Joseph Recupero’s Updates

Celebrating our first graduates of the Sport Media Program at Ryerson University

We are finally in the fouth year of our new Sport Media program at Ryerson University and will see our first graduating class at Convocation this June! We are extremely excited to see them take the next steps in their careers - some going to graduate studies and Law School and others already working in the sport media industry at various media outlets and broadcasters such as CBC Sports; TSN; Sportsnet, Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment as well as sports, teams, leagues and federations such as the CFL and Toronto FC soccer. We just held an industry networking night with the students two weeks ago and it was titled: "Ready to Launch" - and they definitely are !

Myself and colleague - Professor Lauel Walzak will be attending the Sport and Society conference in Miama this summer and look forward to meeting more colleagues in the sport area and we look forward to hosting the 2019 edition of the Sport and Society Conference at our school - Ryerson University - next year.