Hadeel Farahat Abdel Sabour’s Updates

The Impact of colours on different seasonal colour types

As a part of the Mother Nature, our inner makeup fits into the rhythmic patterns found in the seasonal cycle. Our personal colouring can also be classified into different groups that relate to seasonal colour. Colour influences every level of our existence and in order to be healthy and happy we need a balanced life-giving colours flowing through our systems. Colour is not only a physical force but a spiritual one too, as it belongs to the physical world but its invisible qualities allow it to penetrate the spiritual realms. Most of people do not know their seasonal type, so lots of them cannot choose their colours properly, which reflects their outlook and mood. In this research, we help people find the simplest way to identify their seasonal classification and choose colours that best suit their look and boost energy level. The research demonstrates the different seasonal types, colour schemes for different types, and suggested designs that fit each type. We need to understand the relation between our seasonal colour type and our outfit colours in order to use them effectively.