Sharon Kinsey’s Updates

Update 2 - Blended Learning Khan Academy

Blended learning is an example of a constructivist method of learning, which allows learners to build their own knowledge and where the environment frames one’s thinking. While it appears there are various positives to constructivism, such as a learning environment that is active, reflective, collaborative and inquiry-based, there are concerns associated with this model of thinking that also take form in blended learning.

For example, the Khan Academy was created in 2006 by Salman Khan, who had the goal of providing online resources for students in order to enhance learning. It is described as a personalized learning experience that provides a multitude of YouTube videos to convey learning.

Videos can be found at:


Their website can be found at: 


Though the Khan Academy has received many accolades since its inception for creating content and providing lessons via online learning. In a 2012 critique of Khan’s mathematics videos, however, it was noted by Danielson and Goldenberg that the content provided seemed void of pedagogical content knowledge.

They contend this lack of knowledge is apparent in some of the examples provided in the videos, which leads to confusion and/or fails to answer foundational aspects of the topic. “Khan will put the video out there and see how people react to it. He perceives this to be a better approach than incorporating results of quality research projects into his instructional decisions” (Danielson and Goldenberg).

Though blended learning can be a positive addition to one’s learning, there does need to be quality, accurate information that is communicated. This is one example of how a constructivist approach, though well intentioned, could be improved for its learners.

Works Cited

Retrieved from Khan, Sal, Let's use video to reinvent education, TED (conference)

Retrieved from