David Davin’s Scholar Publications

  • 2363011587457275

    Failure to Launch

    Published by EPOL 486 SU21 on August 12, 2021

  • 2363011587457275

    UDL for All

    Published by EPOL 486 SU21 on August 12, 2021

  • 2363011589232337

    The Revolutionary Act of Transposition

    Published by EPOL 590 SU21 on August 04, 2021

  • 2363011587457275

    Transposing the Classroom Narrative

    Published by EPOL 590 SU21 on August 04, 2021

  • 2363011587457275

    Personal Narrative Learning Module

    Published by HRD 572 SP20 EdD on May 16, 2020

  • 2363011589232337

    Witnessing in the Classroom

    Published by HRD 572 SP20 EdD on May 14, 2020