOIN US TODAY AND FULFILL YOUR DREAM HAVE YOU BEEN SEARCHING FOR A WAY TO JOIN A SECRET OCCULT AND BECOME SUPPER RICH AND ALSO BE NOTIFY BY EVERYONE AROUND YOU,OR IF YOU ARE SEEKING FOR PROTECTION, JOIN THE GREAT SHAKURA BROTHERHOOD AND ALL YOUR HEARTH DESIRES SHALL BE GRANTED. ARE YOU READY TO CHANGE FROM THE BAD CONDITION YOU ARE TODAY AND BECOME AN OCCULTISM MEMBER TO GAIN WEALTH, POWERS, RICHES, PROTECTION, SUCCESS AND FAME IN ALL ASPECT OF LIFE? CALL +2348164468154 AND JOIN THE GREAT SHAKURA BROTHERHOOD OCCULT TO ACHIEVE YOUR DREAM IN LIFE. Contact us phone : +234 8164468154 Mobile: +234 8096620081 Email : HOW TO JOIN SECRET OCCULT IN NIGERIA FOR MONEY RITUAL, I WANT TO JOIN OCCULT SOCIETY IN AFRICA TO MAKE MONEY, HOW CAN I JOIN THE BEST OCCULT GROUP TO BECOME WEALTHY OVERNIGHT CONTACT US NOW +2348164468154 Distance is not a barrier, we can work for you, you can receive our power anywhere you are in the world. A person who doesn’t need money doesn’t exist in this world. This is for everyone who is struggling hard to improve their financial status. These proven techniques will help your account balance grow within 24 hours. These days, money has become a necessity rather than privilege. Everyone needs to make enough to feed themselves and their families, to buy clothing, to pay for shelter, and for education and many other purposes. Even if you want to attract wealth, you need to invest in it one way or another. Earning money is not as easy as it seems. Most of us work hard day and night to earn enough for our needs, to fulfil our wishes, to have luxuries, to be powerful, and sometimes to face severe problems like curing diseases or recovering from an accident. From your internet connection to the daily bread and butter, money is an essential tool. This is an undeniable fact. There is nothing wrong with having money, though it can have disadvantages to it as well. The ones who are not able to earn suffer in many ways. Some people become homeless, and some even struggle to make a living until the day they die. The grief is incomparable. There are many people who resort to stealing, killing, robbing, and general deceit just for the sake of money. As negative it may seem, no morals last when it comes down to hunger. As the saying goes, "When poverty knocks on the door, love jumps out from the window." Here are five ways to help you lessen your financial problems. When nothing ordinary works, you can always resort to magi. ABOUT THE GRAND MASTER Shamman Ganga is a very honest and trusted spiritual leader and healer. He’s a very passionate master in all he does. Due to his kindheartedness and desire to make everyone achieve all positive goals and enhance their spiritual being, he went to several spiritual and mystical power filled schools all over the continents of the world, carrying out researches in several spiritual fields and acquiring powers to the benefit of humanity due to his understanding of" the spiritual controls the physical"…all things are one in the physical and spiritual. Everyone who comes to him whole heartedly always gets to see the magnificence of his powers and the effects these powers carries. All powers, talismans, amulets etc are always and specially prepared by SHAMMAN GANGA himself. His key words are: 1. Honesty 2. Discretion 3. Transparency. Are you unhappy with your current financial situation and in desperate need of cash? There's nothing worse than working hard at a job and watching your entire paycheck get devoured by bills. Let's face it: After a while, it can become depressing. Did you know that by calling the right kind of energy, you can creative positive financial change? It's true. Good things don’t happen randomly in life. Instead, we attract them through our thoughts and intentions. Depending upon your mindset, one of those good things can be money. Based on ancient Wiccan lore, you can draw wealth to yourself by casting specific spells. SERVICE TO HUMANITY Join the moving train now and enjoy forever,.. Get what ever you seek in this world, we rule the world. this is that opportunity you have been waiting for so long, Shakura brotherhood occult is here to shape your life and make you a great man in the society, join us now to achieve wealth money fame power and success in all areas of life. call the great priest of Shakura with +2348164468154 for all kinds of spiritual helps. Does occult really work? Have you ever experienced situations that seem hopelessly unfair and unbalanced? You wait and wait for your luck to turn, but it never does? Sometimes we feel stuck in a rut, especially when it comes to finances. We work and work, but never seem to get ahead. Maybe you’ve even tried some white magic spells and nothing has worked. If you are a hard worker but can’t seem to get ahead of your luck, it could be that you need Shakura occult group. Maybe it’s time for occult help in your life to cleans you and