Maria Donoso’s Updates

Optional Update #5 - Artificial Intelligence In Education

Undoubtedly, one of the innovation points that affect and will affect education even more is the application of artificial intelligence and its integration into teaching.

Although it sounds futuristic, AI is already here, for everyone's use. With programs like ChatGPT, Google Bard, Midjourney and the magical functions of Canva, artificial intelligence (AI) is fast becoming part of our daily lives, transforming sectors and reshaping the way we work, learn and communicate. It is and will undoubtedly be a key tool in the future. A number of questions arise, as this technology is not yet highly regulated, such as. How will it affect its implementation in teaching systems? How can it be bounded or data control, etc. however, and despite all the issues, no doubt AI of great help. In this text I will only give a single example of all the disruptive possibilities offered by AI.

The adaptation of AI as a tool to support the needs of learners:

One of its main applications will be those of individualized learning levels, in which AI analyzes learning processes along with strengths and weaknesses, to create tailored programming or propose resources to support learning.

This type of tailored education could be a machine-assisted solution to help students of different levels work together in a classroom, with teachers facilitating learning and offering help and support when needed. Adaptive learning has already had a huge impact on education across the country, and as AI advances in the coming decades, adaptive programs like these are likely to only improve and expand.

Analysis based on UNESCO article " Generative AI and the future of education"
