About Derrick Hudson


  • I am trained in International Relations and Religious Studies and explore the dynamics of religion in American society.


  • Colorado School of Mines
    • Associate Teaching Professor
    • Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
    • Present
  • Colorado School of Mines
    • Director, Graduate Program in Natural Resources and Energy Policy (NREP)
    • Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
    • 1500 Illinois Street
    • August 2010 to Present


  • University of Denver
    • Ph.D.
    • August 1992 to August 2004

    Doctoral degree in International Relations from the Josef Korbel School of International Studies (JKSIS), with an emphasis in International Politics, Comparative Politics, and African Studies. Dissertation research focused on the roles of three faith traditions and their interaction with the apartheid state of South Africa from 1910-2000. Have completed graduate work at the Iliff School of Theology, a master's degree from the University of Central Oklahoma, study abroad with the Thomas More College of Liberal Arts in Rome, Italy, and a bachelor of science from the U.S. Air Force Academy.


  • International Relations And Affairs


  • South Sudan Governance
