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Switch To A Minimalist Phone And Start Living In The Real World Again

Only about 15 years ago, mobile phone functions were limited to as little as making calls and sending text messages. However, in a very short span of time, technology has rapidly accelerated and mobile devices are now powerful pocket computers. Mobile phones are now almost exclusively referred to as smartphones- and ‘smart’ in every sense of the term.

They keep you connected to people all over the world and not by voice alone, by social media, text, video conferencing and so much more. In our daily lives, smartphones are our personal navigators, they offer recommendations to what products and services we might like. Plus they bring together the best features of entertainment, movies, TV, music, and gaming to name a few. So long as you carry your smartphones with you, there are no chances of getting bored.

Are You Being Controlled By Your Smart Phone?

No, this isn’t some Orwellian article that is going to talk about hacks and mind control. It’s just a case of us getting you to think about when and how your smartphone is taking your time. As entertaining as it may seem to be, it is not without its own set of potential issues.

Alarming new surveys indicate that as smartphone usage has spread around the world that a large portion of the population today may suffer from phone addiction or digital addiction. A digital addiction is a state where one feels compelled to use their phones even as they know it is interfering with their lives or impacting them in a negative way.

Many may dismiss the term thinking that it is best suited to teenagers who are constantly hooked to their phones. But that’s not the case, it affects a lot more of us than you might realize. Think about it, do you really need to check your email at 10 pm? Staying constantly on your smartphones even if you think you have “a reason”, maybe a symptom of digital addiction.

Digital Detox And Breaking The Habit

Like every other kind of addiction, digital addiction also requires detoxification. Though the most reasonable step would be to cut down on the use of phones, that can be a hard balance to strike. Sure, we need our mobile phones, but how and when we use them is what makes all the difference.

As well as it being a habit that can cause stress in our personal relationships as we pay more attention to our mobiles than our family, it can also cause physical and psychological changes. Anxiety, poor sleep, and extreme mood swings can all be symptoms of digital addiction.

Time For A Switch

The obvious question that has popped up in your mind now is of course what should be done then. Perhaps the key lies in striking the right balance whereby you enjoy the benefits of technology without letting it take a toll on your health. A popular choice that is gaining momentum is moving away from smartphones and switch to a minimalist phone.

The Best non-smart phone caters to all the basic needs of a phone without providing you with sources of entertainment within the phone. It thus cuts down your unhealthy relationship with your phones and gives you a push back to your life in the real world.

Minimalist Phones With Maximum Benefits

Though switching your phone may sound like a small step it actually has far-reaching effects. First, unlike a traditional detox, it takes away your concern of missing out important updates, you still have a phone. It still offers core and advanced functionality on some models that you control as and when you need it. You don’t need to go cold turkey, you can’t do that in the 21st century.

People who have moved to a stylish basic phone have experienced some profound changes while not missing out on the needs the phone offers. Email – yes you need it and have it, text, of course, the ability to speak to someone – absolutely. But do you really need a card game, a role-play game, YouTube and more?

Yes, you may need the internet….but the challenge is, do you need it on your phone? If you do, then some of the more advanced minimalist phones allow you to toggle that on and off as you need it.

Those making the move from smartphones to dumbphones have noticed some amazing impacts across their lives. Some have recorded better sleep patterns than Smartphone users. Some have felt calmer, had greater clarity and felt released. Not only that but it will also improve your relationships with the people around you. Being able to focus without distraction can feel like a breath of fresh air. So switch today and free yourself from the clutches of technology- because life improves when you live it in the real world.