Kelly McCauley’s Updates

Sociocultural Update

I don't have too many memories of writing early on in school, but the ones that do stand out are the times when we made stories. I remember making one in first grade and journaling in third grade and learning how to write five paragraph papers in fifth grade. I think I remember wriing the book in first grade because I kept it. I do remember journaling. At the time I knew that the journal was one that the teacher would check, so I half wrote for me and half wrote for her. I think she only checked it occasionally. Learning how to write the five paragraph essay was different. The teacher checked our work frequently and there was a prescribed method of learning. I don't really remember writing to many other audiences besides myself and my teacher. I grew up in a small town that was lacking in diversity, so my perspective was never challenged and we all seemed to be on the same page. I'm sure we wrote different genres, but the connection between reading and writing was never made clear. We didn't use mentor texts or teacher samples. I don't really remember writing too much fiction, although I'm sure I did. I only remember writing personal narratives, persuasive essays, and research papers. I don't remember doing any workshop or peer editing, it all came from the teacher. 

After reading these sociocultural articles, here are some thoughts that I would like to implement next year.

1. Try to broaden audiences. I would like to do more writing with authentic audiences. Next year, I want to try to have different pen pals that students can write to throughout the year. 

2. I would like to implement mentor texts to help teach different types of writing and different types of voices. I loved using mentor texts in reading, but I would like to make a better connection between our reading and our writing. 

3. I want to give writing more time. This year writing always felt difficult to fit in and that's not how I wanted it to be. I want them to have time discover their voices and explore different ways to express themselves and grow in their writing style.