Karen Schmitz’s Updates

  • Update 3: Collective Intelligence; From Caves to the "Cloud"

    Collective intelligence features the collaboration individuals in a group setting to bolster creativity, strengthen ideas, and come up with solutions that each individual would typically be unable to produce on their own. One might describe collecti...More

  • Update 4: Social Conditioning & Sport

    Among the socio-behavioral learning areas of greatest interest to me is the sociology of sport. First and foremost, sport has long been ingrained in members of society as not just an outlet for emotion, but also as an entertainment and passion for m...More

  • Update 2: The Effects of Diet on Student Learning

    As an elementary physical education teacher, I have witnessed firsthand in my career the effects of diet on student learning and behavior. I will admit, however that any effects I have noticed are anecdotal at best. In researching recent studies reg...More

  • Update 1: Skinner, Pavlov, and Conditioning for Decision Making

    Decision-making and behavior responses have long been a compelling concept to me. That being said, I believe students to be perhaps more nuanced that dogs hearing bells and associating with food as classical behaviorist Pavlov proved possible. As wi...More