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Buddhist Society in India

In India buddhsim religion founded by Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar. The Buddhist Society India gives education of Buddha dhamma, arranging camp to convert people into Buddhism. BSO is a head of all Buddhist organizations in India. it's been more than 60 year's ago Indian people accepted the Buddhism in India, i've been research buddhism in India as a Buddhist monk since 2010, i found that Indian people's still have lack of knowledge and practice of the Buddha dharma and they still following the Hindu cultures and traditions, there should be need changes in our Indian cultures to develop our buddhist societies. 

Buddhism began in what is now in India and Nepal but today only about 7.5 million people practice the religion in India. Most Indian Buddhist live in the Himalayan region or southern India or near the Myanmar border. The Buddhism practiced in the north is mostly Tibetan Buddhism, similar to the form  practiced in Tibet, and the Buddhism in the south and north east is Teravada Buddhism which similar to form practiced in Sri Lanka, Thailand and Myanmar.

There is some people in India called them dalit they also converted themselves Hindu to Buddhism, mostly they follow the Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar taughts. thier buddhsim population in India is around 6.5 million in Maharashtra state.