make you a great man. Although money is not necessary for you to experience things, money and freedom mean the same thing for most people. And at core of who we are, there is an awareness of our right to freedom, which is why our relationship to money is one of the main themes in our life experience. Therefore, it is not surprising that we all have such strong feelings about money. We want to show you that the alignment of your thoughts of making money, the way you feel about this idea, and the money that flows into your pocket. If you can bring these thoughts into alignment consciously, you will gain access to the powers of the universe, and then you will see that time and physical effort are quite irrelevant to your financial success. Let’s begin with a simple premise of your world and universe: You get what you think. We often hear people say that cannot be right, because I have wanted more money all my life and I have thought about it, and yet I still struggle with the fact that I do not have enough of it. And what we always tell them afterwards, is that the most important thing to improve your financial situation is to really understand where struggles stem from. We can give your business new hope through our use of White Magic you will attract more money and have greater success. Success or failure often depends on "accidental" meetings and "random", suddenly opened possibilities. Even Albert Einstein said: "There are no coincidences. God does not play dice. Please contact us now 08164468154. When you talk or think about money and you feel discomfort or fear, you are not speaking about money, but instead the lack of it. When you speak about money and you feel joy, comfort and think about prosperity and well being, you will get it. The difference is significant because the second statement makes money, the first keeps money from you. It is important, how you think about money and more importantly how you feel about money. If you say things like: ‘Oh this is beautiful, if only I could afford it’. Such thoughts are the sign, that you don't have the harmonious attitude towards wealth and prosperity. So, first step is to understand, what is wrong with your thoughts and attitudes. Only if you know your problem, you can change it! Instead of the feeling of disappointment or lack of something, which cannot be fulfilled now, your attention should be more focused on what you want. No on the absence of it. Many people constantly associate the feeling of not having enough with their lives; because they lack the ability to think beyond what they actually experience. In other words, if they see money is scarce, and are aware of it and often speak of it, they will remain in this state and this thought pattern will become chronic. Now I know many of you are protesting what I am saying, but the truth is that the power lies within you. You must understand that you will not achieve your desire if you continue just to look for it and speak of it. You also need to take an action! It is the second step. Extend who you are, you cannot fulfil your desire with your current identity, you need to become more than you are today. For example, if you want to be successful, you have to adapt the behavior and habits of successful people! Our way of thinking is what creates our life! How we think is how we experience our reality. Transform your thinking, be grateful for everything, and you will attract more experience worthy of being grateful. This transformation is Magic! And if you support this with some success ritual, you will attract the chance you are waiting for. Most important is to find a balance If you care only about your inner harmony, strengthen the things that you accumulate and focus on your actions and your state of well being, but if you do not find this balance and try to feel better, do more things and activities in order to feel better, you do not ever pick up the balance. For most people this will comes from a place of lacking, in many cases they want something just because they do not have it, and once they have the possession they are not satisfied inside because there is always something that they do not have. Thus, it becomes an endless struggle, always one more thing they want and that will not make them happy even if it is brought into their lives. There is a saying that goes ‘money is the root evil,’ and it may be so, but many can not deny the fact that money brings joy and pleasure. Someone corrected me one day and said ‘The love of money is the root of all evil,’ and of course I think this is the truth (read this post). There are things that many people will do for money and of course with money, often times fame and power comes. The thing is, the search for money (especially for those who were not born into it) can be a very rough road and there are times when people want to take shortcuts to get to the top or to have more than or to