Mary Spreitzer’s Updates

Update 5: Project/Problem-Based Learning

At one of my previous places of employment, the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, as a state institution we were charged with two main purposes:

  • the primary role of the Academy is to offer a uniquely challenging education for students talented in the areas of mathematics and science. Bothe high school and college levels of instruction will be provided in order to assure appropriate linkage with higher education.
  • the Academy shall also carry a responsibility to stimulate further excellence for all Illinois schools in mathematics and science.

The outreach responsibility is exercised through several means and, for many years, the flagship program was the PBL professional development program.

Professional development in Problem-Based Learning (PBL) through the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy is designed for educators in all disciplines to aid them as they design and develop effective PBL materials and become skillful coaches in K-16 classrooms and education settings. IMSA’s PBL team works directly with educational partners to design a program to fulfill the partner’s specific vision for the institution. This often includes a multi-year plan allowing teams to progress from an introduction to PBL through developing a self-sustaining culture of PBL with a multi-tiered coaching team.

The Problem-Based Learning Design Institutes provide participants with experience as PBL learners engaged in a problem. From this experience, the participants analyze the critical elements of IMSA’s PBL model through dialogue with fellow participants and facilitators. They apply this knowledge as they engage in the design process for a problem to be used in their own classrooms. Participants receive instruction and mentoring from a team of experienced PBL practitioners.