Heli Irmeli Koskinen’s Scholar Publications

  • L12 i

    From Constructivism to Realism

    Published by The Learner on February 05, 2014

  • I12 socialandcommunity

    Learning Rural Practice and Constructing the Reality of the Rural Veterinarian by Veterinary Students

    Published by Interdisciplinary Social Sciences on January 23, 2014

  • I11 6

    Social Representations of Co-operation between Authorities

    Published by Interdisciplinary Social Sciences on February 14, 2012

  • I10 1

    From Synchronous Face-to-Face Communication to Asynchronous Online Interaction

    Published by Interdisciplinary Social Sciences on June 25, 2010

  • H10 1

    Working Alone or Working Together?

    Published by New Directions in the Humanities on June 07, 2010