Christina Guevara’s Updates

Case Study Update #5

Writing Intervention

I am beginning a writing intervention with Jack this week. I would like to focus on writing an opinion/argument to support claims. Using our guided reading texts I would like Jack to create a substantial paragraph that includes the EIEIOh strategy. This will be a new strategy for Jack but he often lacks support and details in his written responses. During verbal conversations Jack still needs support and prompts to provide enough details/information when answering questions. Fisher, Bates & Gurvitz describe this strategy and skill to use with students who are needing interventions with “Reading and Writing Connections.” I am hoping that the modeling this new strategy will allow Jack to organize his thoughts and provide enough to answer a question completely. So far I have introduced this new strategy by modeling it with a familiar text Jack has read before. The question was, “What Motivated Jacob Riis and Sylvia Mendez to help others?” The students read two information paired texts to learn about how these two people contributed to helping others in their community. They need to use text evidence to support their answer. Using EIEIOh (Claim, Evidence, Interpretation Evidence, Interpretation and Oh their own voice) Jack will know how much to include in his response. After I modeled the new strategy I introduced the language frams for Jack to use. He will paste this in his Readers Response. 

  • Molly Mueller