Tom New’s Updates

Cross Post from HRD 572 | Update 6: Metacognition, Self-Regulation, and Draftback

This is a retro post from HRD 572. Make an update introducing a collaborative intelligence concept on the community page. Define the concept and provide at least one example of the concept in practice.

Self-regulated learning is an extremely important aspect of metacognition. It refers to a learner's ability to understand and control one’s own learning environment. Efficient self-regulators actively work to improve their skills in task management, deciphering what steps they must take in completing a goal/task, and self-monitoring their persistence, even when confronted with decreasing motivation. More specific to metacognition, self-regulated learners can express knowledge not only as something declarative but they can explain why and when to use a particular strategy or skill.

The graphic below helps illustrate some of the processes that self-regulated learners go through. In each of the phases, it is readily apparent how metacognition comes into play. For example in the Performance Phase there are aspects of self-control and self observation. The learner is really guiding the process of learning. The Self Reflection Phase is more about reflection and thinking about how well they performed on something. This leads into the Forethought Phase where the learner will combine the previous two phases to decide the next course of action. Each phase is really building off the previous, and even the previous complete cycle. An interesting aside I just thought about, there are some really big parallels with things like PBL and the Design Process here.

In practice, a tool that really can help out here is the Google Chrome Extension “DraftBack”. This simple extension is active only when in Google Docs, and will show the reader (or anybody shared on the document) a video replay of how the google doc came to be. I first used it as a plagiarism tool with students because it would show large chunks of paragraphs getting pasted in vs real-time typing and correcting.

Media embedded July 13, 2022

Then there was an Ah-ha moment between my studuents and myself when I realized how huge this was for a student to compare their first draft to their final draft. Draftback would show students the types of corrections they made based on feedback. It became a huge tool for students to self-reflect one the types of corrections and improvements they were doing even before they got the final grade back. This lead to whole class discussion about what types of corrections and improvements really make a difference when going from first to final draft. It didn’t always provide a perfect analytic, but it did add a huge opportunity for teaching students some important aspects of self-reflection and metacognition.


Conde Gafaro, B., 2019. Exploring Self-Regulated Language Learning with MOOCs. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2019(1), p.14. DOI: