Elif Turkes Basaran’s Updates

Update 1: Ubiquitous learning

Ubiquitous learning has become popular due to the current Covid-19 pandemic conditions. In this concept, learning can be done anywhere at any time with different devices and techniques.

Ubiquitous Computing is one of learning dimension includes personal technological devices like computers, laptops and mobile phones that make the ground of the Ubiquitous learning (Cope&Kalantzis, 2010).

Personal devices and large data usage bring cloud computing into our lives. With cloud systems, students reach and repeat the lessons easily anywhere, anytime. Maybe this type of education should have been adopted long ago. With the way of learning everywhere, both students and educators can feel more accessible and more comfortable. In addition, with this type of training, learning can be reinforced by scanning the web during or after learning (Strielkowski, 2020). With this point of view, the blended learning concept has developed. For more information about this type of learning, you can watch the video.

Media embedded September 8, 2021

Social media started to contain more and more information day by day. With this education system, the benefits of the internet can be used easily. In the old education system, the negative elements were only the dependence on the books and the information in the classroom. With the new education style, students are encouraged to do more research. Data can get out of the school more easily. Although many teachers and students who transitioned to the new learning order with the pandemic had difficulties in the first place, they started to develop themselves in terms of technology day by day.

After keeping up with the technology, we come across many collaborative working platforms. We can do group work in face-to-face education with these platforms in distance education.

With these technologies used, lifelong learning and development processes can continue as information is constantly available and updated. Beyond that, visual schools and environments where you feel like you are coming to school have also begun to be created. It is unknown how long it will be to return to the old systems after getting used to the comfort of the developing learning techniques today. However, I still think that these technological environments will continue to be used. In addition, the freedom it provides to people cannot be ignored.

- Kalantzis M, Cope B. Learning by Design. E-Learning and Digital Media. 2010;7(3):198-199.
- Strielkowski, W. (2020). COVID-19 pandemic and the digital revolution in academia and higher education. Preprints, 2020040290.