Kathryn McLachlan’s Updates

Connection on the move

The increasing mobility of populations, both locally and globally generates challenges in understanding people’s relationship to place, and how that is thought about, when people are constantly on the move. Inquiry through a lens of mobility is designed to build awareness of the relationship between the local and global in the construction of place in urban centers (Stedman & Ardoin, 2013). The research is framed around two broad questions:

What makes a positive difference to enhancing the safety, health and well-being of individuals, groups, organisations and the community, while on the move in the Macquarie Park precinct?
What factors influence cultural change and the creation of a sense of place that are generalizable across urban transit contexts?

The aim of the research project is to enhance the health, safety, well-being, and stewardship behaviours of people, in the Macquarie Park (Sydney) precinct, by creating a sense of connection and belonging to place, nature, and community. Understanding people’s perception and perspectives on connection to self, each other and nature while traversing a range of social and geographic networks will help to inform strategies that strengthening resilience and wellbeing. Diverse modes of transport (e.g. rail, bus, driving, cycling, walking) provides dynamic forms through which these ideas can be explored. In addition, the nature of urban transport systems and their locations, technological systems, and natural environments, provide a web of connections across cities and places.