Activity Stream

  • Luis Gonzaga Roger-Castillo

    Luis Gonzaga Roger-Castillo edited their profile information.

    Edited on May 23, 2024

  • Luis Gonzaga Roger-Castillo

    Luis Gonzaga Roger-Castillo two new peers:

  • Luis Gonzaga Roger-Castillo

    Luis Gonzaga Roger-Castillo two new peers:

  • Luis Gonzaga Roger-Castillo

    Luis Gonzaga Roger-Castillo edited their profile information.

    Edited on March 31, 2023

  • Luis Gonzaga Roger-Castillo

    Luis Gonzaga Roger-Castillo changed their profile image.

    Changed at March 31, 2023

  • Luis Gonzaga Roger-Castillo

    Luis Gonzaga Roger-Castillo three new peers:

  • Excelr Tuhin

    Excelr Tuhin has one new peer:

  • Luis Gonzaga Roger-Castillo

    Luis Gonzaga Roger-Castillo joined two communities:

    Added on June 01, 2021

  • Excelr Tuhin crushedicemaker

    Excelr Tuhin changed the profile image of the community crushedicemaker.

    Changed on May 19, 2020

  • crushedicemaker

    Excelr Tuhin posted an update in crushedicemaker

    Guide to choosing the best sound towers

    The columns and towers sounds are one of the essential components for home multimedia, especially to integrate with the TV lounge. It is also a Christmas gift par excellence, ideal for parents, siblings, for a friend. Here we are going to help you f...More

  • Excelr Tuhin crushedicemaker

    Excelr Tuhin created the community crushedicemaker.

    Created at May 19, 2020

  • ExcelrTuhin

    ExcelrTuhin starred an update by ExcelrTuhin

    How to sell a home if the owner recently passed away

    Starred at March 31, 2020

  • Excelr Tuhin

    Excelr Tuhin added the interest dd.

    Added on March 31, 2020

  • Excelr Tuhin

    Excelr Tuhin changed their profile image.

    Changed at March 31, 2020

  • Excelr Tuhin

    Excelr Tuhin posted a new update…

    How to sell a home if the owner recently passed away


    Selling the home of someone who has recently passed away can be tricky, as the selling customer, who is regularly a relative, is not at the best time. Here we give you some tips to achieve the sale of that property

    Remember that you are not only...More
