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How to change lanes correctly and safely when there is slush on the road

Snowfalls are one of the insidious natural phenomena in winter. Visibility, grip, handling deteriorate significantly. In this regard, the speed of vehicles also decreases. But even this measure, sometimes, is not enough to safely complete the rebuilding maneuver. And it becomes a real challenge, especially for beginners.

The grip coefficient on winter roads tends to zero. The situation is exacerbated by improperly selected tires. For some reason, many people mistakenly believe that Velcro is a great alternative to spikes: they say, they are no worse, and most importantly, cheaper. But that's not what we're talking about today. And about how to act when you need to change lanes from one lane to another at all costs, and under the wheels there is snow porridge formed as a result of the incessant snowfall.

First, you really need to reduce your speed, trying not to get out of the flow. So if you travel long distances and you will come across a path that has not been cleared with snow. To drive a truck with a large load on its back, the instructors give a hint that on snowy roads the truck should go into a skid and this is very dangerously. It is better to skip the hurry-ups, giving them a place in the left lane. And it’s better for you to move at a speed that is more comfortable for you and for the road users around you.

The second rule is that in snowfalls and with porridge under the wheels, in no case take your hands off the steering wheel.It must be held with both hands, grasping, as they say, at 3 and 9 o'clock. By holding the steering wheel with both hands, you will not lose control if your car suddenly hits an ice gouge or tries to get out of the rut.

Thirdly, all your movements in the winter should be smooth. This applies to pressing the gas pedal, and braking, and manipulating the steering wheel. No need to build a rally driver, drifter and other homegrown "Schumachers" out of yourself. Your task is at least to get to your destination safe and sound. Therefore, you should not jerk the steering wheel sharply and make daring maneuvers.

Pedals also work quietly. Believe me, no one will appreciate your show off, except for the police group, when you arrange an accident with your thoughtless actions. So, calmness, and once again calmness. We chose the direction, turned on the turn signal, assessed the situation, and calmly, on even gas, we move in the intended direction, firmly holding the steering wheel.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the type of truck drive. On full- and front-wheel drive trucks, it is easier to change lanes. It is enough to provide the wheels with traction, and the truck itself will take out in the indicated direction. The main thing is not to let go of the steering wheel, gently steering it if the truck starts to pull.

With rear-wheel drive, the main thing is not to overdo it with gas. As a rule, modern rear-wheel drive trucks are equipped with a sensitive stabilization system, which, having sensed the beginnings of a skid, stops it, cutting off excess traction, and stabilizing the car with a brake system. But there are exceptions - the domestic auto industry. And this is where you have to be very careful.If the skid nevertheless began to develop, you need to win it back by yourself, dropping the excess gas, and stabilizing the car with the steering wheel by turning the steering wheels in the direction of the skid.

Remember: winter driving requires much more attention and concentration. Do not underestimate the snow-covered road. Otherwise, it can give you a lot of unpleasant surprises.

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