Amanda Hamilton’s Updates

Interactive Word Walls and Literacy Across the Curriculum

Media embedded May 2, 2021

Jackson, Julie. [The Science Toolkit]. (2016, November 10). Interactive Word Walls. [Video.] Youtube.

The video above explains that interactive word walls are student generated learning experiences, and tools toward content retention and comprehension. Jackson (2013; 2016) explains that interactive word walls have the structure of graphic organizers or data tables, target academic vocabulary and standards, must be student generated, show connections between concepts or ideas and artefacts/realia from learning inquiry and help students connect academic vocabulary with scientific concepts.

Harmon, et al., (2009) argue for the use of word walls beyond the elementary grades, as vocabulary instruction in middle and secondary school is centered on promoting word consciousness (p. 399). I think engaging students of all ages in the production of interactive word walls appeals to students and makes the content or material more interesting and accessible to diverse groups (ELLs, differently abled students, etc) while allowing them to make meaning multimodally with the inclusion of realia, text, pictures, or drawings. As Jackson (2016) notes, students are more likely to see the word wall as a resource when they are engaged in its development and aware of its purpose (p. 43).


Harmon, Janis M., Wood, Karen D., Hedrick, Wanda B., Vintinner, Jean & Terri Willeford. (2009). Interactive Word Walls: More than Just Reading the Writing on the Walls. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Learning, 52 (5), 398-408.

Jackson, Julie. [The Science Toolkit]. (2016, November 10). Interactive Word Walls. [Video.] Youtube.

Jackson, Julie & Narvaez, Rose. (2013). Interactive Word Walls. Science and Children, 51 (1), 42-49.