Taylor Sandweg’s Updates

  • Neuroplasticity (Fantastic Elastic Brain)

    Learning, in the neuroscientific perspective, is all about how the brain changes and adapts. However this is a relatively new concept which originated from the 1980s due to scientists’ perceptions that brain development was fixed at a certain point...More

  • Constructivism and the RAN Strategy

    The constructivism approach to learning really emphases student’s using their prior knowledge to help them construct new knowledge. KWL charts are a classic teaching tool that in my opinion were revamped with constructivism in mind in the new RAN st...More

  • Classical Conditioning in Pop Culture

    Even through all of my high school and college course on psychology, I can credit “The Office” with my favorite example of classical conditioning. Jim Helpart, in his series long quest to annoy Dwight as much as possible, classically conditions him...More