acquire the power that they seek and desire. Spirituality will come in very handy for those seeking material wealth or a quick leap to the top of the money tree. This is where money rituals becomes important, but many people who go into this type of practice or covenant often times do not understand or realize the repercussions that comes with it… There is a difference between money ritual and money medicine. Money ritual is a ritual done to bring about money or to change a persons situation or circumstance where in which they will be more wealthy and prosperous. The word ritual here means ceremony, a spiritual ceremony that is done where the priest or priestess do whatever they do within the ceremony to change the life of that person. I once knew a woman who was very very wealthy, yet she was never happy. I know this sounds cliche, but then again everything comes with a balance. This is not to say that wealth brings unhappiness, but the way in which a person gets their wealth, is what determines how they live their lives and also their physical and emotional well being (this would make for a great intellectual spiritual topic). When I met this woman, let’s call her Roxanne. She was a woman already in her fifties and had six children. The source of her wealth? I had no idea, this was never disclosed to me. It may have been real estate, but I’m not sure. I was intrigued at the fact that this woman wanted for nothing. She had houses and cars, cuban cigars (lol), whatever it was, she had it or could afford it. Yet, she quarreled almost everyday about something or the other and most of the time the arguments had to do with either her ex husband or her current boyfriend, and most especially, the problems she was having with her children. All 6 children had a problem. And the problems that they had were a mother’s or a parent’s worst nightmare. Let me list them… The first child, which at the time when I knew her, was in her 30’s, was said to be a prostitute. Now this is not the prostitute that stands on the corner of the street, this is the one that will sleep with anyone who said Hi to her. It became almost like a sickness. She was even accused quite often of seducing her mother’s boyfriends, which created a very horrible relationship between her and her mother. They lived like cats and dogs. The second child was a boy. He was gay and he, too, was extremely promiscuous; and he also went after the mother’s boyfriends. However, she never tackled his subject or even spoke about it. This was something whispered among the family. It seemed, however, that she always wanted to make him especially, very happy, almost as if she were carrying a guilt for whatever reason. And so, she would invite random men to the house to live with her and then put them to stay in this son’s room. She was highly criticized within the family for this as the boy was very promiscuous. The third child was a thief. Very talented boy in all areas of his life and although the mother gave him everything he wanted, it seemed that he could not help stealing. The kind of thief he was was hardcore. He robbed houses, he did carjacking, he also sold and stole (in and out of prison) drugs… But all these things he did not have to, because she provided all her children with anything they asked for. The other three children (1 girl and 2 boys) all became drug addicts. The drugs were heroin and crystal meth. These were children who had the best education (she spend money pon har pitni dem), and she was devastated when she had to battle drugs with her children by constantly having to put them in drug rehab. When it came to men, she had no problem getting them (money is very attractive), but they all ended up using her and the relationship while with them was always tumultuous. She cried everyday, or cussed everyday, and even if she smiled or laughed, it was just for a moment. Happiness was never a companion to her. One day she told a story to myself and my friend Mother Myrie. This was after I had given her consultation on some problems she was having in her personal life. She told us about a ritual she had done many years ago. The ritual involved her being buried and resurrected. While I can not go into details of what she told me, I knew as she described it, that this was a money ritual, and so I asked her if she knew what the ritual was for when it was being done? She feigned ignorance, and told me that she had just gone to the obeah man and asked him to help her make her life better, and this was what he did. She said after the ritual was done, her life flourished. Mother Myrie, who had been quiet during the conversation, suddenly made an accusatory outburst. “Yuh tek care ah yuh self an’ lef yuh pitni dem outta door.” Meaning she left her children out in the cold, or she did not ask what the repercussions would be when she did the ritual. I remember her crying that day. She never answered