Nobuko Fujita’s Updates

Proposed Course Title: Digital Storytelling in Higher Education

It has taken me a while to figure out the Scholar site, so I am finally getting a handle on managing my notifications and getting going on my course outline!

The title of the course I would like to design is tentatively called "Digital Storytelling in Higher Education." The course will be developed as a set of open access modules and intended to engage undergraduate courses across all disciplines in digital storytelling in ways that they can identify with and incorporate into their own academic practice and everyday lives. It is intended to provide students with a critical lens through which to evaluate their experience with stories, the stories that they tell themselves and the narrative that they construct as their identity. It also has applications for instructors who may be teaching courses on storytelling, communication or journalism who can use it as a resource in credit courses. The module will be approximately 36 hours of contact time with the learning content (excluding time spent on self or further study), which is roughly equivalent to a full course.

  • Nobuko Fujita
  • Emily Rose Purser