Andrew Edwards’s Updates

Community Update 5

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Image Prompt: the positives and opportunities of Artificial Intelligence vs the weakness of mankind

The above image is the AI generated image that was produced with my prompt. When creating a prompt, I wanted to highlight my personal thought about AI, and also my experiences with the peer reviews in this project. I had a high opinion of the AI review of my work. I thought it was detailed, thoughtful and thorough. It was able to give me feedback in a matter of minutes. Human reviewers aren't nearly as quick, detailed, or thorough. Humans take time, come in with biases, fail to understand, and get distracted. I think AI has the power to revolutionize our world, and especially education, and I think this course and review was a great example of this. Although I think there are strengths of humans that AI can't replicate, I appreciated and chose this image becuase it maintains some humanity, but is mostly automation. Automation is efficient, calculated, (mostly and hopefully) impartial, and tireless. A world and education system built of a majority of automation will be a successful one.