Helene Cristini’s Scholar Publications

  • H12 c

    Ortega y Gasset

    Published by New Directions in the Humanities on December 25, 2013

  • H11 9

    The Spiritual Approach to the Body through the Sari in India

    Published by New Directions in the Humanities on April 24, 2012

  • N11 1

    Hegemonies can be Empowered when Spiritual Values Rally Cultural Values

    Published by Religion in Society on June 08, 2011

  • I09 5

    An Enlightened Education: To Reform the Current Paradigm

    Published by Interdisciplinary Social Sciences on October 30, 2009

  • H07 12

    Islam, a Religion of Equilibrium, should Contribute to Peace

    Published by New Directions in the Humanities on June 10, 2008

  • L07 12

    The Educator Holds the Duty of the Philosopher King

    Published by The Learner on June 04, 2008

  • I07 3

    How the Essential Jewish Concept of Education Holds an Essential Role in Improving Ethics in the Republik

    Published by Interdisciplinary Social Sciences on November 16, 2007

  • Hs7 1

    Ethics and a Sense of Absolute should not be Divorced from Knowledge

    Published by New Directions in the Humanities on September 05, 2007

  • H06 2

    How Ethics Meet Politics

    Published by New Directions in the Humanities on November 08, 2006

  • H05 7

    Metonyms Contained within Ontologies on Homeland Security

    Published by New Directions in the Humanities on September 01, 2006