Mother Myrie, except for saying she didn’t know. But as spiritualists, Mother Myrie and I looked at each other, silently acknowledging the foolishness of people. This story is one of many and to be honest, this story is mild compared to others who have done rituals for money and have lost family members or some parts of themselves (for example, their anatomy – one man went impotent). The possibility of becoming a millionaire, billionaire, trillionaire, is very real when it comes to spirituality. Yet we ought to remember that everyone has their own destiny written in a contract before coming to this earth plane to live, and if it is not destined for a person to be wealthy and powerful, they can become wealthy and powerful if they find the right spiritualist to perform the ritual to make them so. But there are dire consequences to be paid, and often times, they may not even know (the spiritualist certainly will not tell them, and sometimes the spiritualists himself may not even know the consequence, other that there are consequences attached). All over the world, on television, or in the news, international, or otherwise, there are stories of people or families who are wealthy, powerful, famous, loved or criticized. There may be situations, just like this, (when spirituality is spoken of, as in witchcraft or juju, black people are highlighted in the minds of many, but this is not entirely so) where in which we see a woman, famous or otherwise, who once lived an ordinary life like you and I, and then all of a sudden she marries a wealthy man, and her life begins to rise. And after years or months or marriage, she branches off without him, becoming on top of him while he dwindles down to nothing. This could be called a swap or swapping of destinies where in which the money ritual that she did in secrecy, worked in the way of her meeting wealth (the man) and taking his destiny, leaving him to be a shell of a person. There are spiritual energies that the spiritualist can work with, pertaining what is demanded by the energy or deity, and given to them. They can allow, for example the woman above, to steal or suck the glory of any and all men, regardless of family, or friend, or lover, who comes around. This is not only a woman thing, it can also be reversed where a man does this to a woman. In Africa, we would say switching the person’s star. This may sound very weird to some of you, but this is very real in the world of spirituality, and it can be as simple as one sex act between a woman and a man, where either he pulls from her or she pulls from him and bam, the deed is done. Or as simple as someone offering you a seat, and you accept. A swap has occurred unbeknownst to you. I’m sure many of you reading this have witnessed situations where you have seen people striving in life, perhaps met up with someone or into a family, and all of a sudden that person becomes nothing, while those who entered his life, rises above him. Money rituals are practiced all over the world (white, black, and more), and many people who have acquired sudden wealth, thrones, power, or titles, may be apart of this practice. Often times before our eyes (media) and we just don’t know… However, there are real repercussions to these practices because the Universe witnesses all. Now, on the topic of money medicine. I use the term “medicine” because I practice African spirituality, and this is what we call anything that is to assist anyone spiritually, but many of us in the diaspora may just call it spiritual work. The difference between money ritual and money medicine is that the first will bring money like pouring rain, and it is extreme and although it works, the consequences are dire. But money medicines are preparations done to assist the person by unblocking their way and allowing their natural goodness, which may be already destined for them, to come. I will give you a short example. A gentleman told me that he had gone to Nigeria, on one of his trips, and had a divination with a Babalawo where it came up that his way was blocked and things were tough for him financially. The oracle instructed the Babalawo to make medicines for this gentleman. The man was told to buy two chickens and bring them. He did so. The chickens were sacrificed to whatever deity, and then the animal was cleaned and boiled. It was put to dry on top of a zinc roof. Other things were then done, (but I won’t go too deep), and the animal was now prepared like a meal with the Babalawo’s chanting. The gentleman was now made to eat the chicken (these foods are prepared in special pots, etc.) except the bones. The bones were placed aside and those were then made into medicine to be used. The gentleman told me that when he returned, money became his best friend. He said that year he flourished that he was even able to buy several buildings. But this lasted for perhaps two years, and it dwindled down