Greg Jack’s Updates

Reacting to feedback - just to share

I've been really struck by how strongly I find myself reacting to some negative feedback I got on my course announcement. I had two pieces, one extremely negative and one that pointed out it's weaknesses but which was more measured - but of course I can only think about the negative one... The announcement was far from perfect, but I'm confident it was a fair effort given the time constraints. 

It leaves me wondering about how facilitators can influence group norms in these kind of online settings. I know that many people have talked a lot in the media about online conduct, but as I don't normally engage online it's never affected me. In a face-to-face setting, I can give nuanced guidance (through modelling, for example) on the kind of interaction, use of language, etc. that's appropriate. I can move to small groups to separate people who don't get on (or use their disagreement to learn positively - but I have the choice). I'm not sure how to do that online - banning/moderating away comments seems too much of an either/or solution, rather than helping to create and shape the norms of interaction. 

What do you all think?