About Flor ángela Buitrago Escobar


  • I have been teaching Spanish and Literature since 2011. I am interested in Native Literature and the Oral Traditions of indigenous people.


  • Universidad de la Amazonia
    • Assistant Professor
    • College of Education
    • Calle 37 #1B-23, Conjunto Calle Real, casa X4
    • August 2018 to Present
  • Universidad de la Amazonia
    • Assistant Professor
    • College of Education
    • Calle 37 #1B-23, Conjunto Calle Real, casa X4
    • August 2018 to Present
  • Universidad de la Amazonia
    • Assistant Professor
    • College of Education
    • Calle 37 #1B-23, Conjunto Calle Real, casa X4
    • August 2018 to Present