when the medicine he used finished. Now the difference with this is that the oracle was the one that pointed out the problem the gentleman was going through and also gave the solution. There also can be times when a person sits before a Babalawo and requests some type of medicine to assist them financially or in their business, and regardless of what is asked, the priest has to consult the oracle, and the oracle will determine the type of medicine that is conducive to that person’s spirit. Money medicine or doing preparations to assist yourself financially, is fine. In spirituality, persons can use candles or even the Bible if you’re knowledgeable, invoke certain deities of nature, or whatever. There are many things that can benefit us in life, but then there are the extreme as I told you above that can create havoc, sadness, sickness, confusion, or even death. It’s a matter of choice. But in all things, we must be wise. Contact us phone : +234 8164468154 Mobile: +234 8096620081 Email : I WANT TO JOIN OCCULT IN AFRICA, HERE IS HOW TO JOIN THE BEST OCCULT BROTHERHOOD IN NIGERA AND ACCROSS THE WORLD CALL +2348164468154 Millions of people from all walks of life have committed themselves to the Shakura global work for the betterment of the human species. By foregoing all divisions of geographical, religious, or political beliefs, followers of Shakura strive to form a planet where all people, in all places, can live in abundance. Become part of something great. Transform to join the Shakura Network. Join us in building character & happiness! This is a real opportunity for you to become part of something really worth while, we at the Shakura do not kill any of our members irrespective of the lies you watched in most of the Nollywood movies. If our members are to be sacrificed for rituals we wouldn't have come this long & keep to such a great number of members, yet Shakura occult is expanding on a daily basis with new members from far and near. Please do not be deceived nobody would want your success if you fail to plan for yourself. All our members can marry & have children if they wishes to. Initiation is opened for both gender of between the ages of 24 years & above and its free of charge, no fee, no registration. To become a member you must come to our high temple in person, but in the situation where one can't come personally we can arrange Astral projection for you, astral travel is the invocation of your spirit man at night to our temple in Nigeria, Africa. Hence nothing goes for nothing, you shall exchange your soul for wealth, power & whatever you want. While coming bring the following items for your purification and rebirth. Before you will be accepted into the organization you will be asked to submit your full names, age etc. for evaluation and prognostication it's when you are accepted that an invitation will be issued to you please not that without invitation you won't be allowed into the temple this is for security reasons. If your reason of joining the brotherhood is for riches mind you we do not invoke money, what we do is after your initiation the members will contribute among themselves and give to you, this money is normally given depending on what the have agreed. Its nonrefundable as you too will donate to anybody who comes after you. For initiation rites and other spiritual related issues come in person to our temple: WE ARE HERE TO MAKE LIFE EQUAL FOR BOTH THE POOR AND THE RICH..... Why do you have to suffer so much to achieve in life? the world wasn't meant to be so, why do you allow poverty, hardship, sickness, hatred, unemployment & bad luck to take charge upon you? Life is the great indulgence-death, the great abstinence. Therefore, make the most of life-HERE AND NOW! There is now heaven of glory bright, and no hell where sinners roast. Here and now is our day of torment! Here and now is our day of joy! Here and now is our opportunity! choose ye this day, this hour, for no redeemer liveth! Say unto thine own heart," I am mine own redeemer." This is according to the law of Shakura. Do not believe what the Christian God says you should love one another,the law of Shakura says"Hate your enemies with a whole heart,and if a man smite you on one cheek,SMASH him on the other!,smite him hip and thigh,for self-preservation. After becoming a full member money, protection and power against physical and spiritual attack is guaranteed.Most people who have undergone through poverty without solution often misquote the bible saying "Money is the root of all evil" But read in the books of Ecclesiastes 10:19 and Matthew 13:12 and again there is nothing hidden under the sun most people condom the act of prognostication, which is yet an act of phypocracy. You can see your future know your enemies and even communicate with your departed loved ones which most baby Christian pastors are against. Please in the books of 1Samuel 28:7---20 about