Mireia Cano’s Updates

Assignment 1

According to the HNO, 1,2 million people need support. Since it describes how the conflict has markedly impacted local economies, particularly in Ninewa and Kirkuk Governorates, where many businesses have closed down, and unemployment and poverty levels have increased, I would prioritise that the RGA explores the AOI 1,2, 3 and 6.

This would help us understand how the emergency has affected the division of labor, how it has redefined household decision-making and the control of productive assets as well as key trends affecting the control over one’s body.

The Gender in Brief provides information from before the crisis about specific gender roles for men and women within the home and how in previous times of insecurity, “Gender Role Swaps” have been documented when men were unable
to leave the home resulting in women and boys going out to provide for the family. It is therefore important to understand how the current crisis has changed these roles. In a context of less employment, more poverty and limited
resources people are going to have to use coping mechanisms to survive, and the selected AOIs will help us understanding the risk of negative coping mechanisms (i.e. early marriage, transactional sex, drug use, etc.) and
promote positive ones, including the importance of continued control over one’s body.