Marie Botkin’s Scholar Publications

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    Medieval Manuscript Illuminations and Fashion Change

    Published by The Arts in Society on March 26, 2015

  • G12 c

    The Evolution of Fashion Media

    Published by Design Principles and Practices on November 15, 2014

  • A12 c

    Costume and Representation

    Published by The Arts in Society on June 29, 2013

  • G09 4

    CAD Web Enhancements for Fashion Design

    Published by Design Principles and Practices on June 10, 2009

  • A08 4

    Working Space

    Published by The Arts in Society on February 18, 2009

  • H07 2

    Lartigue: The Photographer of Modern Life

    Published by New Directions in the Humanities on September 27, 2007