Rose Springall’s Updates

Week 3 Update

Dealing with conflict in different cultural context can pose its challenges, especially when dealing with high vs. low context cultures. Every culture is different in what they view as respectful or not. When communicating with people from different cultural backgrounds, it's important to keep in mind the differences and not be judgemental. 

Media embedded March 26, 2024
Media embedded March 26, 2024

This video is a great example of how different behaviors and gestures have different meanings in different cultures. It's a challenge and a barrier, but something that can be overcome when working together. It's important to go into a situation like this with an open mind and ready to ask questions. It'll show you respect the other person and don't want to offend anyone. It can be an adjustment for those who have little to no experience with people from different cultures, but it's a great learning experience, and using these tactics can help strengthen relations and be more effective towards the end goal. 

This illustration is showing eye contact and I discuss this culutral gesture in my FlipGrid video. In America, maintaining eye contact is seen as a sign of respect and shows the other person you are listening. On the contrary, in cultures such as Japan, it is seen as a form of disrespect and aggression. This is something I never realized and highlights just how important it is to be aware of these differences.