the Witch of Endor. With our crystal ball or black mirror the world is on our palm. It's time to pay your enemies in their own coins,most people believe to pay you bad for the good you do to them. But I assure you such people will no longer go free for the "Law of Retaliation"is here "Do me I do you God no go vex"you shall give life for life eye for eye tooth for tooth. The secret behind the secret societies you have been denied of by the secret society Lord's, Gurus and supreme masters, they won't want you to know. The offering up of a sacrifices is to be regarded as a divine institution and sacrifices must not be human beings, it could be animal it didn't originate with man. God Himself appointed it as the mode in which acceptable worship was to be offered to Him by guilty man. The language and the idea of sacrifice pervade the whole Bible. Sacrifices were offered in antediluvian age. The Lord clothed Adam and Eve with the skins of animals which in all probability had been offered a sacrifice of the first lings of his flock see Hebrew 11:4. It is believed that man went astray from the garden of Eden so the only way God could reconcile man with Him was by the atonement of BLOOD. Because without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. This was why Jesus died on the cross. Now look at the synonyms and antonyms of the story of Abraham and the sacrifice of his son Isaac as a burnt offering to God. Find details in the book of Genesis 22:1--18.This too explains how God Himself allow sacrifice from time immemorial. You can be successful either by human sacrifice or with the sacrifices of animals like..goats,bull,fowl,bush baby etc both are acceptable and effective.When God finds out that Abraham was full of faith in Him a ram was provided in place of the human sacrifices this should tell you that you can't be famous here on earth without either by human sacrifices or animals sacrifices.You can sacrifice other animals like bush baby,black dog in place of human being and everything could be perfect with you in life and you can live long, none of your family member will lost his/her life.I know thousands of the dreaded secret societies /cults and fraternities out there won't be happy with what we are doing by exposing their secrets over the Internet. I have been attacked by several groups of these evil occult but with the help of Enki am still alive and i defeated them.We need to bring the masses out of the darkness and stop the fear of been killed once you joined a brotherhood/occult. We wants our members to live long and testify the goodness of this great brotherhood.Look at the decollation of John the Baptist, the Holy scriptures tells us that after St.John the baptist was beheaded the impious Herodias forbade the prophet's head to be buried together with his body.instead she desecrated the honorable head and buried it near her palace.This was yet another secret ritual which nobody can give an answer to it.if I may ask (see Matthew 11:1--19)John the Baptist prophecies about the coming of Jesus and even baptized Him can someone tell me what was the offense of John that Jesus refused to bring him out of prison. Read Matthew 14 and from the book of Mark 6:14--29 how shamefully john was beheaded and you will find out the secret meaning of his death from verses 23 of Mark 6m and in verse 30 of Mark 6.Jesus after hearing of John's death he did not say a word this also tells me of John exchanging his life for the coming of Jesus, this was yet another sacrifice fulfilled.This the occultic men won't let you know. Have you ever asked some of this pastors where they got their powers from? Offcourse they will claim God gave them but deep behind is the secret known by few[dot]come be part of this great brotherhood and say bye for poverty, sickness, untimely death, hatred, unemployment etc. HOW TO JOIN OCCULT BROTHERHOOD TO BE RICH, JOIN OCCULT FRATERNITY FOR FAST MONEY RITUAL THAT WORKS WITHOUT SIDE EFFECT CALL +2348164468154 MONEY'S CHOICE BETWEEN GOOD OR EVIL IS DECIDED BY THOSE WHO USE IT. MONEY HAS NO FEELING, NO VOICE, NO SOUL. WHEN ONE IS HUNGRY, THEY CANNOT EAT PAPER OR GOLD. THE SAME MONEY THAT CAN BE USED TO HURT CAN ALSO BE USED TO HEAL. TO THE DICTATOR, MONEY IS A MEANS FOR WEAPONS AND DEATH. TO THE BEGGAR, MONEY IS A MEANS FOR FOOD AND LIFE. WE ARE OUR BROTHER’S KEEPER. ONE FOR ALL. ALL FOR ONE JOIN SHAKURA OCCULT TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOR EVER. You have probably heard about Secret Societies and the Occult world and wondered “how can I join one of these societies for wealth and prosperity?” The truth is, most if not all of these secret societies do not accept outsiders that are not referred by or who are unrelated to current members. Some societies only can be joined by the elite–they normally operate on a who you know or who you are related to basis. At OCCULT Society we accept anyone who is interesting