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13 tips for effective study

Always school years were still an important period of time. It is during this period that you can acquire all the necessary knowledge from different disciplines. This is especially true for the last year of study. At this time, you begin to actively engage in lessons, as exams and university entrance are just around the corner. But, most likely, one of the more difficult subjects is algebra and geometry.

School mathematics, which is the most interesting, is not only difficult to learn, but also exciting. Therefore, if you want to prepare for mathematics, you can either use the services of a tutor or listen to our advice. They will be outlined below.

On the other hand, knowledge of algebra or geometry can be useful not only for a student (as many people think), they can also be useful for an adult. After all, these subjects are science, which can become in the case of calculations and calculations. And over the years, as a rule, knowledge is able to dissolve in your memory, and something is completely forgotten.

But one must take into account the fact that not everyone understands these subjects. Why is this happening? This is due to the lack of understanding of the whole essence of mathematical laws. Because, whatever one may say, some people have a humanitarian mindset.

What will help in the study of algebra and geometry

And in order to study them, you must have:

  1. Notebook
  2. Handle
  3. Pencil
  4. Grater
  5. Tutorials with algebra and geometry
  6. Reshebniks from these items
  7. Rulers of different shapes
  8. Calculator
  9. Encyclopedias

But one day it will become clear to you that you have derailed your knowledge of algebra and geometry a long time ago. As a rule, this understanding comes at a time when it needs to be solved very quickly. Of course, it is impossible to study this in a couple of days, but in order to do it as quickly as possible in the shortest possible time, you will need to learn what will be written below:

13 Ways to Learn Easily:

When studying algebra and geometry, determine for yourself what you want to achieve by studying algebra and geometry. Set a goal for yourself and state it clearly. This way you will know in which direction to move.
Start a notebook in which you will write down the information you need.
Make a plan according to which you will study (indicate in it what and when you want to learn)
Start learning from scratch (this way you can have a good foundation).
Master all the solutions. They are different: from the opposite, from the opposite and by means of induction. But you cannot use them if you do not understand them. Also, if you still cannot fully understand this or that solution method, ask for help in mathematics https://essayassistant.org/math-help/.
Find solutions to tasks in your own way, and not according to the algorithm (after all, each task requires its own approach and solution)
As you teach, remember to take your time . (You do not need to try to cover all the information at once, this will not be of much use, it is better to study systematically, according to plan and regularly).
When exploring a new topic, it is best to start with terminology and definitions . (You shouldn't memorize them. You just need to understand them at the simplest level. Once you've figured it out, write down all the rules, meanings or terms in your notebook in your own words.)
Solve many examples and problems (the more you practice, the better). In order to speed up the learning process, choose tasks that give you difficulty. Let it not work out for you, albeit with mistakes, but only with experience will skills pass away, only practice brings these skills to automatism. Just do not forget that the tasks must be approached consciously, knowing all the terms and formulas.
Choose tasks from textbooks where there are answers (so you can test yourself).
When you solve examples and problems of the same type quickly and correctly, you should move on to the next topic. If it doesn't work, then learn or disassemble the topic again.
Do not forget to repeat everything periodically (remember the solutions to the problems, repeat the formulas, definitions, theorems and rules).
Come up with your assignments from mathematics (having studied some topic, make up your example assignments based on it)

Undeniable benefits

And in conclusion, what can the knowledge of algebra and geometry give you? Self-confidence and the ability to easily explore other sciences. Not every person knows these disciplines, therefore the knowledge that it is you who know at least some part of these hard and serious sciences makes you special. Therefore, do not expect that you will succeed right away. Of course, there will be difficulties. And when they do occur, consult a teacher, tutor, or a relative of the essay writing help , who understands the data subjects. And do not lower your pens at the first setbacks. Remember that mathematics is an exact science. She develops logic, memory, attention, requires special concentration, rationality in her actions, logic and accuracy. By doing algebra or geometry, you discipline and train your mind. And despite the fact that calculators and various gadgets have come to the aid of a person in the modern world, you still cannot do without knowledge in your head.



