Anne Mungai’s Updates

Multicultural and Diversity Issues

Anne M Mungai & Devin Thornburg EdS (2016). High Need Schools: Changing the Dialogue. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Adeniji-Neill, Dolapo & Mungai, Anne (Eds). (2016). Written in her own voice: Auto- ethno-edu biographies of Women in Education. USA, UK, Brussels: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

Caracciolo, D.M. and Mungai A. M. In the Spirit of Ubuntu: Stories of Teaching and Learning (Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2009).

Mungai, Anne and Kogan Esther. The Pathways to Inclusion: Voices from the Field. University Press of America, 2005,

Mungai, Anne. In Rethinking Childhood: Growing up and schooling for females in rural Kenya. Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.2002