in a spiritual awakening. We also do all the ritual for our members. OCCULT lead by our Grand master occultists operates using supernatural powers of black magic, voodun (voodoo), obeahy, Egyptian magic, and other powerful magic and occultist forces to gain practical benefits and change atmospheric and spiritual laws, which are only shared with our members. We are able help people from all regions of the world to enjoy prestige, protection, riches, health, wealth, power and prosperity. All members receive FREE (annual) castings of any 6 rituals/rites of their desire, you choose the ritual and HOPS brings it into your existence. You will receive a free prosperity handkerchief which will bring you prosperity, power, and protection and money. All members receive the famous –Secret Wish Rite casting for FREE, in addition to their 6 free rituals! Once you join, anything that you wish for will become your reality. It is as simple as: you submit your wish to us, and we will cast the Secret Wish rite specially formulated for your individual wish. Prior to the casting we will inform you of the date and time that your Secret Wish rite will be cast. Members will have exclusive access to purchase powerful rings, amulets, bracelets, and pendants. The masters of House of Power OCCULT will perform powerful spiritual invocations and incantations on each jewelry purchased–so that the jewelry will carry out functions of wealth, health, prosperity, fame, protection, love most especially power to control human etc. All members will have access to purchase special magical books that will create spiritual growth in the occult, metaphysical, and supernatural magic world. The possibilities are endless: Just imagine being a member and getting the right job or gaining a promotion, seeing constant increase in wealth, conquer various obstacles, or seeing wonders in your relationship, marriage, or bring back lost love, never-failing an exams, becoming famous, get spiritual protection and lots more. As a member all you have to do is tell us your desire and we will perform various rituals for three days (3) on your INITIATION for a breakthrough. So do not miss this chance to change your life for ever NEVER MISS ANY OPPORTUNITY THAT IS RIGHT BEFORE YOU THIS YEAR. IT'S YOU TO MAKE SURE YOUR OWN LIFE IS BETTER THAN BEFORE. JOIN THE SHAKURA OCCULT OF MONEY MAKERS. IT'S YOUR TIME TO DUST OFF POVERTY AND BECOME A BILLIONAIRE. TO JOIN OCCULT OF RICHES, POWER, FAME, SUCCESS AND MONEY WE ARE DYING BECAUSE OF OUR BAD LEADER, JOIN THE GREAT OCCULT TEMPLE OF BROTHERHOOD BROTHERHOOD TO BE WEALTHY JOIN US WE GUARANTEE YOU SUCCESS,100% WEALTH, POWER, FAME WE ARE HERE FOR THE DESPERATE ONES, DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY IN AFRICA JOIN US AND MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TO PASS JOIN THE BEST OCCULT WITHOUT ANY HUMAN SCARIFIES WE WILL CONNECT YOU TO THE TOP MEN IN THE WORLD WE WILL GIVE ALL IT TAKES TO BECOME A MAN AFTER YOUR INITIATION THE LORD OF MONEY WILL VISIT YOU. 1) YOU MOST BE ABOVE 24 YEARS 2) YOU MUST BE ABLE TO KEEP SECRET BE WARNED IF YOU NEED ANY ASSISTANT FINANCIALLY, JOB OFFERING, CONTRACT , OIL SUPPLIED, PETROL CHEMICAL ENGINEER, OPPORTUNITY TO. WORK IN OIL COMPANY, EDUCATION ASSISTANTS FEEL FREE TO CONTACT THIS NUMBER IF YOU WISH JOIN THE SHAKURA BROTHERHOOD OCCULT TEMPLE THAT GIVE YOU ALL YOU WANT IN LIFE WE ARE THE BEST OCCULT GROUP IN AFRICA JOIN US WE GUARANTEE YOU WEALTH, FAME, POWER, SUCCESS IN LIFE DON’T THINK THAT ALL YOUR HOPE ARE LOST IN THIS WORLD YOU STILL HAVE THE ABILITY TO MAKE A GOOD LIVING BY JOINING MONEY RITUAL SECRET OCCULT THAT WILL MAKE YOU VERY RICH WITHOUT KILLING ANY HUMAN BEING TAKE THIS DECISION TODAY AND CHANGE YOUR WORLD TO A BETTER ONE WE THE SHAKURA BROTHERHOOD OCCULT MEMBERS ARE READY TO HELP YOU AS LONG AS YOU ACCEPT TO MAKE A RITUAL SACRIFICE TO OUR LORD SPIRITUAL TO BECOME ONE OF US THEN YOU ARE READY TO BOOST YOUR CAREER AND BE A GREAT MAN WITHOUT BEING AFRAID OF ANY LIVING THINGS IN THIS WORD JOIN US TODAY AND FULFILL YOUR DREAM CONTACT THE WISE ONE NOW +2348164468154 Email we all define success differently (as well we should), most of us do factor some degree of wealth into our success equations. So how do you become super rich? First embrace one fact: you’ll never get there on salary alone. join us in the word we will show you the secret of money and wealth call if you that have giving up on becoming rich and powerful in life, that’s why we here render you any kind of help that you want What challenges are you facing in life today, is it poverty, wretchedness, you are true with your education no job employment, you are marketer no improvement You have tried all you can to make sure you are successful, famous, rich, powerful but nothing have work out for you, right now a great opportunity is giving to you to change your life.
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