Morgan Hanek Hanek’s Updates

Update 6: Google's "Power Glass" Wearable Technology

I wanted to further research a learning technology I am not familiar with already Asa result, I came across Google’s “Power Glass” glasses which is a type of wearable technology that could be used in a learning environment. I found this technology to be so interesting to learn more about, since I truly believe it is the future of education.

This is an image of a girl wearing the glasses

A touchpad is located on the side of Google Glass, which allows users to control the device by swiping through a timeline-like interface displayed on the screen. Sliding backward shows current events and sliding forward shows past events that would help students keep track of assignments. The camera on Google Glass has the ability to take photos and record 720p HD video which would be very beneficial for recording lectures and referring back to them later. I think these glasses are the future of innovative learning practices in education. Tools like this could automatically send information via text, email, and social networks on behalf of the user which is based on voice commands, gestures, and other indicators that would help students and educators communicate with one another, keep track of updates, and better organize notifications.

The point of this tool is to free hands, eyes, and ears for the human population.

Media embedded November 27, 2017