Christina Guevara’s Updates

Case Study Update #3

This week I took time to really talk with Jake to get a better grasp on his motivation. I had an aha moment, finally! I asked Jake what his favorite book is and he responded, "None. I don't really have a favorite book." So then I asked what book do you enjoy reading the most? Again, he couldn't give me an answer. I asked him about the comic books that he reads and he finally said yes to Garfield and Calvin and Hobbes. Motivation is one intervention I want to begin along with the word study. I'm still trying to get a grasp on Jake's true motivation in school. During writing and social studies Jake often participates. He is engaged and always asking/answering questions. The tricky part is that when it comes to completing work (mostly written) he becomes extremely lazy. He never wants to put forth effort, only doing the minimum. How can I change this? What types of interventions can I use with him to increase motivation for written work? I have thought about a technology component as inventive. I also need to do follow up with his parents. I would like to know more about Jake's reading habits at home. I know Jake attends Arabic schools on the weekend and I would like to know more about what he does while he is there. 

  • Kelsey Outlaw