Lacey Stone’s Updates

  • The Trouble with Rubrics

    According to Kohn, there are more than a few reasons that teachers should detest the use of rubrics in the classroom due to their efforts to standardize student writing output. Furthermore, he stated that, “improving the design of rubrics, or invent...More

  • Mentor Text for Teaching Innovation Article

    The article I chose is one that I recently read for a different class. This article came to mind immediately after reviewing the teaching innovation guidelines and finding out that we would be selecting a mentor text as it stood out to me prior to l...More

  • Theories of Writing

    The multi-literacies theory was originally developed in contrast to what is traditionally referred to as literacy in the singular, which is learning the standard form of a national language. People were recognizing that this type of literacy did not...More

  • My Experience/Ideas Related to Sociocultural Theory

    At first, I felt enthusiastic about sharing the ways that my school writing experiences related to sociocultural understandings of writing, but then I realized that most of them didn’t. I can think of very few writing experiences, tasks, or activiti...More