Carissa Davis’s Scholar Publications

  • 2751141668906635

    Utilizing Teen Teachers in Extension Programming

    Published by EPOL 581 FA22 on December 13, 2022

  • 2751141667082633

    Social Emotional Learning Practices Through a Culturally Responsive Lens

    Published by EPOL 581 FA22 on November 14, 2022

  • 2751141650742088

  • 2751141649024239

    The “Missing Piece” Social-Emotional Learning

    Published by ERAM 557 SP22 on April 22, 2022

  • 2751141644197879

    Are You Ready to Assess Social Emotional Development?

    Published by EPOL 534 SP22 on March 10, 2022

  • 2751141637356714

    Welcome to the Real World

    Published by EPSY 408 FA21 on December 10, 2021

  • 2751141635640616

    Understanding Emotional Intelligence, EQ

    Published by EPSY 408 FA21 on November 30, 2021

  • 2751141632694426

    Food Challenge For Teens

    Published by EPOL 481 FA21 on October 28, 2021

  • 2751141632685097

    Discover Your Social Emotional Skills

    Published by EPOL 580 FA21 on October 21, 2021

  • 2751141630701811

    Trauma, Resilience and Trauma-Informed Approaches

    Published by EPOL 481 FA21 on October 12, 2021