Tehosterihens Deer’s Updates

week 10

This week we examined relationships through a variety of forms from personal to educational. I belive that relationships between teams from the authors point of view is lookingat viability (diadic) and how we should expect certain things. 


viabilty as defined by the author is the need to work or be produjctive succesfully and i personally belive we all thrive for this. Especially in team scenarios where the end goal is to achvie a good grade while making a lating impression from the course. In teams we expect a certain amount of trust and willingness from each meber to acheive thew common goal of passing or completing a project. The author also examines the idea of trust and heavily emphesizes how we in teams when there is trust, there is a stronger bond. The reading connected with me based on personal expeirnce with groups. Ive xperienced the bad and good from teams and it all depends on how confident and how motivated each member is to complete the course/work. Ive been the leader for most groups because i have an understanding of whats happening and how we can resolve things as a unit.