Dallas Bibbs’s Updates

Update 1: Schoolwide SEL: SEL Integrated with Academic Instruction

Media embedded August 24, 2022

It is important to know the importance of using Social and Emotional Learning properly in the classroom. This video explains how SEL can be integrated with academic instructions. Teachers today have to be willing to use critical thinking in the learning environment. I agree with this video because it talks about the importance of building a relationship in the classroom to understand students' social and emotional needs. Teachers need to be emphatic so students feel comfortable in the classroom environment to express themselves. In my experience as a high school teacher, I have built relationships with students that have helped them improve in and out of the classroom. Many teachers are overwhelmed with the pressure of classroom management, common core standards, peer observation, and the school environment.

You have to have classroom management in order to be successful in using SEL in the classroom. I use my military experience to reinforce classroom management and this helps to build a classroom environment where they feel safe and they know they are held accountable for their behavior. Using SEL to integrate with academic instruction the right way can improve the classroom and schoolwide learning environment. I would encourage teachers to be more creative in the classroom to learn more about the students which leads to building a better relationship and understanding of the sstudent'sneeds.


ThinkTVPBS. "Schoolwide SEL: SEL Integrated with Academic Instruction." YouTube. YouTube, 12 Aug. 2020. Web. 24 Aug. 2022.