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Thesis Proposal

How to Get Started

A thesis proposal is basically an outline of the research that is going to be presented. In this way, it is not unlike a blueprint for a building. The clearer that the outline is laid out, the more likely it is that the thesis will be thoughtful and professional. A clear and well written thesis proposal is much more likely to be approved and the final paper is also more likely to be accepted. The challenge in developing a thesis proposal lies in determining which topic is going to be presented. It is generally the job of the student to find a topic that deserves extended study.

There are five parts that should generally be included in any thesis proposal. The first, and often most difficult, component of any thesis proposal is developing and presenting the hypothesis or questions that are going to be addressed by the final paper. A second important aspect should be the research that is going to be performed followed by any prior research that has already been done. It is also a good idea to include the methodology that is going to be used in the research. Finally, the potential outcomes and the importance of the research should be presented.

If the topic cannot be presented the form of a hypothesis, the student must state the controversial argumentative essay topics in very precise terms rather than presenting it vaguely. It will also be necessary to justify why the particular topic was chosen and the student may even have to prove why their thesis proposal is worthy of the time and energy that will be required to research it further. A good way to prove the subject’s worthiness is to provide documentation from an authority regarding the need for extended research on the topic. The individual will also need to have a solid grasp of what has already been research on the topic.

It is very important for the individual presenting the thesis proposal to explain exactly how they plan to research the topic. The methodology that the student plans to use should be explained to the committee or individual in charge of approving the thesis proposal. This will help show that the student as a clear understanding of what is necessary and that they have a plan in place with regards to how additional information is going to be gathered. When it comes to presenting a thesis proposal, it is vital that the individual present him or herself in a professional manner.

  • Verona    May Axelson