Morgan Hanek Hanek’s Updates

Update 9: Math Whiteboard Competition

I’ve always been a student who struggled in math, but once I took my first college math class I gained a large amount of self confidence when it came to my ability of doing math. This confidence that came through me was because of my professor's teaching style. Each class she taught the material for an hour in a lecture style and then the second half of the class we got into groups and had fun competitions doing problems on the whiteboard. Each group had to present their problem to the class and explain how they got their answer. It was very beneficial and I really felt like I had such low confidence in math before because I didn’t know how I personally obtain math skills the best. As a result I did very well on the tests and did well in this class since I truly felt engaged in the material and not lost in my notes listening to lecture. It was very motivating to learn the material the best that you could so you did well during the whiteboard competition for one point of extra credit on the test. Overall, I had a great experience with this method for preping for tests.