Justin Tomaska’s Scholar Publications

  • 2398551626702722

    Drugs and Their Impact on Diverse Student Populations

    Published by EPOL 486 SU21 on August 12, 2021

  • 2398551625436066

    The Use of Detracking to ReIntegrate High Schools

    Published by EPOL 486 SU21 on August 08, 2021

  • 2398551618968593

    Creating a New Game in Physical Education

    Published by EPOL 582 SP21 on May 15, 2021

  • 2398551617502340

    Use of Mode Switching in Driver Education

    Published by EPOL 582 SP21 on April 21, 2021

  • 2398551613952522

    Understanding Nutrition for High School Students

    Published by EPOL 534 SP21 on March 25, 2021

  • 2398551611872734

    Using FitnessGram to Help Students Reach Their Goals

    Published by EPOL 534 SP21 on February 24, 2021

  • 2398551605376372

    Creating an Individual Workout During a Pandemic

    Published by EPSY 559 FA20 on December 14, 2020

  • 2398551603655250

    Can New Technology Bring Simulators Back In The Driver Education Classroom

    Published by EPSY 559 FA20 on November 18, 2020

  • 2398551602087593

    Using Google Classroom to Provide Authentic Education

    Published by EPOL 481 FA20 on October 20, 2020

  • 2398551598477270

    Physical Education: A Model for New Learning?

    Published by EPOL 481 FA20 on September 28, 2020