About Sarah El Mokadem


  • I graduated from the department of Mass Communication (Radio and TV), the Faculty of Al-Alsun and Mass Communication at Misr International University in 2005 and have been working there ever since as a teaching assistant then senior teaching assista...More


  • Misr International University
    • Assistant Professor
    • Mass Communication
    • September 2005 to Present


  • Cairo University
    • PhD
    • January 2012 to August 2016

    The Uses of Mobile Phone Applications in Transmitting News and Information and It’s credibility Among the Users

  • Cairo University
    • Masters
    • September 2005 to April 2011

    My thesis title was "Structural and Editorial Features in the News Reports in Specialized Satellite News Channels: A Comparative Study"

  • Misr International University
    • Bachelor
    • September 2001 to May 2005

    Major Radio and TV and Minor Advertising and PR
