David Whitley’s Updates

Week 6 Update

Educational Psychology

When I think of the learning sciences there are always several things that come to mind. One of the biggest for me is cultural-psychology. There are a lot of different cultures in the world, and it is nearly impossible to connect with them all. However, with educational psychology we can actual get a solid understanding of how some of these cultures may interact. For example, people many not know how they look in certain attire, but with this concept it might be easy for someone to Photoshop themselves in different attire or with different. This could allow a white female to see how she might look in urban cornrow or micro-braids.

In addition, educational psychology might also help with understanding math equations such as Fibonacci sequence. According to one source “The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers in which each successive number in the sequence is obtained by adding the two previous numbers in the sequence. The sequence is named after the Italian mathematician Fibonacci. (Techopedia, 2008).

Educational-Psychology can lend a lot in the areas of interpretative concepts and theories. To start, if people understand something then it gives them meaning to the reason why. Relating back to the cornrows example, some people who have never worn cornrows might wonder who someone would do so. However, people might have a different insight if they found out the benefits such as the duration that hair stayed in place, or the coolness it brings to the scalp.


Techopedia. (2008). Fibonacci Sequence. Retrieved from Techopedia: https://www.techopedia.com/definition/15823/fibonacci-sequence