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With the emergence of the World Wide Web in our lives, man becomes more and more psychologically vulnerable. The pace of life is accelerating, the number of opportunities for self-development and formation of financial well-being is growing exponentially. And the mentality, as well as language, very sensitively react to any change in vital process: today a person feels worried about tomorrow, tomorrow he is afraid of not making the report in time.

The purpose of this research is to establish psycholinguistic parameters of speech in a state of mental tension. In order to achieve the objective, the following tasks must be carried out:
- to find and study earlier studies on the subject and to define the scope and parameters of the study;
- to find on the Internet some interviews of people who are in a state of mental tension (anxiety, fear, etc.);
- to examine the available material for speech features indicating this condition;
- to systematize the obtained data.

The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that at present the number of people suffering from various mental disorders or psychologically severe conditions caused by stress situations (loss of work, breakdown in the family, etc.) is increasing.

The object of the study is the oral and written speech of a person in a state of mental tension.
The subject of the study is psycholinguistic parameters of speech in a state of mental tension.
Methods of research - method of solid sampling, narrative analysis of dialogue or monologue of the speaker.

The scientific significance of the study is that the work will examine human speech from the point of view of pathopsycholinguistics, as well as formulate and supplement the main provisions in this field.
Practical and social significance lies in the possibility to apply acquired knowledge in the field of psychology, psychiatry and forensic (medical) expertise.

  • Rafael Forteza