Tehosterihens Deer’s Updates

Week 12

When we are in relationships many people automatically assume we mean an intimate one. Yet, we can have relationships with many people as friends or family. Some people get the mix up of lovers and friends, usually when one person gets feelings with another. I enjoyed this topic because many are unaware of social cues and many presume that both people in a relationship are friends. Uusually friendships are based on a sort of intimacy where one opens up about their past and life, opening a vulnerable place that one doesn't often do. As the professor said "A friendship-based intimacy is based on feelings of warmth, understanding, and emotional connection. A passion-based intimacy is based on romantic and sexual feelings." 

Both types of relationships have 'A friendship-based intimacy is based on feelings of warmth, understanding, and emotional connection' and that is where people get confused when they question friends or lovers?, because some can get the wrong impression. I found a youtube clip that explained the difference and how to engage in proper communications. 
