Alessandra Coutinho Fernandes’s Updates

Atividade 2

Activity : Answer in the forum the following questions

According to Coffey (p. 1-2):

"Critical literacy is the ability to read texts in an active, reflective manner in order to better understand power, inequality, and injustice in human relationships."

"The development of critical literacy encourages students to question issues of power - explicitly disparities within social contexts like socio-economic status, race, class, gender, sexual orientation, etc.6 Becoming critically literate means that students have mastered the ability to read and critique messages in texts in order to better understand whose knowledge is being privileged"

Choose a post from youtube or any other social media. What questions would you ask to interrogate the chosen post in terms of the topics mentioned by Coffey?

Coffey (p. 1) says: "For the purposes of critical literacy, text is defined as a "vehicle through which individuals communicate with one another using the codes and conventions of society".1 Accordingly, songs, novels, conversations, pictures, movies, etc. are all considered texts. If we can read a verbal text, can we also read images? What elements could we take into consideration to read images? Choose an image and explain your point based on the chosen image.

After reading Heather Coffey's text, what would you say are the main points she raises in the different sections of her text about critical literacy?

Regarding how to teach critical literacy, Coffey presents a series of possibilities. Choose three of them that you found most effective and explain why.

Students ( ) be ready to discuss the section 'History and Theory of Critical Literacy' and Critical Literacy and Social Action' in class. Think of questions to motivate the discussion.

Students ( ) be ready to discuss the section 'Critical Literacy in practice' and Critical Literacy in the classroom' in class. Think of questions to motivate the discussion.